Green Life

Volume 2, Chapter 55

Nearly half of the 30th round of the Premier League is over. Liverpool beat Reading 3-0 at home. Although Manchester United relied on Ronaldo's goal to beat Derby County 1-0 away, there is still a three-point gap with Liverpool.

On March 17th, the UEFA Champions League quarter-finals club delegation will go to Nyon, Switzerland. The draw ceremony for the UEFA Champions League quarter-finals will be broadcast live at UEFA headquarters at 1:00 pm tomorrow local time.

Each UEFA Champions League draw not only determines the fate of the team in the next round, whether it is a good draw or a bad draw, and determines how far the team has hope and how far it will go. It is also a high-level business gathering for teams and players.

Those who can enter the quarter-finals are basically the major giants of the football powers every year. The relationship between them and the transactions that happen often detonate the football world every summer.

Members of the Liverpool delegation today include club CEO Parry, head coach Benitez, team captain Gerrard, midfielder Alonso, and the top scorer in the Champions League team Mark Qin, as well as two staff members.

Mark Qin was able to go entirely thanks to the fact that he is now ranked third in the UEFA Champions League scorer list. They flew directly to Geneva, Switzerland. This place is quite famous in the world. It is the station of countless international organizations. It is located on the southwest side of Lake Geneva. .

When I arrived in Geneva, I didn’t bother to go sightseeing. I went straight to the train station and spent more than an hour arriving at Nyon, a small city on the west side of Lake Geneva. It’s not an exaggeration to say that it’s a small town. The population of the city is less than 20,000. It is located on the slopes of Lake Geneva (also called Lake Leman).

The reception staff of UEFA arranged for them to stay at the hotel where they were hosted and left. It was already very late, and they had three hours of free time tomorrow, and they would go to the draw ceremony at noon.

Old houses, alleys, and lake water, this town gives Ma Keqin the feeling of tranquility, whether it is the laziness of the sun or the leisurely streets, there is a sense of slowness.

Here is a place suitable for nostalgia, just like the fading in old photos.

"Do you know that this was once the starting point for Julius Caesar's Roman legions to conquer Europe?" The three of them were walking by the lake, and Alonso began to show off his erudition again.

Gerald glanced at him and said, "If you didn't say you studied economics, I thought you studied history."

"Haha", it's really annoying to have a high education...

"I don't know the history, but the porcelain here is very famous, especially the delicate little patterns, Steven, don't you want to buy some back for your daughter?" Mark Qin asked.

"If you don't tell me, I really forgot..."


They didn't come here for tourism. At noon, they returned to the hotel and set off with others to the UEFA headquarters, the modern building with glass on all sides.

There were already crowds of reporters at the gate. Every delegation that got off the car was surrounded and asked enough questions before letting them in. When they arrived, they saw Ferguson and Ronaldo walking into the gate.

"Benitez, who do you most hope to meet?", "Gerrard, which two teams do you think will have a Premier League civil war?", "Mark, do you think you have the hope of winning the top scorer?"

As they squeezed in under the clearing of the staff, they answered all kinds of questions casually, "We are confident to win whoever we meet", "We are in the right state now..."

After wading through mountains and rivers, I finally squeezed in. Inside was a different scene. The figures from the major delegations were basically all present. They were chatting together in twos and threes, and they dispersed separately. When the time came, they went to the venue to participate in the ceremony.

Ma Keqin is not familiar with anyone, and all he is familiar with are enemies, so he can only wander around boringly.

"Hello, Mark," came a gentle voice beside him.

"Ah?" He turned his head to look, hesitated for a moment, and said quickly, "Hello, Chairman Moratti"

The visitor was wearing a traditional navy blue suit from Inter Milan, with gray and white hair and glasses, looking very gentle, "Mark, I have been following you since last year, and I admire you very much, especially your playing style.

Inter Milan is on the road to a great revival, how is it, are you interested in coming here? "

"Uh", very direct, "Thank you for your compliment, I'm still young, and Liverpool is doing very well now, so..."

He nodded and smiled to express his understanding, "Mark, as long as I am still in Inter Milan, you are welcome to come over at any time, and we have a very deep fan base and extensive cooperation in China..."

The old man was very talkative, and he began to talk about the history of Inter Milan and the glory of Serie A in the past ten years. This is an old man who dedicated all his love to the club, although he was full of controversy about the club's sports.

"Thank you, Mr. Moratti, I will definitely think about it seriously." After he finished speaking, Ma Keqin responded politely, and Moratti also politely left.

Not far away from Barcelona, ​​Albert looked at Mark Qin with a smile. Seeing him looking over, he nodded in agreement. Next to him was Rijkaard. They had a lot of trouble because of Mark Qin. Now it is inconvenient for him come over.

He saw Ronaldinho, Wolf King Totti, and Da Fengxian Ibrahimovic. In the eyes of these long-established stars, he is still just a small role.

Fortunately, the door of the meeting room opened soon, and he walked into the venue with the club members, and sat in the club's own area. After a while, the whole place was dark, only the big screen and the host platform were still on, and there were reporters standing behind them. long guns and short cannons.

UEFA competition director Taylor took to the stage to preside over the draw ceremony, and this year's image ambassador Hierro was responsible for acting as a tool for the draw.

First, Taylor delivered an opening speech, reviewing the wonderful performances of the top eight teams in the group stage and the top sixteen, and then reiterated UEFA's principle of ensuring fairness, justice and openness, and so on.

"I really wish I could draw Barcelona, ​​don't let it be the English Civil War, I'm tired of watching it," Sine said in the live broadcast room.

Today, sine broadcasts the whole process of the drawing ceremony with pictures and texts. In the chat room, the famous football commentator Zhang Luzhang is also in charge of answering questions.

"The lottery has begun..."

Hierro walked up to the stage with a smile, took out a ball from the jar, smiled and lit it to the audience, and then opened it, "The first team to be drawn is Roma", he held up a note to signal around.

"I Pu, I Pu", "I Lian, I Lian", "My Car, My Car", "My Sa, My Sa", the sine chat room was full of gossip, Rome should be the quarterfinals except for Fei Nebahce the second most willing to encounter.

Hierro goes on, he opens the second ball and the spread lights up, "Manchester United"

"Oh~~", there was a burst of suppressed cheers in the conference room, Ferguson smiled triumphantly, Totti's face was darkened, he still remembered the 7:1 last year.

"Hahaha, my big Manchester United is so lucky, this is the rhythm of the semi-finals..."

The third ball, "Inter Milan"

Inter Milan has not been to the semi-finals of the Champions League for many years. Their head coach Mancini and chairman Moratti are looking forward to it. Come on, Fenerbahce, come to my brother's bowl...

Hierro lived up to expectations, and drew the fourth ball neatly, "Barcelona", he smiled and gestured around.

After the calf, Ma Keqin had a more and more premonition that they would be put into the English civil war, but it must not be Chelsea. When these two teams meet, whoever wins and loses depends on luck.

"Arsenal," Hierro showed the fifth ball.

"Chelsea, Chelsea...", the MKQ18 group was full of thoughts, "It must not be Fenerbahce"

Wenger is also a little nervous. Their hopes of winning the league title have become increasingly slim, and he still wants to go further in the Champions League.

Hierro smiled and took out the sixth ball. This ball touched the hearts of the remaining four teams. He opened the ball with a smile and pulled out a note. "Liverpool", he said to the surroundings.

"Phew", Mark breathed a sigh of relief. Civil war is inevitable. It is much better to touch Arsenal than Chelsea. Their recent state is not good.

Benitez and Gerrard also looked acceptable, Wenger was a bit bitter and bitter, three consecutive battles!

In the 33rd round of the league in early April, Arsenal played Liverpool at home. These two Champions League games are divided into left and right sides. Arsenal will play two home games first and the last away game.

"Oh, it really is a civil war, it's Nana..." The group was in a state of confusion.

"I knew UEFA's piss, and it was acceptable. Arsenal is now relatively the best player in the semi-finals," someone replied.

In fact, the last two balls don’t need to be drawn, but the order of the home and away games has to be determined, so they still have to be drawn. Grant was so happy, it’s pie in the sky!

The final four matchups are as follows, the former host and the latter guest:

Roma vs Manchester United,

Inter Milan vs Barcelona,

Arsenal vs Liverpool,

Chelsea vs Fenerbahce

This is not over yet, the major media news has been released, "Arsenal and Liverpool encounter the British Civil War", "Manchester United and Chelsea draw the lottery", "Barcelona vs. Inter Milan", the English media expects the four giants of the Premier League to gather in the Champions League. Strong dream, shattered...

"The final four must be Manchester United, Barcelona, ​​Liverpool, Chelsea, post it as proof! ", predictions for the final four quickly popped up on the Internet.

The other three games are easy to predict. In the English civil war, the crowd was completely frightened by Arsenal's recent loosening state. With this state, how could it be possible to beat Liverpool, which has just filled up its health?

"Cesc Fabregas and Mark Qin finally have a showdown", there are also people who pay attention to the star battle, but he is naturally and unnaturally classified as a midfielder by the fans.

"We are satisfied with the result of the draw. Last year we beat Roma, and this year it will be the same result," Ferguson said in an interview at the door with a happy face.

"Mark, do you have the confidence to beat Cesc Fabregas?", funny, he is a midfielder and I am a striker, it has nothing to do with me!

Liverpool did not accept any more interviews. There is really nothing to say about this kind of civil war. Go home and sharpen your knives and fight hard. Mark Qin walked at the end of the team and was stopped when he passed the Manchester United delegation.

"Hey, Mark, see you at Old Trafford," Ronaldo said with a serious face.

He paused, turned to look at Ronaldo, smiled, and nodded, "See you then"

The most depressed person is Wenger. Among the four teams, their style is the most against them. Liverpool.

Because Arsenal didn't have toughness and defense, they couldn't break Liverpool's wide open and close offensive routines. In the end, they could only score goals. This thing depends on the performance on the spot.

Liverpool and his party returned to Liverpool that day, and the rest of the round continued a day later.

Tottenham and Chelsea played a frantic 4:4, Arsenal relied on Toure's goal to draw with Middlesbrough with difficulty, Liverpool and Manchester United temporarily opened the gap with them as they wished.

From now on, their chances of winning the championship are shrinking infinitely. One team is fine. Liverpool and Manchester United are two thriving teams, and they are in such a state. I expect them both to make mistakes. This probability may be even lower than winning the lottery. .

Regardless of other things, three days later will be the battle of Tianwangshan at Old Trafford, a battle that will determine the country!

The whole of Melwood started closed training. They couldn't afford to lose this game...

Thank you, Liu Yinhuaming Lallana for your reward, and continue to ask for monthly ticket recommendation tickets. Readership 663495731

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