Gundam SEED’s Final Destination

Chapter 146: Covenant - Attack

But also because of this additional installation, the Covenant does not have free plasma cannons and electromagnetic guns. In terms of power alone, there is a certain gap between them and Free.

Originally, Noel planned to directly install a free back system.

But because Noel wanted to strengthen the covenant's melee combat capabilities to the greatest extent possible.

This resulted in the need to install a high-power jet engine on the back of the Covenant, which also caused the Covenant to lose the space for cannons and electromagnetic guns.

But every loss must come with a gain.

Although the Covenant has lost its cannon and electromagnetic gun, and because it is missing two pairs of wings, the Covenant's maneuverability is also slightly weaker than that of the Freedom.

But because it has two more acceleration engines than Freedom, its short-distance dash acceleration and disguised movement acceleration are faster and more violent than Freedom, and it is the fastest among the five MSs.

However, because the additional installation position is not on the same horizontal line as the main flight position, the Covenant's straight-line flight speed can only be regarded as average for five MSs.

In addition to the backpack, Noel's three-armed shield attack system has also been changed to a certain extent.

The most obvious point is that the three-armed shield attack system changes the beam saber into a retractable solid sword.

There is no way, who makes Zi Zi like to cut the hilt of the beam sword? If it is cut, there will be no place to cry.

However, the armor-breaking power of the physical sword is slightly worse than that of the beam saber.

In addition to the lightsaber, the interior has also been modified and integrated with a beam pistol and a ejectable short-range hook similar to Gates. When paired with the dragoon, it can have very good attack capabilities.

Moreover, the shield can be ejected directly from the covenant arm as a weapon, because the hook chain is the reason why the terminal is wrapped around the arm, and it can also be used directly as a bolas.

When Noel proposed this idea, Professor Morrison almost slapped him in the face, but fortunately, after being scolded by these old academics, he basically changed his mind.

In addition to the three shield attacks, the two original beam sabers and beam pistols on the waist of the Covenant Gundam are also retained.

In order to give the Covenant the ability to directly destroy space battleships, the two beam sabers can be merged at the ends, turning the beam saber into an existence about the same size as a ship-cutting knife, but there is still a certain gap between its power and the ship-cutting knife.

But since it is designed to destroy battleships, and the Covenant is an enhanced melee machine, this shortcoming is harmless.

In addition to the above changes, in order to maximize Covenant's melee capabilities, Covenant's legs can also pop out beam sabers.

However, due to time constraints, the two beam sabers were not long. They were only about the same distance as the beam daggers, but they were enough to penetrate the cockpit.

So overall -

The Covenant was equipped with free wings, gaining the ability to spin and dodge and fly. At the same time, the back engine jet was expanded, allowing it to gain faster short-distance thrust speed and short-distance rapid disguised movement speed.

The installation of two pairs of Divine Will Dragoon systems improves the Covenant's long-range attack capabilities, and one pair can freely change positions, providing it with a more flexible means of long-range attacks.

The Covenant's long-range combat capability is not outstanding compared to other MSs, but its short-to-medium range combat capabilities can be called the strongest among these MSs, not even the Justice Gundam.


May 25th, early morning to three o'clock Earth time.


【Operation Panama starts! 】

【Noel Cassia, please get ready! 】

Within the covenant machine, Noel's originally closed eyes slowly opened.

The engine system starts.

The originally silent covenant lit up with two rays of light.

The dark gray fuselage is gradually covered with blue and white.

With a feeling of weightlessness flying away, the moving platform at the foot of the covenant slowly moved it to the ejection track.

[The track is cleared! 】

[The system is all green—Covenant Gundam, please attack! 】

"Noel Cassia! Covenant Gundam—Attack!"


A strong pushing feeling came, and the Covenant Gundam ejected from the Hölderlin battleship.

Spread its wings and fly towards the Earth's atmosphere where the God Gun System emp is located.


At the same time, the Panama Sea on Earth.

"If you want to capture Panama with this little combat's too strong and difficult..."

In ZAFT's submarine carrier "Cousteau", Captain Monroe muttered with a frown on his face.

Due to the cut-throat operation, more than 70% of the Earth Alliance's combat strength was gathered in Panama, but the current ZAFT army's total combat strength is only 20% of its original strength.

This is an almost impossible task.

Looking at the ms units taking off one after another from a distance, Law Lu Cruze replied as if to comfort him: "There is no way, those guys are so proud in Alaska, if they don't dampen their spirit, both the speaker and the plant will It’s dangerous.”

At this time, the dense tropical rain forest is reflected on the screen.

There is a slope behind the rain forest, and it can be seen that it is a mass projection device extending to the sky.

Panama, the only remaining space port of the United Earth Military, will face the attack of the MS team today.

Today, ZAFT gathered all the remaining troops and chose Panama, the original destination of Operation Cut Throat, as a way to avenge the Battle of Alaska.

"Seal the Ring of Ouroboros and trap them on Earth... To do this, we must destroy Panama's mass projection device..."

Monroe murmured and sighed, and asked Cruze: "What about the situation with Odin's Gun?"

"Proceeding as planned."

Cruze replied with a slightly raised corner of his mouth.

"Yeah, I hope everything goes well." Captain Monroe was lying when he said he wasn't worried. If he failed today, the plant would really have no power to resist.

At this time, in the satellite orbit, ZAFT's transport ship was already on standby, waiting for the arrival of the predetermined time.

"The problem is with us. We don't know if we can attack the target location before landing." Monroe said with some worry.

"Everyone is working hard - treating this battle as a battle to comfort the souls of Alaska."

Kruse said, retracting his gaze from the screen, smiling in the direction of Monroe: "So at this time it's not about whether it can be done, but - it must be done."

After saying that, Cruze left the command room under Captain Monroe's stunned eyes.

There is no room for failure this time.

In order to regain the lost momentum, Patrick Sala launched a new combat operation regardless of the opportunity.

Although it also has strategic significance, it is mainly to defend one's position.

His arbitrary campaign was not approved by Parliament, and he was later defeated. Simply suppressing the Kleins, Kanaba and others as traitors was not enough to suppress public opinion.

Moreover, there are also many people who have doubts about this move and sympathize with Klein. If no action is taken, there is a possibility of a reversal of the regime.

After all, there is such a thing as public opinion————

So Padraic Sala needs a new victory, one that is enough to stabilize people's hearts and the situation.

For this reason, he was even willing to let Noel Cassia, a person whose identity was doubtful, sit on the Covenant Gundam.

"Victory is inevitable, but the covenant - I don't know if it can be kept."

Cruze walked into his room with a sarcastic smile.

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