Green Life

Volume 4 Chapter 63

"Final, final, oh, oh, we are going to the final, haha...", the England generals who returned to the dressing room still couldn't hold back the excitement that was about to overflow their chests.

In this way, Mark Qin remembered a video record he had seen. When Maradona reached the final in 1986, there was a video of shirtless ghosts crying and howling in the locker room. At this time, England was no different.

If they can really win the championship, everyone will go crazy.

After all, the psychological age is old, and Mark Qin is crazy enough, so he laughed and watched his teammates endlessly swaying excess energy. It seems that the 90-minute semi-finals did not drain them.

Spain, will it still be you? He doesn't dare to confirm it at this time, but whether it is Germany or Spain, it is the biggest gap for England now.

Thinking about it the other way around, Ma Keqin also has to be thankful for England's luck in this World Cup schedule. It is really extremely good and cannot be better.

The first game against the powerful American team in the mid-range exposed their problems, so that they had the opportunity to adjust and correct, and then two consecutive underdogs not only allowed them to solve their problems, but also adjusted their state and played with confidence.

Then they entered the knockout round. Ghana, Uruguay, and the Netherlands also gradually strengthened their opponents, as if they were specially designed game levels. Now they have also adjusted their state and morale to the peak, and finally they are going to meet the big boss for a while.

Time and fate!

Sometimes fate is really like this. It only takes a light touch to make the changes that have happened after a long time completely unrecognizable.

He is very grateful to them for winning the first place in the group, otherwise they would be in the other half.

That half area is really full of powerful people, they can be called Guanguan Boss, how can they give them the opportunity to slowly develop confidence and find problems, maybe they will be eliminated as soon as something goes wrong!

At this moment, the door of the dressing room was pushed open, and Beckham walked in first, shouting loudly: "Boys, tidy up quickly, Prince William and Sir Charlton are coming soon..."

The victorious team is always eligible to be late, so Van Marwijk and captain Van Bommel had to face the media in the press room first. If it weren't for the rigid rules of FIFA, who the hell would come here after losing the game.

"Who can guard Mark, I also want to know the answer", Van Markwell shrugged, "Look at his performance today, he is in control of everything,

With two powerless goals, he played at the level of a world champion. In my impression, only Baggio in 1994 and Ronaldo in 2002 have done it.”

A group of reporters began to write: Mark caused a ton of damage to the Netherlands. Van Markwell exclaimed, this is the performance of the king of the ball!

"Defense? No, I don't think our offense is worse than England's. We also created a lot of chances in front of their goal, but goals in this kind of game are always more difficult than usual. Apart from the defense we face, There is also the psychological pressure of the players themselves, maybe we just didn’t score the first goal like Mark to let the team release the pressure, which made the following games more difficult.”

The reporter began to write briefly again: The Dutch coach believes that there is only one mark gap between them and England.

The reason for the existence of the losers is to make the winners shine brighter, at least in the eyes of these media reporters.

So they were not interested in hearing about Holland's performance, and they only recorded the part related to Mark Qin. As for Holland, it's not too late to come over and brag about it when they win.

And England and Mark Qin, who they want to tout the most now, are now receiving higher-level touts in the locker room, that is, the British royal prince and the famous god.

"You've done a great job, you've done a great job for this country, and the people of England will be proud of you, you are...", blah blah blah.

Royal nobles like Prince William are born with various etiquette and speech training. They are not too familiar with this kind of job that only relies on lip service. They have listened to it no less than 3 times in 6 games.

The last and most important information is that the Queen of England will be present in the final, and as long as they win the championship, in addition to the FA bonus, the royal family will also give the team a lot of bonuses and honors.

But to be honest, for the FA and the royal family, the average bonus for each person is less than one million pounds. This really can't inspire the momentum of the national team members. This group of people is too rich. The prize money is more than this amount, but considering that the World Cup only plays seven games a month, it is not too small.

What the national team really relies on is the pursuit of national honor. Bobby Charlton did not speak, but called Mark Qin aside when he left, revealing that the royal family would award him honors regardless of whether he won the championship or not.

This is what the royal family can best motivate him. For an immigrant like him, talking about national honor is really a bit of a waste. Bobby Charlton talked about the first time they met at Old Trafford At the time, he said that he would give Mark Qin a gift, and that was it, but he didn't expect it to be fulfilled so quickly.

Of course, the knighthood levels for winning and not winning must be different, it goes without saying.

Mark Qin expressed his gratitude to Bobby Charlton, and went to take a shower to prepare for the press conference. He has been familiar with this thing in the UK for so many years. Many British people especially value this, especially the civil service system, which involves welfare. treatment and status.

But for them, it is more of a symbolic status and has no practical benefits. There are also many Chinese who have won knighthoods, especially those from Hong Kong. Don't do too many earth-shattering things.

It would be great if it was in ancient times. This kind of title system linked to military merit can still have territories and taxes, and it has become a landlord class. It also existed in ancient times in China, but it is said differently.

Now, hey, Sir Mark, um..., it sounds like it feels pretty good too.

[With 7 goals and 6 assists, Mark tied the World Cup for the second most goals scored in a single session in 36 years. At the same time, he broke the record for the number of assists in a single session in 36 years and led England to the final after 44 years! 】

[It’s Mark again, scoring two dollars alone, he wants to be the top scorer and assist king of this World Cup]

【After 44 years of waiting, England's true son finally appeared】

The reporters at the press conference were waiting eagerly, and the news on the Internet could not wait to get out, but they definitely knew that the fans wanted to hear more from Mark Qin.

After a while, the well-dressed Ma Keqin and coach Fabio Capello finally arrived late, but no one was impatient and greeted them with warm applause.

"As I said, our goal is to win the championship," Ma Keqin said solemnly in the face of the first question: "Now we have completed half of it, and there will be another half in five days."

"I'm happy for me and my team-mates. We set our goals, we have the same ideas. Everyone knows their role on the field. We fight as a unit. This is the best England."

The crowd raised their hands, wishing to put the microphone into Mark Qin's mouth. Most of the questions focused on his data.

After all, it was amazing, he didn't explode every game, but just kept going for a few games, looking back, oh my god!

"Mark is unique, he can always make the most correct decision on the field, appear in the most correct place", Capello took the lead to answer this question.

"But we also need to see the efforts of other players. Rooney, Gerrard, Lampard, Crouch, they all performed at an excellent level. We are a team first."

Mark Qin nodded and said yes, "The boss is right. If my teammates are in a better position, I will pass the ball. If I think I can shoot, I will not hesitate."

"Of course every player will pursue statistics, but it cannot override the team. I am very grateful to my teammates for allowing me to have so many scoring opportunities as a midfielder"

"Regarding the record, I would say it would have been a bit ironic and tragic if we hadn't ended up winning the title!"

The reporters in the audience were obviously stunned, and when they looked back, it was true that if they failed to win the championship with such a performance, wouldn't it be too tragic, no one would be able to accept it in their hearts.

And if he really doesn't win the championship, the media will definitely portray Mark Qin as a tragic hero.

Don't believe in their integrity, they won't be overwhelmed by these statistics. In 1994, Baggio still sent Italy to the finals all the way, even better than Mark Qin.

Now England's other teammates have some data, which makes the script look like it does not rely entirely on Mark Qin, but Baggio sent Italy to the final alone in that session.

what's the result? Just because he missed the last penalty, he almost turned from a hero to a sinner, and finally became a tragic hero.

"So, don't be in a hurry to give me the hat of a football champion, what god-level statistics, and what kind of genius that England has seen in a century." Mark Qin said with some seriousness, "If there is no championship, these are nothing."

Not only the media, but even Capello was a little surprised. In the face of the current flattery, it is good for ordinary people to maintain a normal mind, and there are almost no people who can understand it so deeply.

In fact, after the game ended, he thought about it. If they lost today, he would still be another hero like Gascoigne in England, bringing them hope.

But after reaching the final, everything changed. He had no way out, because the appetites of all the fans and the media were lifted, and they were looking forward to winning the championship in the end!

If you don't win, you fail!

It's as if you made a delicious cake that people smelled, but they didn't see it, so it's okay if you don't give it to them, and people will praise you for a good job.

But if you put it in front of someone and then slam it on their face, you can think about how they feel.

Sheng Mien, Dou Michou, this world is so strange.

He must win the championship, there is no way out, if he does not win the championship, his reputation will drop rapidly, and these castles in the air, bubble phantoms will be completely burst.

What's even more annoying is that at that time all the public opinion will focus on why you didn't win the championship, and they will completely forget all your previous efforts.

Because the disappointed psychology of the fans needs to be appeased!

The media also plays with words, just like writing. Readers will write whatever they want to read. When they lose in the finals, what they want to see will not be your previous best, but why you didn’t make them happy until the end!

No wonder the 21-year-old Ronaldo vomited before the final in 1998. It is said that Messi also vomited in 2014. The greater the public's expectations, the more serious this psychology will be.

They are not like Germany and Italy, who have won many championships and don’t care that much. They are also not like Spain and the Netherlands, which have never won it. It’s the first time. Anyway, they haven’t won it for so many years.

Argentina, Brazil, and the United Kingdom, their pursuit of the World Cup is more based on the strong psychological demands of the domestic people.

When a car is already raging, it is not so easy to stop it if you want it to stop, otherwise the car will crash and people will die.

If you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight!

He likes Baggio and admires him, but he doesn't want to be Baggio...

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