Green Life

Volume 2 Chapter 31 Price Index

Wrapped in a thick down jacket, Li Wei, like many other media reporters, braved the cold wind and waited at the door of Melwood.

The temperature at the end of January has not risen yet. It is a cloudy day in the UK. There may be no sunshine for several days. It is cold, humid and windy.

Media reporters like him have to brave various weather conditions and go to various cities just to obtain first-hand news materials in a timely manner.

He called Ma Keqin several times in the afternoon, but he didn't get through. He knew that Ma Keqin didn't want to accept this interview.

I don't know what Mark Qin is thinking.

But he was so excited that he just sent back the news of Mark Qin's assist for a hat-trick last night, as well as the reprint of the local news.

"Prince of Anfield, assists hat-trick", "Liverpool said to Manchester United: No", "Mark: Rising Superstar", the media is extremely flattering, and I can't wait to put all the praise on Mark Qin .

Now every weekend, Liverpool has become the home team of most domestic fans, just like the Rockets in the NBA, Mark Qin’s value to the club’s promotion in Asia can even outweigh their efforts in the past few decades.

He made his debut in Liverpool. As a Chinese, he can make a name for himself in Liverpool, which has exceeded many people's expectations, but this time, it is a real offer from the top giants.

twenty million.

What is the star used to measure? The most intuitive thing is of course the transfer price. Zidane was definitely not a superstar before he transferred to Real Madrid for 56 million, even if he had won the World Cup.

Competitive value and market value are often two worlds.

At the age of 18, Rooney transferred from Everton to Manchester United at a record price of 27 million pounds for young players, turning from a young star into a popular star in one fell swoop.

The world is sometimes so straightforward. Fans, the media and even advertisers will use the transfer price to measure the player's fame and influence.

So Li Wei was shocked by the price of 20 million euros. In four months, Ma Keqin was only seventeen years old, and Liverpool sold Crouch in the winter for less than 15 million euros.

Barcelona is using the price of a superstar to buy a child. Who does Barcelona have? Ronaldinho and Puyol are world-class giants, not inferior to Real Madrid.

This transfer offer was like a starting gun, with a bang, it started the opening index of Mark Qin's market price.

Real Madrid have long been interested in him, and Wenger has also come to inquire about the price, but they know that Liverpool will not sell a new star who has just shown his potential in the team, not to mention that he was born in Kirkby.

Only Barcelona, ​​who believe that there is no player in the world they cannot buy, make an outrageous offer.

Many wealthy clubs who pay attention to Mark Qin are waiting and watching. They want to see Liverpool's reaction. Their economy has been in a mess recently, and 20 million is definitely not the final offer. As long as Liverpool counter-offers, the market will be completely lively.

When Parry received the offer, he obviously hesitated. It wasn't two million, and it was just the first trial offer. There was still a week before the transfer period closed.

If they really sit down and negotiate, the cost of acquiring Torres in the summer can be fully recovered!

Good wine and celebrity face, money touches people's hearts...

When Benitez received a call from Parry, he said he would not sell it, let alone 20 million or 30 million, because he could not buy a substitute.

In the entire team, how many transfer prices can reach 20 million euros? There are only a handful of players in this level, and they are all the stars of each team. It is very difficult to buy them back after they are sold.

That night, the media reporters who had been waiting for an afternoon in Melwood finally got the news that Liverpool Club rejected the offer from Barcelona.

They didn't even enter the door, just waited for such a news, and hurried back to write the report.


In the middle of the night, Jonathan and Peter gathered at Ma Keqin's home, "It's him?" Ma Keqin asked in surprise, but Guardiola hasn't taken office yet.

Apart from other things, Mark Qin does not dislike Guardiola. He is an idealist who pursues perfection. He was able to manage several giants one after another because of his real skills.

This person pays great attention to details, and the game preparation is even meticulous to the extent that every bottle of mineral water has to be asked. You may not like his style of playing with the ball to death, but you have to admire his concentration.

He and Mourinho are two extremes, natural opponents, one who pursues the ultimate in ball possession, and the other who believes that ball possession is useless.

"Well," Jonathan nodded, "I've already found out that this offer was completely ordered by Guardiola, and it's said that Rijkaard is very dissatisfied with the club because of this."

After making such a detour, spending such a big deal, and not hesitate to offend others, if it is really an ordinary player, I am afraid that he would have been grateful, stop training and make a transfer, or it is okay to cheat...

"I want to hear your thoughts, Mark," Jonathan said.

"What do I think? Didn't the club reject it? Why should I care about this?", he said.

"Uh", Jonathan choked heavily.

Peter followed up, "Jonathan wanted to ask if you want to play in Barcelona"

"I don't want to", he refused immediately.

Jonathan thought it was his Liverpool loyalty again, so he said patiently: "Mark, you are a Liverpool fan, but that's just a fan status. Looking at so many players in the world, very few can play in one Stay in the team for a lifetime, and you will always have problems like this in the future.”

"You are a professional player now, and playing football is your career first, so when considering these issues, you must first see whether it is good for your career development"

Mark Qin was noncommittal to Jonathan, who was trying to persuade himself. He didn't necessarily want to persuade him to transfer to Barcelona, ​​but he didn't like Mark Qin's way of thinking about issues.

Just like job hopping, when a big company gives you an offer, you can’t say how many years you have worked in this small company and have feelings for it, so you don’t think about the future at all.

Jonathan felt compelled to help him draw the line between his role as a fan and his career path.

Ma Keqin understood what he meant, nodded and said: "I understand what you mean, maybe one day I will consider it, but not now, and I will never go to Barcelona in my life"

"Why?" Jonathan looked incomprehensible, as if he had never had any grudges with Barcelona.

"There's no reason, I don't like the color of their jerseys, and there's a horoscope disagreement." Markqin didn't like Barcelona because later generations, as fans, opposed Cosmic Sa or couldn't understand the performance department of La Masia, or because Barcelona later switched to Barcelona. A soap opera in the market.

Every club has its own way of running, it's none of his business.

There is no reason, before Ronaldinho, he didn't like Barcelona, ​​it was because he liked Real Madrid relatively more when he watched the first Spanish national derby, he liked pure colors.

It's as simple as that. When many fans like or hate a team when they first watch football, how can there be so many reasons?

"What is the horoscope?" Jonathan was confused.

"A means of prediction in their country, like our psychics here," Peter explained.


"Okay, let's put this aside," Jonathan finally said, "Then you don't express your opinion in front of the media, leave it to me, you have to listen to me on this point, don't make fun of your career"

Seeing Ma Keqin's expression, Jonathan had no choice but to explain: "Mark, the five major European leagues seem to have a lot of teams, but when you play to a certain level, the teams that can accommodate you are those in each league. There are several giants”

He said sternly: "Your remarks just now must not be disclosed to the media. They are the most capable of fanning the flames. You still have a long career. If you offend this giant today, you may offend another one tomorrow. Come two or three times, you The reputation in the wealthy circle is not good, understand?"

Seeing Mark Qin's approval, he continued: "The European football circle says it's big, but it's also small. The pyramid is just as big as a palm, and countless people are trying to get up there. Mark, you have the potential. So be sure to be cautious in your words and deeds, because you are still only potential, and you don’t have that capital.”

Looking at Jonathan, who turned into a peerless dad, Ma Keqin felt amused. His ability to say these words at least showed that he was not wrong in finding him.

"Don't worry, I understand what you mean," he stood up and said, "I won't express my opinion, just deal with it"


On the second day, Jonathan talked to the media cameras, "I always knew that Mark had this potential. His talent is unparalleled. I can't see the limit of his future, only he can touch it."

"Yes, he wants to concentrate on playing football. He is not yet 17 years old and has only played in the league for more than half a year. He has coaches and teammates who trust him in Liverpool. He has no thought of leaving now."

"Barcelona is a great club and every player probably dreams of wearing the Barcelona jersey, it's an honor and a huge motivation for Marc"

"But Mark belongs to Liverpool, he always belonged to Liverpool until the situation changed, he loves this city and the team, he made his debut in Kirkby, he is Liverpool's own"

Ma Keqin participated in training with the team as usual. As usual, his teammates didn't ask about this matter, but he looked at him slightly differently. He was a young man who was more expensive than himself.

Personal relationships do not involve business, this is the unspoken rule of the locker room.

At noon, Barcelona raised the offer to 25 million euros, which made this wave even hotter. Many media seemed to be beaten with chicken blood. Barcelona is going to come for real.

When Benitez closed the door, all interviews were stopped!

"According to our reporter, the Liverpool club just rejected Barcelona's second offer of 25 million euros for the young star Mark this evening, and declared that he is not for sale."

Ai Ming turned to look at Peter and said, "Peter, my brother is so valuable? Twenty-five million, how much is it~"

"Hey, your brother will be worth more in the future," Peter said, chewing on a piece of broccoli.

"Crack", Chen Zixuan patted the dining table, "I said that you two are not as good as the other."

"I'm going to be the rich man's younger sister, hahaha~~~"


Liverpool's second refusal made Barcelona silent for two days. Just when everyone thought that the soap opera of inflating their status was about to end, three days later, Barcelona made another offer, 30 million!

"Boom...", the media immediately exploded.

Sixteen-year-old Mr. Thirty Million, fresh out of the oven!

If we sit down and negotiate, what will be the final transaction price? Forty million? , I dare not think about it. Just like Ferguson buying a 12-year-old Adu with millions of pounds, it is incredible.

He performed well, but is it really worth so much money? , this has caught up with Torres' price, who is he? Liverpool's leading scorer, the scoring list is neck and neck with Ronaldo.

Is it expensive? A few years later, this price can't buy him a thigh...

Ma Keqin felt that this farce had to end as soon as possible. Now every day at the door of his training house and the club, there were a bunch of people blocking him and asking the same questions. It seemed that the slogans floating on his house could not suppress the restlessness...

Now he misses the later self-media era again. In the future, if he takes a picture at the door of his house and says a word, everything will be fine, but now he feels inconvenient all over his body.

The day after tomorrow is the league game. Don't be in trouble if Benitez thinks about him because of this matter. He hurriedly called Jonathan.

"Don't worry," Jonathan said over there, "I reiterated to the club that you have no intention of leaving, they know how to do it"

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