Green Ace Marshal

Chapter 492: .492 End of an era

When the Liverpool generals left the field and walked into the player channel, Gerrard, who was watching the game in the stands today, was already standing here looking forward to the game in casual clothes. The leader of the Red Army laughed and embraced every teammate and shouted for the victory of the team cheer!

This caused dissatisfaction with the Manchester United players who retired at the same time!

Ferdinand scolded Gerrard angrily: "This is not Anfield, you **** be quiet!"

The young Liverpool players are still at a loss, but Gerrard smiled at Ferdinand with his arms around Eriksson: "Don't be so nervous, when you party at Anfield, you can now experience our taste!

Long live Liverpool! "

The Liverpool generals also cheered loudly!

Ferdinand quickly stepped forward to question Gerald, but was stopped by Giggs. Giggs, who did not appear today, said to Ferdinand indifferently: "This day is bad enough, don't let it become Even worse, we need to cheer up from tomorrow instead of being disturbed by another farce dispute!"

Ferdinand turned his head away with a stubborn stomach.

The Liverpool generals recklessly carried out a carnival at Old Trafford!

Situ Yunbing also attended the post-match press conference in vigor.

Facing Fleet Street and the European media, Situ Yunbing appeared complacent.

When asked by a reporter from The Times: "First of all congratulations to Liverpool for winning this England derby at Old Trafford, which is also the Premier League first game!

Liverpool are now 10 points ahead of Manchester United in the standings. What do you think is the significance of this victory? "

Situ Yunbing smiled and said: "It is not about the leading score, even if it is 1 point ahead, or even if we are behind to Manchester United, I think this is a milestone victory worth celebrating!

Liverpool have completed their home and away double play against Manchester United this season!

We have won both at Anfield and Old Trafford, and I can officially announce that after two or three years of decline and trough, we are back!

We are back to the top ranks of the Premier League, and we have become more competitive than before!

Our staff has undergone a lot of changes from the past. If you compare it to four years ago, Liverpool can hardly see the players who played for the team at that time, so in this context, it makes more sense to double play Manchester United!

The players tell everyone with actions that we expect to make some sensational results, and we are pursuing a higher goal, a goal that was previously unattainable!

From the spiritual level to the psychological state, this victory will greatly strengthen Liverpool. We are the most powerful contenders and challengers to the traditional structure of the Premier League. At the same time, we are also the creators of Liverpool in the new era! "

The reporters at the scene nodded one after another, Situ Yunbing's speech was strong and powerful, which will inevitably bring an extremely positive influence inside and outside the club!

When asked by the "Guardian" reporter about the team's performance, Situ Yunbing shrugged and said: "The players have shown talent and fighting spirit. We control the rhythm of the game very well. I think when I came to the Premier League , I decided to bring something new to this league, so this needs to start from changing Liverpool itself. I am very happy that after most of the season, Liverpool's overall level has been significantly improved.

We are playing football with a different style from other teams. Maybe we have never had a long-lasting football culture and style in the Premier League era, but I hope that from this season we will have some unique cultures that belong to Liverpool's style to form our characteristics. .

Specific to the individual players’ performance, I think Gareth Bale gave us a phenomenal performance. I have always been optimistic about him and he has also been rewarded. This is a good virtuous circle.

I know that some media always take the trouble to ask who can challenge the superstar status of Messi and Ronaldo. Gareth Bale and Suarez are all on the list, and even Hazard is on the list.

What I want to say is that if players take personal honors indifferently and put all their energy on team honors, never force yourself to get what kind of personal honors, but set goals for yourself and work with the team. How many trophies are won, so that it will not put too much pressure on yourself, and at the same time, there may be better chemical reactions. That is the success of the team and the personal success!

This is my football philosophy, and I am always nagging in the ears of players. Maybe some people are tired of it, but they don't have the guts to say it. I'm sure of this. "

The reporters at the scene all smiled knowingly.

Some reporters also asked about Sterling's loss of three singles.

Situ Yunbing looked a little depressed.

"I don't know what's going on, but I think if he missed three golden opportunities, then he shouldn't be deliberately magnified. This is how the players are. It is impossible for every game to be in a very good state. Suarez did not have it today Goal, but his contribution to the team is very big!

It's the same with Sterling. I won't talk to him about his bad performance in today's game. I would rather give him space for him to adjust himself and strive for a good performance next time. "

Regarding Sterling’s mystery smile, Situ Yunbing didn’t say it. It’s unnecessary. Some people will be overly frustrated in response to different situations, while others will be very angry. Maybe outsiders will find it strange after seeing it. Say something like "should not be depressed, and should not be angry, but should make adjustments to seize the next opportunity, frustration and anger are not helpful."

So in the same way, Sterling laughs is normal, it's nothing more than a verbose sentence, can you stop giggling next time?

But this obviously shouldn't be Situ Yunbing speaking.

Finally, a reporter from the "Mirror" asked about the exchanges between Situ Yunbing and Ferguson before and during the game, as well as his slightly excessive celebration at Old Trafford.

Situ Yunbing smiled lightly: "Ferguson is a great coach. I respect him very much in my heart, but he seems to be dissatisfied with my position as Liverpool coach. He hopes that this summer or next summer, when he retires. Let me take over the position of Manchester United coach. I expressed my gratitude to him and the reasons for rejection. Of course, after I became the Liverpool coach, it was no longer possible to coach Manchester United. From now on, it will be impossible, even if I leave Liverpool. .

In fact, because of our different positions, conflicts and frictions will inevitably occur between us, just like the two clubs of Liverpool and Manchester United!

But all my actions in the game are related to the game!

Liverpool are eager to beat Manchester United. We also achieved a little at Old Trafford. As I said before, this is a landmark victory!

Although it will not bring us championships, this victory can stimulate the Liverpool team. I think this emotional excitement can bring long-term positive effects.

Like Liverpool facing Manchester United in the past two or three years, we have fighting spirit, but we do not have the confidence to defeat our opponents!

Now you ask every Liverpool player, we are not only high-spirited, but we are confident about defeating and defeating Manchester United. Even if there is another confrontation, I think Liverpool will defeat Manchester United!

Sir Ferguson will not be happy with the result of the game. He will not admit defeat or accept the old, but the reality is often cruel and cruel.

One thing I can be sure of is that if the Glazer family does not spend real money to support Ferguson, then I am sorry, Manchester United will not have a comeback!

Liverpool has surpassed Manchester United. Soon, Manchester City, Chelsea and even the decent Arsenal will leave Manchester United behind. Oh, and Tottenham!

Manchester United will become no longer special, except for their brand!

They will be the most profitable club in the Premier League for a long time, but they are more like a company than a team fighting for honor and championship. "

Situ Yun got up and left after saying this.

He has said enough.

The reporters at the scene were extremely excited!

They received the most explosive material!

Ferguson wants to find Situ Yunbing as his successor? !

That must be Ferguson ready to retire? !

And Situ Yunbing suppressed Manchester United in all directions, mocked Manchester United, and even humiliated Manchester United!

Since the start of the new season, the defending champions Manchester City coach Mancini opened the prelude to the Premier League's powerful siege and suppression of Liverpool, but was smoothed by Situ Yunbing. For a while, Liverpool led by Situ Yunbing has entered a low-key and pragmatic, low-key and pragmatic, and made a fortune. In the state.

They established a huge lead in the league.

And after a hundred days, Situ Yunbing took advantage of the English Derby to beat Manchester United at Old Trafford, as if officially announcing Liverpool's goal to sweep the Premier League!

The Premier League championship trophy is the most important goal of Situ Yunbing this season!

There is no doubt!

When Situ Yunbing returned to Liverpool with the team on the bus, those Liverpool fans who were also preparing to go home on both sides of the road cheered!

Perhaps in the Premier League era, these Red Army fans have never held their heads high like today, yearning for a better future, and can't wait to expect the team to take them to the Premier League championship in one go!

It is undeniable that Situ Yunbing only took half a year to make Liverpool fans look up again!

Although Liverpool have not gained anything so far, they seem to be very close to success.

And Situ Yunbing happens to be the kind of coach who can give fans a strong belief and confidence!

So the Red Army fans are extremely relieved!

Ferguson suddenly called Situ Yunbing.

On the other side of the phone, Ferguson yelled at Situ Yunbing!

Because Situ Yunbing leaked the content of their conversation!

Although Situ Yunbing had been scolded, he still didn't say a word with a smile on his face and didn't hang up the phone.

When Ferguson scolded himself to catch his breath, he asked on the phone: "Why don't you speak?"

Situ Yunbing smiled charmingly.

"Because your time is over."

Ferguson is angry!

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