Gundam Fire Still

The Battle of Gundam Remains Chapter 72

6. unter dem Wasser

CE 7/15/10

Südliche Beringstraße

Eine MK171 Schwerkraftmine schwebt lautlos auf der östlichen Seite der Meerenge, von wo aus man die Küste Alaskas kaum sehen kann, ein Mitglied des Minenfeldes geringer Dichte, das die Küstenwache in den letzten Tagen dringend in schiffbare Gebiete außerhalb des küstennahen Riffgürtels verstreut hat. Weiter oben an der Küste wurde der Bering-Nationalpark, der einst für die polare Tierwelt reserviert war, von Primaten in Tarnuniformen bevölkert, die mit Waffen bewaffnet sind und auf zwei Füßen gehen.

Es ist Teil der Bereitschaftsmaßnahmen der Koalition, und für einige ist es nicht genug, aber ihnen läuft die Zeit davon.


Im Moment steht das Land "PLANT" vor einer wichtigen Entscheidung.

Bei den jüngsten Wahlen wurde die Sprecherin des Repräsentantenhauses, Patricia K. Kolb, von ihrer alten Gegnerin geschlagen. Sara öffnete die Kommunikationswege und appellierte an alle Offiziere und Soldaten.

"- Es ist unser tiefes Gebet, dass diese Schlacht ein baldiges Ende des Krieges bringt. Um wahre Freiheit und Gerechtigkeit zu manifestieren..."

Er erhob sich feierlich und proklamierte mit lauter Stimme.

"Ich erkläre die 'Operation SpitBreak' für eröffnet!"

"'Operation SpitBreak' gestartet!"

Vom eisigen Meeresboden des Arktischen Ozeans, über die Schlachtschiffe, die heimlich durch das Universum segelten, bis hin zu den großen Transportflugzeugen, die von verschiedenen Flugplätzen starteten, bis hin zu den Fintentruppen nahe der Küste Panamas, unzählige Schlachtschiffe, Flugzeuge und Festungen in Bereitschaft, übermittelten die Operatoren unisono denselben Auftrag vor ihren Bildschirmen. Es war ein Befehl der höchsten Autorität in PLANT, aber auch des Oberbefehlshabers von Zaft, denn die in PLANT residierenden Justierer waren noch nie so vereint gewesen, und die zahllosen Stimmen, die denselben Willen vermittelten, konvergierten zu einem gewaltigen Schwung, und die lange angesiedelte Kriegsmaschinerie begann zu arbeiten.

"Schlachtplan Text Nummer sechs, Erlaubnis zum Öffnen", als der Befehl gegeben wurde, begann der heimlich versiegelte Schlachtplan aus der Datenbank freizuschalten, "Identifiziere Codename, 'Operation SpitBreak', Ziel --."

Die meisten der Zaft-Kommandeure, die das Befehlsschreiben sahen, atmeten kalte Luft

"Ziel, Hauptquartier der Vereinigten Erdstreitkräfte, Alaska - 'JOSH-A'!"

Für einen Moment wechselte der Bildschirm vor allen Anwesenden vom ursprünglichen Panama auf eine Karte von Nordamerika.

Die Soldaten begannen einen Moment lang ungläubig zu flüstern, während ein Teil der Kommandeure alles mit einer erwarteten Haltung untersuchte, zu der auch ein bestimmter Mann mit einer Maske gehörte.

"Die einzige Möglichkeit, den Krieg so schnell wie möglich zu beenden, ist, den Gelben Drachen geradewegs zu schlagen!

PATRICK. Sara hatte einen guten Plan, und er hat fast alle getäuscht, auch seinen alten Freund und Rivalen Siegel Klein. Er hat fast jeden getäuscht, auch seinen alten Freund und Rivalen Siegel Klein. Der ursprüngliche Plan, Panama zu erobern und die Anlage zu verteidigen, indem man die Versorgungswege zur Erde und zum Universum blockierte, war nur eine Tarnung, um den Obersten Rat - und den Feind - im Dunkeln zu lassen, und obwohl er zum Sprecher gewählt wurde, blieb der gesamte Rat über den Geheimplan in Unkenntnis, um Überraschungen zu vermeiden.

All diese Planungen und Verschwörungen sind für die Gegenwart, und doch scheint niemand darüber nachgedacht zu haben, wofür eine Armee wirklich kämpft, wenn sie ihre Regierung und ihr Volk wie ein Feind täuscht.

Natürlich war für ihn persönlich, warum er kämpfte und so weiter, nur ein Thema, das es verdiente, verspottet zu werden, und unter der Oberfläche gab es noch mehr Intrigen.


zur gleichen Zeit

"Es wurde eine große Menge feindlichen Funkverkehrs entdeckt, sehr dicht und extrem stark!"

The radio monitors were the first to break the oppressive and heavy atmosphere in the Combined Forces Command. The pre-war speech that had succeeded in boosting the morale of the Zaft army but had also provided their opponents with an early warning, a red circle formed by a dotted line spread across the map, and surrounded by these red markers was the northernmost point of the North American continent.

Would the enemy attack, and if so, where would it be? Is Panama a feint or a false move? And can this place be defended? The entire command center had been shrouded in a rainforest-like depression built of doubts.

Until this moment, like a bolt of lightning splitting the dark clouds overhead, a downpour of rain called war poured down, and this was what the soldiers here had been waiting for for a long time.

"Radio communication? Isn't there neutron interference?"

"Burst communications, strong enough to penetrate neutron interference."

"Orbital observatory reports! Thruster tail flame observed, can be determined to be Zaft main fleet, circular Earth orbit, orbit descending, expected to reach drop altitude location..." The communications officer hesitated, "This is the place!"

"All bases, go on emergency alert, all units, deploy as planned." The commander clenched his fists, "They think their feint in Panama will make us relax, they think we're overwhelmed with empty troops because we're supporting Panama, but as you all know very well, we're waiting for them, and have been waiting for a long time."

Like falling raindrops, a new red dot lit up on the constantly updating globe.


The large submerged mothership slowly floated up the Alaskan shore, eventually emerging from the water in a giant whale-like form, firing a rain of fire consisting of missiles and rockets from its back towards the land. Immediately after, the underwater MS rounds broke the tide and stepped onto the shore, and in front of them, strewn with ponds and a few craters, was what appeared to be a silent tundra shore.

"Beachhead CLEAR, you may land!" Just as planned, the entire coast was undefended, the few shore gun positions and observation posts already visible to satellites had already gone up in flames from the first strike.

The dive carriers were beginning to close in on the shore, the land warfare MS waiting to land were gathering near the hatch leading to the deck, wary MS in the water were cruising around, no fire was coming from the shore, not a single shell, not a single missile. The plastic-cased mines floated silently in the water.

The MS rushing towards the shore didn't spot the unobtrusive little things, but the water waves stirred up by their thrusters awakened the electronic systems that lurked beneath the plastic shell.

The spearhead MS had advanced several kilometres through the tundra and mud, like any successful surprise attack, "- now you're screwed, naturals." A pilot muttered in the cockpit. On the screens of the Zaft ships, the approaching fleet of transports from Australia were dropping Dinn to provide air cover, and higher up in space, their proud fleet was about to drop their troops, along with their latest secret weapons; and all that belonged to the enemy coalition was a drone, fresh from the depths of land, hovering innocently and helplessly over the distant mountains.

The huge hull of the submarine carrier approaching the coast pushed forward, the faint change in gravity field caused by the huge hull triggered a small sensor, an electrical signal was then sent to a chip that didn't hesitate, wasn't surprised, wasn't overexcited or afraid and it reacted faster than anyone else, the somewhat obsolete processor belonging to the MK171 mine routinely cross-referenced the fluctuations, not any kind of whale, not any kind of ship marked as friendly in the database, and a signal was sent to the detonator in one hundredth of a second.

A column of water surged up against the hull, and the huge blast made every submarine sonarman around them curse and remove their headphones, and the blast reached the Union's undersea sonar array as well.

"Near Nome, one mine triggered, they're starting to land." The monitor made a set of markings on the corresponding grid, the same markings would appear on the command map, "Can confirm at least five submarine carriers, plenty of underwater MS."

"Sunk?" The patrol officer leaned in.

"I don't think so, you can hear a leak, but according to the intelligence tonnage, it's unsinkable." The short conversation was quickly drowned out by the torrent of information flowing across the battlefield.

The mothership dragging the hole that was taking on water struggled against the shore in the shallows, the beaching bow made a screeching metallic twang, and the moment the first Ginn stepped off the deck, a black reconnaissance plane was at 30,000 meters, sweeping across the peninsula at Mach 5.

.qidian. m.qidian. read. ;

7. among the curtains

Construction under the Ministry of Intelligence and Integration

Conference room in the basement

"It's good to see you all here. I thought there was going to be some resistance to the Intelligence Community's dictatorial actions," Major Robert Meyer said, making a brief opening statement. "Time is of the essence, and we've used this military exchange to bring together people from East Asia, Eurasia, and other Atlantic Federation bases to study the future attitude of the United Earth Force towards the Blue Perestroika. Internal suspicious events."

"You suspect the Blue Perestroika molecules are sabotaging it?" Romanov gave a smile, as if that was expected.

"Right, that's why we didn't contact the Atlantic Federation's own military intelligence, they could have been infiltrated by Perestroika." The Major turned on the large screen, one corner of which was showing the war outside, but he knew that what was to be done here was just as important as the war outside.

"As all of you are well aware, Zaft has been putting out news of their impending attack on Panama some time ago with the help of some hidden channels, and our reconnaissance has picked up some signs that they are preparing to attack Panama, but of course, we can now judge that it was a feint and a military deception operation. But what is suspicious is that during that time, when even the Senate in Washington thought they were about to attack Panama and were sending reinforcements to Panama, here, news was put out that Zaft might attack Alaska."

"Of course, it could have been a sign that some passive war avoiders were planning to flee, or it could have been a joke played by the staff officers in charge of making defense plans, until we found this."

Several pictures of senior officers appeared on the screen, as well as the lower, partially coded communications.

"We have learned through certain sources that there is lobbying of some of the senior officers of the United Earth Force to activate the self-destruct system below the base if necessary."

"I noticed that you used the word, senior officer of the United Earth Force?" Someone with a keen eye for detail.

"That's right, since this is theoretically the headquarters of the United Earth Army, there are a significant number of senior officers who serve as the nominal United Earth Army headquarters structure in addition to the command level of the troops to which the base belongs. And as you are well aware, they are highly ranked, but they have no real say in the reality of the Earth Army's current fragmentation, and serve mainly as a rubber stamp."

"Very clever strategy," someone tapped their fingers on the table below, "If they make a quick decision and initiate self-destruct before the base falls, all the credit for the total destruction of the enemy attacking force is theirs, so they're no longer rubber stamps."

"But these, they don't seem to be officers with Blue Perestroika tendencies? And it's worth noting that all of them are from the Atlantic Federation."

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