Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 159 Chapter 157 Keep up and catch

"Wish me luck."

Zhuang Xuteng left a smile for Morgana, then pushed open the manhole cover, slid it to one side, and then used his legs to push himself out. Above him was the bottom of the truck. You could see the moving parts covered with snow and mud, and Zhuang Xuteng crashed into the bottom of the truck.

Morgana's heart stopped for several beats. She was afraid that Zhuang Xuteng would make a mistake and his head would be rolled up by some car part that he didn't notice. That (charming) smile just now would become the last bit of beauty he left in this world. She held her breath, shrank back as hard as she could, and pressed herself close to the wall of the well, in order to leave as much room for Zhuang Xuteng to move as possible. And she must also focus on her next actions, including providing emergency rescue to Zhuang Xuteng after he made a mistake.

Zhuang Xuteng did not intend to fail at all, and he used the super-computing martial arts three-dodge immediately. Continuously adjust body movements with extremely high reaction speed. The correct action can be confirmed immediately, and he can also find and correct mistakes in a shorter time. In the time it takes an ordinary person to complete an action, he can make three or four changes, so he appears to be particularly flexible. He was like a snake, twisting, sliding, and suddenly got under the car.

Grabbing the beam of the truck with both hands, Zhuang Xuteng was dragged forward by the truck. Since there is still snow on the ground, this kind of sliding will not cause harm to him in the short term. However, Zhuang Xuteng still had to get off the ground as soon as possible, because there was likely to be an area with relatively thick snow ahead. If the car could pass through, he might hit the snow and be blown off by it.

Grab it with both hands first, then find a place to step on and hook your feet up. Then grab the bottom of the car with both feet and one hand, leaving one hand free for operation. During the drill, he used one hand to complete the acrobatic feat of pulling out the wire rope from his belt, looping it through the longitudinal beam, and finally tying himself to the bottom of the car. However, in actual combat, he directly summoned the resentful spirit servant and used its hands to assist him in completing his actions, which was more convenient and safer.

With your waist fixed, your center of gravity is basically stable. Next, just pay attention to maintaining the position of your limbs and head to prevent the vehicle from bumping. Fortunately, the truck does not travel very fast and always stays on urban roads without dangerous ditches or bumps, which greatly improves safety.

He was busy fixing his body and had no time to check Morgana's condition, so Zhuang Xuteng kept waiting for the signal in the earphones. In order to avoid detection, they stopped talking on the radio after the operation began, and only sent messages using dot (short) and horizontal (long) signals, separated by white spaces. Horizontal, horizontal, is an O, which refers to OK in this operation, indicating that all actions are going smoothly according to plan. This shows that Morgana closed the lid in time, the truck was not discovered, and Gorgon was driving to pick up Morgana and Otter.

Zhuang Xuteng counted silently in his mind for a few seconds, roughly calculating the distance traveled based on the speed of the car, and then compared it with the city map in his mind to tell the car behind him his approximate location.

From ancient times to the present, it has never been a good job to stay under the car, with the rotating axles, the road so close, and the tedious journey that never ends. Although there were wire ropes to help fix it, Zhuang Xuteng still needed the strength of his twenty fingers to fight against the snow that swept in from time to time and the pits that appeared from time to time.

The person following the car was relatively happy materially, but in his heart he was always worried about Zhuang Xuteng. In fact, they were not afraid that Zhuang Xuteng could not hold on to the car and it would slide down. It was just a failure of the mission. What they were afraid of was seeing Zhuang Xuteng's body crushed by a wheel. Fortunately, the password for reporting the street name kept coming from the earphones, indicating that Zhuang Xuteng was in good condition so far.

Gogong drove the car, Morgana put on some clothes on herself in the passenger seat, and Otter checked the map behind to calculate the approximate distance to the car in front. They must not be spotted by trucks, and it is best to keep a distance of more than two turns.

"Naike said the car turned to Guagang Road. Brother Dao, please pay attention to the distance. It's a little far." Otter looked at the map with a flashlight and searched along Guagang Road to guess where the truck might finally stop. "Let me tell you, Naike's brain is really good. He can remember all the nearby streets. Has he ever driven a taxi? How can he remember it so clearly?"

"He's just willing to work hard," Brother Dao said.

They had thought before that a truck with no headlights slowly circling the city streets could not go very far. After about half an hour, the truck finally left the street and turned into a company. Zhuang Xuteng, who was hiding under the car, turned his head and saw the door slowly closing, and knew that he had to brace himself to deal with all possible risks.

After a slightly fierce sudden stop, the truck stopped, the steam engine slowly stopped rotating, and the air pressure and temperature were dropping. Zhuang Xuteng pricked up his ears and opened his eyes wide, especially in the direction where the truck driver came down. He saw many truck wheels around him and guessed that he had arrived at a parking lot, probably a place like a freight company. But when he recalled the map, he found that there was no XX Freight Company label in the surrounding area. Either the map hasn't been updated for a long time, or this company is hidden well enough.

A pair of yellow heavy boots plopped into the snow one after another. Zhuang Xuteng noticed that the man tied the legs of his trousers with thick red and white striped socks, which looked a bit funny. He stopped by the car door, struck a match, and smoked. A man wearing blue overalls and gray waterproof boots came over, and the two faced each other and exchanged a few words.

"went well?"

"Smooth, everything as usual?"

"It's business as usual."

It sounds like a very simple handover, accompanied by the sound of counting money, but this is a not very good sign. Zhuang Xuteng hoped that he was overthinking, because settlement by order and cash transactions often indicated that the driver was only doing this job temporarily and was a small fish in the corner of the action plan. It might be difficult to know important information. Well, despite this, he drove into the frozen fish factory. At least he knew what was going on inside, and it was a guarantee that he could ask this.

"Are you okay later? Do you want to go get a few shots?" The driver had a cigarette butt in his mouth and his voice was a little unclear.

"No, I'm a little dizzy. I'll go home and take a nap in a while."

"Why should I sleep? I don't go to work until ten o'clock tonight. It's most comfortable to sleep at noon. Come on, come on, I'm missing you, let's go together! Oh, what are you afraid of? If you lose today, I will bear half of it! You win on your own Take it, is this okay?"

"Really? Thank you for your love!"

The two people then walked out arm-in-arm and discussed how to cooperate in order to get the money from the pockets of the other guys. Zhuang Xuteng notified the response staff of the situation, untied his belt and slowly lowered himself to the ground.

You can see more clearly if you lie down on the ground. Zhuang Xuteng watched the two people enter the building next to them, then come out again ten minutes later, get into an old white car together, and leave through the factory gate while laughing and talking. In the communicator, Otter said that they had seen the target and were following them, and would find a way to intercept and catch them. Now, Zhuang Xuteng has to find a way to leave on his own.

Zhuang Xuteng slowly moved to the side of the car, opened his shadow eyes and looked around, but found nothing that looked like a shadow monitor. This is understandable. After all, it is a secret operation and does not want to leave any evidence or clues, so we cannot trust anything that records the images.

There is no monitor, but there is not necessarily no monitor. Zhuang Xuteng listens with ears open, sees with eyes wide open, tries his best, and then leaves his fate to luck. He came to the back of the vehicle and found that the lock on the compartment was just hanging on it, not really locked.

This is both fortunate and unfortunate. Fortunately, there was no difficulty in opening the lock. Unfortunately, there was nothing inside the compartment. In fact, there is no need to lock it because there is nothing, but this does not mean that there will be no clues left inside.

A closed container will always leave behind all the consequences of previous carelessness. As long as the person looking for it is careful enough, there will always be some surprises hidden in the gaps between the floors and walls. Zhuang Xuteng picked out a few blue pieces the size of rice grains and carefully packed them in cloth bags. He also found some frozen blood fragments, guessing that a violent incident had occurred here, and someone was lying on the ground bleeding.

"Her chemistry studio should be able to analyze more things." Zhuang Xuteng was not picky. He packed a little of everything he could collect and put it in another cloth bag.

You can't stay here for long, especially as it gets closer to early morning and people going to work in the morning will show up. Zhuang Xuteng gave up when he saw what was going on, and while using his enhanced hearing to alert the surroundings, he quietly slipped out of the car. He hid in the shadows and observed his surroundings, determining his position based on the tall buildings not far away, especially which wall was suitable for climbing over and which wall was not.

Finding the right direction, Zhuang Xuteng sprinted towards the five-meter-high wall while no one was around. He used his hands and feet together, and used the agility of his super-calculated martial art, Three Flashes, to step on the wall and swim up. He then used the Wraith Servant to pull him up, and climbed up easily and silently. Climb over the wall in front of you, and on the other side is an unpopular commercial and residential community. Zhuang Xuteng landed slowly, and then disappeared in the mist waiting for the sun to pierce.

Half an hour later, they met at a love hotel called Secret Passion. Special attention is paid to privacy and soundproofing here. Although the hourly rate is a little expensive, it is nothing to them. As long as they pay for the "special products" with increased prices from the boss, the boss won't even raise his head, and he doesn't care how many people there are or what kind of tricks they are here to play.

This kind of place is often used by mercenaries to interrogate tongues, especially some rooms where even racks and other restraint tools for binding people are prepared.

Zhuang Xuteng couldn't help but sigh that people who are capable in this field are very thoughtful, and then he wanted to watch the interrogation process, which would give him some insights. But Otter turned him down, saying it was his business secret. Brother Dao actually agreed with Otter's statement and asked him and Holy Light Witch to wait in the next room and call them when there was a result.

"Isn't it a trade secret? How could you see it?" Zhuang Xuteng asked.

Brother Dao chuckled and said: "I have cooperated with him before. That time he caught a big guy. He was afraid that he couldn't hold it down by himself, so he asked me to help, so I was lucky enough to meet him. I have a good reputation, so I said no. It won’t be passed on to others, and I won’t use it secretly. In short, you two will wait aside, and take a nap when you are tired. Anyway, there is no shortage of beds here, and there is no shortage of sleeping atmosphere. "

"Are you saying the opposite? You don't come to a place like this to sleep. You don't come here just to sleep." Zhuang Xuteng was about to pull Morgana out when he suddenly thought of something: "How did you catch them?"

"I drove up to him, pretended to be drunk and had a car accident, and I caught him when I got close."

"My car..." Zhuang Xuteng felt distressed.

"That's an armored vehicle of yours. You can only scratch your skin a little bit. Don't be afraid."

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