New World, Louis Kansas.
The king of shipping, Umit, controls more than 80% of the new world’s commercial transport, not only cooperates with many pirates, but also has relations with the navy and even the world’s | government.
This is the survival law of the Dark World King.
To survive in this dangerous world requires not only great strength, but also extensive contacts.
Only in this way can we ensure that our position cannot be shaken.
The sea king Umit eats both black and white, and naturally mixes with the wind and water.
Countless meteorite fists fell from the sky and fell into the royal palace of Louis Kansas.
A continuous explosion sounded, and the entire palace instantly turned into a sea of fire.
I don’t know how many guards and servants were killed by magma or burned to ashes by the sea of fire.
A dark shadow shot out of the palace and flew to the top of the palace tower.
As the king of the dark world, the sea king Umit’s own strength cannot be underestimated, which is comparable to the elite lieutenant general of the naval headquarters.
“Magma power, isn’t the Red Dog dead?”
Umit looked at the surrounding sea of fire, his face ugly.
“Hahahahaha, although the red dog is dead, the magma fruit will not disappear.”
Nature is a magma fruit, and no one in the world does not crave this power.
The news of Lucifer’s ability to plunder the Demon Fruit had spread, and Umit thought of it instantly.
“You were sent by Lucifer!”
“Yes, Umit, today is your last day.”
“Why? I hadn’t offended Lucifer, and he had no reason to take a shot at me. ”
Unfortunately, Umit underestimated the cruelty of the evil ruler Pizarro.
“No, Umit, kill you, your business is still mine.”
Pizarro smiled coldly, “I haven’t eaten the magma fruit for a long time, I’ll try your power today!” ”
“Suffer death, great spit of fire!”
The hot magma erupted into high temperatures, and the burned space was somewhat distorted.
Before the move had even arrived, Umit felt the heat coming over his face.
“Damn bastard! Lao Tzu fought with you! ”
If you can’t ask for forgiveness, Umit will have to fight to the death.
He drew his saber and slashed it in anger, colliding head-on with Pizarro’s magma fist.
There was a loud bang and a powerful shock wave erupted.
Pizarro punched Umit in the chest, and the hot lava broke through Umit’s armed domineering defenses, breaking through his flesh and blood straight into his chest, and finally breaking out of his back.
Throwing away Umit’s body, Pizarro laughed, “Good, really good. ”
“The magma fruit is really powerful!”
Pizarro then led his pirates to capture Louis Kansas.
With the raising of a demonic flag, Louis Kansas was officially incorporated into the territory of the Nether Pirates.
A tornado of sand swept through a city, completely destroying a huge palace.
Big Wine Jote emerged from the sandstorm, his face flushed, and he burped a wine.
“Are they all dead?”
Jotel seemed to be drunk, his eyes were hazy, and the scene in front of him began to appear in the afterglow.
A cold light streaked through Jotel’s body at lightning speed, instantly cutting it in half.
The upper part of Jotel’s body slipped off, and his eyes were still hazy.
It was as if he hadn’t noticed that he had been cut off.
“Damn bastard, this is a foregone conclusion!”
The funeral club boss Dragupiero looked back, looked at Jote, who had been beheaded, and scolded.
Yes, this Island of Frandil is the home of the funeral society boss Dragupierro.
I thought that the battle of The Waist Chopper was over, but unfortunately, things went beyond Drago’s expectations.
I saw ThatJott’s upper body turn into fine sand and fly back to the other half of his body.
Soon, Chot was back in shape.
“Nature’s ability!”
Dragu’s face darkened, gloomy enough to drip water.
“Damn bastard, I don’t believe I can’t kill you!”
The earth cracked and was split into a ravine hundreds of meters long, and all the buildings along the way were split in half from the middle.
The same goes for Drago.
Immediately, a line of blood cracked in his eyebrows and chest.
As blood spurted, Drago’s body split in half.
The Demon Pirate Flag fluttered in the wind, and Lucifer’s territory added another one.
Similarly, when Umite and Dragu were liquidated, the other “Hermit” Gibson could not escape the fate of being killed.
None of Gibson’s men remained, and they were all killed by Waldo.
Once again, the name of the world’s destroyers made the world tremble.
During the same period of time, the kings of the New World, large and small, were simultaneously hunted by the Nether Pirates, and only Morgaons escaped.
By the time Catelyn Dieme led her to Morgaons’ lair, it was already empty.
So Morgaons fled as soon as he received the news.
Having a flying ship means that Morgaons can change the location of his old lair at will, even staying in the sky all the time.
It is no wonder that Morgaons dared to report on the scandals and taboo news of the world’s | government at will without fear of retaliation.
With the ability to fly, ninety-nine percent of his means were useless to him.
It is also because of this that the world is | house, and it has not been able to get rid of Morgans.
Overall, the hunt was relatively successful.
Except for Morgans, the rest of the Dark World Kings were all taken down.

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