Great World of Magic Cube

Vol 3 Chapter 2248: Small battle


In the aircraft flying at high speed in the subspace, a sudden alarm sounded suddenly in the quiet cockpit. Then, before Waiting for Ito Sat to see what happened, a strong energy shock suddenly appeared in the subspace, appearing in front of the small aircraft that Ito was driving.

Then I saw the small aircraft violently shocked and forced out of the subspace. Then a fleet of fleets reflected the eyes of Ito into the optical screen of the small aircraft.

It is the fleet of the Orion Empire.

The size of this fleet is not small. It consists of hundreds of huge half-moon-type spacecrafts that are four or five kilometers long, up to one hundred meters, and the widest is about a kilometer. The whole body is dark and dark, and the black ones are almost impossible. Resolving their true position in the universe, it is clear that the metal coating on the outside of these warships has a strong absorption invisibility effect.

The smashing guns and spurs faintly accumulate energy, aiming at the small aircraft that Ito Shun took, and let the lock detection system in the aircraft continuously send out a harsh alarm.

"Here is the Orion Empire! #¥星守卫队, Earth Man, now officially orders you to stop the spacecraft, lock the weapon system, accept our boarding inspection, otherwise we have the right to invade the hunter empire in the field The aircraft you are riding is destroyed."

Then in the next moment, the warning sound of English as the language of communication on the Earth was transmitted from the multi-frequency radio. And the voice and tone of the speech are very strong.

"I really want to listen to your words, I am a fool!" Ito Cheng ridiculed himself.

Immediately after the thought, the small aircraft was captured in the Rubik's Cube world, and then he did not hesitate to jump away from the place with the ability to move instantly.

next moment. A number of energy beams containing horror energy fluctuations rushed from far away, passing through the position where Ito was originally located.

Ito’s heart was re-appeared. Hundreds of tennis-sized glazed gems appeared on his body and then shattered. In a dazzling light, it transforms into a small-scale sailing ship like a model of a submarine ship that is built in equal proportions, such as a group of guards flying around the body of Ito.

Subsequently, Ito Seng released the thoughts and differentiated into a branch of the gods that was opposite to the number of small-scale sailing ships, and was connected with a small-scale sailing ship.

"Dragon Cavalry system, start." Ito Cheng whispered.

Immediately after the figure flashed again, with hundreds of small Dimensional Sailing Ships, another beam run from the Orion Imperial Fleet escaped.

"Starting the Rainbow Light Cannon!" Ito Cheng, who showed his body shape again, ordered the idea.

"yes, mymaster."

The words, hundreds of large and small, a constrained aura formed by the strange characters with magical power appeared in front of the small Dimension sailing ship. Incarnate into a black hole that swallows light, absorbs the surrounding beam and atomic energy, and condenses into a huge energy ball of light with a diameter of several hundred meters.

Only in this way, the goal of the small-dimensional sailing ship can not be suppressed and become huge. The Orion Imperial fleet, which is known to be dangerous from these energy-detecting devices, did not hesitate to attack the energy light **** gathered by small-scale navigation ships in a scattered manner.

Ito, who didn’t want his own attack to be destroyed, did not hesitate. He went straight to the front of many small-scale sailing ships, and stretched his hands to fully develop the power, in front of himself and many small-scale sailing ships. Made a Mannian tens of kilometers. The height is also over a dozen kilometers, and the surface has a huge barrier of movement, standing in the void.

And because of the relationship between the energy limit extrusion, the original transparent and invisible barrier barrier has gradually gained color. It emerged from the void, like a huge light curtain in the universe, wrapped in the front of Ito and many small small-scale sailing ships.

Then. The dazzling light suddenly blooms, and the powerful energy shock wave is transmitted into the mind of Ito into the mind through the connection between the mind barrier and the mental power. Stirring his spirit.

"Oh." Ito, who felt the tingling of his head in vain, snorted and frowned. However, it still did not disperse the barrier of the front, and continued to maintain the barrier to resist there until the attack of the Orion Empire was intermittent.

At this time, Ito’s establishment will be filled with a barrier, and the words will be “sent!”

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of bright beams of light suddenly rushed out from his side, smashing the void of the universe and falling into the fleet of the Orion Empire opposite.

Silently, the light of the hundred lights suddenly blooms, and the barrier is quickly opened at the speed visible to the naked eye. In the blink of an eye, it becomes nearly a hundred giant **** with a diameter of nearly 100 kilometers, including hundreds of ships of the Orion Empire. Go in.

Then the light converges, the light ball becomes a huge black hole, forming a whirlpool of rapid rotation, exerting the power of infinite squeezing, forcing those warships that were not covered in the first time when the light ball broke out. come.

Nearly a hundred strong suctions formed a horrific gravitational area, vying for warships that did not enter the cave, and then tearing them into pieces and pulling them into their big holes.

It can be said that in this cosmic region stretching for nearly a thousand kilometers and reaching a depth of two or three hundred kilometers, at this time, under the attack of dense rainbow light cannons, the real evolution has become a vast field. Is it a large warship? The popular meteorites that accidentally flew over could not escape the gravitational pull made by the rainbow light cannon, and were sucked into the black hole and annihilated into nothingness.

Fortunately, this situation did not last long. In less than a minute, all the black holes quickly stopped, and the contraction collapsed into an extremely small black spot, which then shattered like a bunch of bubbles and disappeared into the universe. In the void, leave a blank area of ​​energy that has not yet recovered.


Along with the surface of all the small-dimensional navigation ships that completed the mission, a number of metal cylinders with staggered small eyes were detected from the ship, and a large amount of hot white steam was discharged from them. It is filled in the dark universe.

After the end of the heat dissipation, Ito Cheng moved to close all the small Dimensional Sailing Ships. Re-summon the small aircraft and enter the operating room.

"Remember that the fleet seems to have mentioned the planet. They are the garrison of the planet. If so, then I will be patronizing the planet." Ito Cheng thought about it and called out the Orion constellation. Star map, from which to find their own location and the nearest planet, shoot a good route, drive the spacecraft to fly to the planet.

The high-speed flying spacecraft made a stream of light, disappearing instantly from the universe.

After a few minutes, the small aircraft appeared around the orbit of the target planet.

It is a mixed planet of blue, brown, red and green. It's very large, similar to Saturn, with eight moon-like satellites around the moon, and a nebula ring that fits like a belt around the middle of the planet. The satellite has a modified space port, dozens of hundreds of huge warships around the free flying satellites and the periphery of the planet, as if the patrols are orbiting the planet.

Unfortunately, Ito’s spacecraft appeared just a short distance from the fleet of the cruise fleet, so it was discovered by the other party without any surprise.

Ito Cheng did not hesitate, and immediately plucked the spacecraft. Launching an instant movement, the flashing body appeared in front of the patrol squad, and the outreach in the universe field shrouded all the warships in front of it.

At that time, dozens of huge planets appeared out of the patrol fleet out of thin air. Rotate around them slowly.

"Explosion!" Then, Ito Cheng shouted lightly.

Then, after listening to the bang of the "bang", dozens of stars around the patrol fleet exploded. Unleashed a powerful energy shock visible to the naked eye and blasted to the battleship in the center of the explosion.


Under the impact of the energy of a real planet explosion. The battleship that was bombarded immediately broke down and exploded. Change into a huge red-yellow smoke group.

Then Ito became a hand, and the wreckage of the universe and the warships of the Orion Empire disappeared from the universe.

Ito, who solved a patrol squad, did not stay in the universe, a dive, and flew past the natural planet in front of him. The body of Ito Sakura is a streamer, like a meteor rushing in! #¥ Star's atmosphere, and flew away to the ground.

Under the spur of ten times the speed of sound, it didn't take long for Ito to break through! The atmosphere of the #¥ star enters the natural sky of the planet. However, before he carefully observed the natural environment and human condition in the planet, the rushing alarm sounded back above the planet, and then a large number of floating fighters appeared on the sky, quickly reaching the place where Ito was. The position flew over.

Seeing the arrival of the enemy, Ito’s expression is unchanged, and his mind is full of emotions. Thousands of soldiers wearing black suits resembling the future individual armored armor are appearing in the sky around him.

"Destroy them!" Then Ito Cheng looked at the battle near the front and said softly.

"Yes." The soldiers around were in unison.

The next moment, I saw the shadows of these soldiers flashing together, disappearing from his side in a similar way to the moment, appearing next to a plane flying in the air, the energy weapon in his hand waved and attacked The warship of the ship. Naturally, the fighters would not be stupid and beaten there. One side flies or flies up and down to escape the attacks of the soldiers.

The soldiers were not discouraged and continued to pursue.

In an instant, the dense beam of light appeared in the broad blue sky of the planet.

Seeing that the enemy’s warfare was blocked, Ito Satoshi did not pay attention to them. When they thought about it, they put on a batch of Rainbow Light Cannons and launched a batch of attacks on the ground.


The light blooms, a huge ball with a diameter of 100 kilometers appears on the ground, sucking the surrounding buildings and the Orion star and other civilized ethnic groups, swallowed into the space.


After the explosion, a deep pit appeared on the ground of the planet, piercing the carrying shell, and pulsing the underground magma into the pit.


The seawater was swallowed up, and huge vacancies caused the inflow of ocean currents, stirring the ocean, creating a terror tsunami that hit the coastal city of the alien generation.


The mountain disappeared, the earth shattered, and various deadly things began to appear on the planet.


People began to panic, hiding faceless and helpless, and then one after another of the terrorist disaster and the battle of the soldiers and fighters in the sky to kill, became a ruin, even the **** can not be left behind.

Under the continuous bombardment of the rainbow light cannon of Ito, the whole planet began to smash the edge of civilization and the destruction of the living environment.

However, at this time, a black spot like a disaster has suddenly appeared in the sky, and it rushed into the interior of the planet like rain...and these black spots are nothing else, it is the soldiers of the Orion Empire. One by one wearing a single armor or driving an in-plane aircraft to join the battle against Ito’s encirclement.

Seeing this, Ito Cheng did not hesitate, and immediately thought of it, and cast more soldiers out of the Rubik's Cube world. During the time, tens of thousands of well-trained soldiers wearing the Rubik's Cube of World Warcraft appeared in the sky and clashed with the soldiers of the Orion Empire.

A total of 100,000 people on both sides are crowded in the sky, such as a huge cloud of the same group, covering a range of hundreds of kilometers.

Then Ito Cheng ignored the soldiers of the Orion Empire and continued his destruction of the planet.

"It's really big enough, it seems that I need to increase the speed." Ito Cheng secretly.

If you want to stop, you will have hundreds of identical scores, and then give each person twenty rainbow guns and various destructive weapons of great power, so that all the shadows will be separated. Leave yourself and go to other places to destroy.

As for why you don’t give more shadows to the Rainbow Light Cannon, it’s not that he doesn’t want to, but he doesn’t have a lot of hands. Excluding those that have been used once and are recharging, he In the hands of the rainbow light magic circuit device is more than a thousand in the first place, this, including the part of the solar system with the dimensional barrier, Ito Cheng recovered from the earth orbit.

After all, this play should be a high-risk item. In addition to its own control, Ito can have no intention to let it flood in the Rubik's Cube world. It is impossible to say that when a brain is disabled and has the opportunity to get his residents crazy, it will destroy a planet. (To be continued...)

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