Gundam SEED’s Final Destination

Chapter 542: The hero returns home, chaos emerges in the Eurasian Federation

The Eurasian Federation moved very quickly.

On the second day of pressure from many parties, November 21, 1972.

The Eurasian Federation made public its treatment of mutinous soldiers.

Some of the main participants were shot, and lower-level soldiers were expelled from the Eurasian Federation military membership.

At the same time, the Eurasian Federation authorities purged political parties within the Eurasian Federation in the name of eliminating clans.


In a manor in the interior of the Eurasian Federation.

Hills Satie lay on the seat and flipped through the intelligence documents in his hand.


Across the way, Kennaff chewed candy and crunched numbers on a calculator.

After a while.

"My sister is really generous."

As Hils Satie spoke, he put down the document in his hand and looked at Kennoff opposite: "I heard that you and Plant have been very close recently. Can you tell me your impression of Mr. Durandal?"


Kennaff stopped chewing the candy and looked up at Hills Sadie.

After a while.

Kennaf suddenly grinned and said, "As long as you are willing to give me a satisfactory price."

"Of course, I'm never stingy with my friends."

Hills Satie smiled.

"People who are as generous as you are destined to have good luck."

Kennav laughed too.

Everyone has their own plans.

On the occasion of the conversation between Hills Satie and Kennaff.

Within the Atlantic Federation, across the sea from Europe and Asia.

There was also a conversation between Matisse and Lodo Djibril.

At the same time, the fleet escorting the war criminal Noel Cassia docked at the plant colony port.



The battleship door opens.

Surrounded by dozens of soldiers, Noel, wearing an ordinary ZAFT uniform, stepped out of the battleship and set foot on the plant colony.


It was also at this moment that the soldiers in front of the battleship port saluted and looked at Noel with hot eyes.

"haven't seen you for a long time."

A familiar tone slowly sounded from the front.

The long-haired man wearing the speaker's uniform looked at Noel with a smile.

"Long time no see. This outfit really suits you."

Noel stared at Durandal, and Noel smiled back.

Looking at the soldiers around him and the drone cameras in mid-air, Noel couldn't help but ask: "This doesn't seem to be a scene of treating war criminals, right?"

"It's true that you are a war criminal, but you are also a hero of the plant, so at least you should be given the treatment you deserve."

Durandal replied with a smile.

At the same time, his voice was also transmitted through the camera to the ears of every plant resident watching the big screen.


ce.November 23, 1972.

Plant has set a date for Noel Cassia's public trial.

But this news did not cause too many ripples on earth.

Because there is bigger news on the earth at this time.

Almost at the same time.

Various black materials about the Eurasian Federation authorities were exposed by unknown patriots.

For example: trafficking in weapons of mass destruction.

Provide secret weapons and military assistance to rebel armed forces in other regions.

Secretly colluded with the rebel forces in the Thirteenth Jungle Reserve and started a war to improve the combat auxiliary system.

In the name of the clan, large-scale purges of members of other internal parties——

In order to seek personal gain, the commander of the Third Air Fleet of the Eurasian Federation secretly sells national intelligence and scientific research information.

In order to pursue his own personal interests, the commander of the Federation's Fourth Air Fleet forged the crash number of the MA and sold the undamaged MA to the armed rebel forces.

In order to cover up the crime of their relatives, they fabricated false evidence and sent people to kill the victims' families.


Countless pieces of dirty information about various leaders of the Eurasian Federation authorities were exposed.

Among them are not only private individuals selling weapons to armed rebel forces, but also secretly sending people to kill the families of the victims in order to cover up the crimes of their descendants.

Suddenly the whole country was in an uproar.

Even other countries were stimulated by this information.

So no one cared about the trial of Noel Cassia at all.

Although the Eurasian Federation authorities quickly mobilized forces to clear all information.

He also made an emergency speech, saying that this was an attempt by foreign forces to fabricate evidence to stir up public outrage and split the Eurasian Federation.

But this speech did not bring much effect.

Public opinion cannot be suppressed at all.

Almost every minute, various breaking information about the Eurasian Federation leaks out on the Internet.

And these things are not entirely false.

Many events that have been forgotten by the people of the Eurasian Federation have been re-exposed, and various doubts have been pointed out.

There are even soldiers and judicial personnel who publicly report dirty materials and related personnel in various cities within the Eurasian Federation.

For a time, the credibility of the Eurasian Federation authorities began to decline.

After all, the recent rebellion has reduced the credibility of the Eurasian federal government.

Now at least 40 percent of ordinary people are beginning to question the top brass of the Eurasian Federation authorities.

Large-scale civilian protests took place in almost every city, demanding the removal of all relevant personnel involved in the case.

"You don't look like you're in any hurry."

Amidst the chaos from the outside world.

Kennaff sat on the sofa and asked Hills Satie opposite.

You must know that many of the members of the Eurasian Federation who have been exposed now are members of the clan controlled by Hills Sati.

If this continues, Hills Sati will completely lose its influence over the Eurasian Federation.

"Why the rush?"

Hearing this, Hills Sadie raised his head and looked at Kennaff.

Kennaf looked at Hills Sadie whose expression didn't look like he was lying, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of absurdity in his heart.

Is this guy planning to give up control of Eurasia like this?

In the plant colony——

Durandal came to the manor belonging to Noel.

Yes, the estate.

Not only was Noel not imprisoned when he came back this time, he was even given a manor that only the Speaker was entitled to enjoy.

Although it is small, it is always guarded by soldiers.

But almost all of the people guarding Noel are soldiers from the Sara faction, so don't talk about guards.

Noel can even leave the manor and go shopping without hesitation.

As long as he doesn't leave the current colonial satellite, no one will care where he goes.

"It seems that your existence is not that important to natural people."

Looking at various news about the Eurasian Federation, Durandal couldn't help but laugh.

"You know that I am a supporter of the Sara faction. Aren't you afraid of being criticized for doing this?"

Noel didn't pay attention to Durandal's teasing, and just asked the doubts in his heart.

Yes, he is indeed Plant's so-called hero.

But this cannot conceal the fact that he is a 'war criminal' who provoked the South American battlefield.

The person who was elected as the Speaker of the Supreme Council in the name of the Klein faction is so close to a person from the Sara faction. This is not a good thing for other Sara faction members.

So, what is Durandal’s purpose?

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