Green Life

Volume 2 Chapter 36 Football Charm

"Raul's classic reappeared at Upton Park, and Mark Qin perfectly copied this goal." Zhan Jun is still excited, this goal is so beautiful!

After his teammates dispersed, Ma Keqin clenched his fist, raised his right hand, and kissed his ring finger with his lips, making a move exclusive to Raul.

"Ma Keqin pays tribute to Raul again! Did he also watch this goal? He was only seven years old at that time, did he watch the video?" Zhan Jun was a little unbelievable.

The director quickly called up the video of Raul's goal in 1998, and compared it with Mark Qin's goal, it was exactly the same!

Veterans never die, classics never fade, Prince Bernabéu is still writing his own legend in Real Madrid, and Prince Anfield has opened a new chapter.

The way he kisses his ring finger is really handsome! Isabella stared at the big boy that everyone was looking forward to on the TV, and her love surged. He is my boyfriend.

Ma Keqin put down his right hand, feeling a kind of sincere satisfaction in his heart. He once thought that one day he would reproduce the classics he had seen on TV.

Today, the dream has come into reality, and he is the protagonist.

These classics will be remembered forever until he becomes a legend!

The West Ham United players also looked at him helplessly with their hips akimbo, powerless. They couldn't feel any anger for such a goal.

"Crack, crack", there was a sound first, then a burst of thunder, and finally the stadium was full of thunder. The fans in the West Ham stands stood up and applauded spontaneously for him. The classic is the resonance.

"The fans of West Ham United applaud Mark Qin again." Zhan Jun seemed to have seen the shocking scene. "This is a very difficult honor to obtain in the Premier League. They are thanking Mark Qin for his performance."

Ma Keqin was taken aback for a moment, then raised his hands and clapped in response to the fans in the stands, they know football!

Kirbishley patted his forehead depressedly, and sat back on the coach's bench, all the tense and chilling atmosphere was gone.

The referee came running to end the perfect fan interaction and showed Mark Qin a yellow card.

Although he was wearing underwear underneath, he stripped to celebrate, rules are rules and there is no escape.

But he didn't care because it was worth it!

They celebrated for three or four minutes, and Benitez hurriedly arranged a substitution on the sidelines, and he was about to start defending.

As long as he can win the away game, he is already satisfied, and he has no requirements for the scene.

In the 72nd minute of the game, Lucas replaced Mark Qin, Liera replaced Torres, Liverpool played 451 instead, and there was also a defensive striker Didier.

Seeing the substitution sign, Ma Keqin didn't put on his jersey again, and went straight to the field.

"Nice job, Mark," Lucas hugged him tightly and patted him on the back hard.

"Come on, Luca, win it," he said.

"Do not worry"

He walked to the bench, high-fived his teammates one by one, sat down, and waited for the end of the game.

The camera followed him firmly. This night, Ronaldo scored twice, and Mark Qin passed and shot, keeping pace.

Five minutes later, Benitez replaced Alonso with Bruno. Three days later, there was still a league league in the middle of the week, and Ming Jin withdrew.

"Fans and friends, the referee blew the whistle for the end of the game. With the goals of Torres and Mark Qin, Liverpool defeated West Ham United 2-1 away and continued to be one point behind Manchester United, ranking second." Said after the game.

"Prince Mark Qin of Anfield scored a classic goal..."

As soon as the game ended, the teammates on the bench went to the field to embrace and celebrate. The hard-won victory narrowly passed the test.

The camera closely followed Ma Keqin, and it was no surprise that he was the best player in the field. Noble walked towards him.

"Hey Mark, nice goal, let's exchange jerseys", he said, taking off his jersey and handing it over.

"Thank you", Ma Keqin also handed over his jersey, hugged him, and patted his shoulder.

Finally Gerald hugged him, "Well done Mark, well done, I'm so proud of you!"

The away fans who came with the team in the stands were reluctant to leave for a long time.

They passed the test again.

What have the past few seasons been like? They all stay away from the championship group first, and then compete for the Champions League qualification at the end of the season.

This season has really ignited a fire in their hearts. Excitement is mixed with apprehension, and there are mixed flavors. Before the start of each game, they are always in fear, lest the team will fall behind.

Needless to say losing now, even if it is a tie, the media will overwhelmingly publicize that so-and-so is behind, and the fear of shattered hopes is the most worrying.

Whether it works or not, give it a good time! It's too painful!

"Mark~, Mark~, you are the best", "Mark~, give us a championship", "Mark~,..."

Mark Qin walked to the stands of the visiting team, put his jersey on his shoulders, raised his hands to applaud the stands, and then gave them a thumbs up, ushering in even bigger cheers from them.

There were young people and old people with gray temples, and they all looked excitedly at the black-haired boy under the stands.

"Let us walk through the storm together, hold our heads up, and don't be afraid of the darkness, because in the darkness, there is endless golden sunshine~"

you'll never Walk Alone! On this cold night, the sound gradually sounded from a corner of the stands, and the teammates gradually gathered to sing along with Mark Qin.

In the large and small bars on the streets of Liverpool, it gradually became quiet, and slowly singing came out, which then evolved into a chorus of the whole city.

Let us join hands and walk through the darkness together, waiting for the dawn!

Whether happy or painful, excited or sad, I am by your side~

Still in that small bar, Tony and Sam stared blankly at Mark Qin on TV, their hearts touched.

The teenager who "cheats" pizza every day,

The teenager who likes to drink soda and listen to their bragging pens quietly,

I have learned to take responsibility on my shoulders,

have learned to give hope,

He's starting to grow up...

On this cold and warm night, although he still doesn't understand what the ideal of football is, he feels the charm of football.

More than a hundred years ago, when they created modern football, practitioners from all walks of life gathered in the green field.

They use their own lives to write their own community culture, showing their joys, sorrows and joys.

Passed down from generation to generation, let our children and grandchildren see that their ancestors lived like this back then, and worked so hard to create their own glory~

This is the enthusiasm for life, what is left behind is not only roughness, abuse, and venting, but also an indomitable fighting spirit.

Fight the sky, fight the earth, fight the fate!

Gradually, this culture was reduced to a symbol, a team song, a piece of stands, a piece of history...

Everyone is an ordinary and extraordinary life. In the team here, you can feel the resonance of machines and the atmosphere of the industrial oven revolution more than a hundred years ago.

They are vulgar, they are full of foul words, but they actually use their hands to create their own light of hope.

My own country, the desolate Northwest Gobi Desert decades ago, and the snow-covered black land in Northeast China, are all turned into fertile land inch by inch by my ancestors with their rough hands.

These hands are the passion of life and the glory of a century!

Different nations, common human beings, how can they not love football? How can you not be loyal to the team?

As much as you love the black land, they love this green field~

He can really feel the beating of this kind of football pulse. It gathers people, old and young, with a common community culture and a common life experience, gathered around the team.

The team, the culture and history of the place where they have lived for decades, is their root.

Such football, how can there be no charm?

First of all, there is their history, and then there will be the history of the team. Generations of players and coaches carry their brilliance and glory.

Mark Qin walked up to the fans, asked for a signing pen, and began to sign the fans patiently, and then more players.

Since today, Mark Qin has never failed to sign autographs or take photos for fans who are away from home. This has gradually become a club tradition.

"We will bring the league championship to the fans. They have been away from this honor for too long, and we have the responsibility to bring it home~", Mark Qin said facing the camera in an interview after the game.

He believes that after this game, he and his teammates will have nothing to fear, and the only thing left is hard work.

"C Ronaldo has scored six goals in the last three games. Are you confident that he can beat him who is in such a hot state?" asked the reporter of "Echo".

"He and I are different types of players. There is no need to compare them together. There are eleven people on the court. Together with my teammates, I can definitely beat him," he said confidently.

"Who do you think will be the first to fall behind among the four teams?" asked the reporter of "Sky Sports".

"Arsenal," he replied simply.

"Congratulations on scoring a classic goal. Raul also scored such a goal in the 1998 World Cup. Can you tell us about you and Raul?" Li Wei asked, holding up the microphone.

"I know, I saw the video of that game, Raul is the banner of the Bernabeu, he is a great player, I have a lot to learn from him, I am very honored to be on the same level as him," he said with a smile .

These words were later responded by Raul: "Mark is an outstanding young rookie, he has unparalleled talent, I really hope that one day he can come to Real Madrid, we can have the opportunity to fight side by side, I believe that will definitely Exciting"

The teammates accepted the interview in twos and threes, and then walked slowly back to the locker room, with the joy of victory on their faces.

This kid has just become the main player, but unexpectedly, he has exploded with such power. He must be firmly established as the main player. Thinking of his rising speed, many teammates feel as if they are in a world away, as if the team they played before is not called Liverpool. .

His status in the team is increasing day by day. For example, now, no one calls him "boy" casually, and he will no longer judge him like a big brother in front of the media.

Direct headlights, passing through the fog, carrying the victorious Liverpool on the way home, laughter and laughter in the car, the atmosphere is relaxed, two consecutive victories, and finally swept away the decline.

The competition in January is over, and they will soon start the multi-line battle in February.

Three league games, two FA Cup games, one UEFA Champions League round of 16, except for the FA Cup, every game is crucial.

In the Champions League, Ma Keqin's heart is full of enthusiasm. They are all wealthy in the knockout round. He can't wait to meet them.

But this time as the main force, unless he reaches the semi-finals in a cup like the FA Cup, he feels that he will not have many chances to play.

It took him one year and seven months to complete the transformation from stepping into Melwood to becoming the main force of the team.

Can't compare to Melo, but it can be called super fast.

The spring breeze in February is like scissors. The history he set foot on is getting more and more deviated from the original track. He clearly remembers that in this season in history, Liverpool has fallen behind since New Year's Day and has not won a game throughout January. Drank too much.

Now, they are a strong contender for the championship and one of the flagship teams of the British Prosperity!

Red, will finally bloom...

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