
It was also at the next moment when the red dog was flown by Ulquiolasifer’s move, and a buzz suddenly exploded on Ulquiolasifer’s side.

A dazzling golden light flickered, and Ulquiolasifer turned his head slightly.

Then he saw that the yellow ape had come to his side and raised his right leg that emitted a dazzling golden light.

“You…. Ever kicked at the speed of light? ”

With that, the yellow ape immediately kicked towards Ulquiorasifer.


It’s just that although his speed is fast, Ulquiolasifah’s speed is not slow,

Before the yellow ape’s light-speed kick came out, Ulquiolasifer had already raised his arm and blocked it across his side.

“Bang !!!”

With a dull bang, Ulquiolasifer’s whole person was kicked sideways by the yellow ape’s light-speed kick and slid out for more than ten meters before he could stop.

After stabilizing his figure, Ulquiorasifer slowly raised his head and looked at the yellow ape not far away.

However, at this time, after the yellow ape saw his light-speed kick and was actually picked up by the other party, his face suddenly showed a little shocked look.

“Hey, hey, isn’t it? This guy… Actually took it?? ”

The other side.

The refuge, the Chambord Islands, live broadcast the battle of Marin Fandor in real time.

Watching the war that was briefly suspended because of the appearance of the Pale Emperor Pirates, looking at the Kearns, who was called the first person of the extremely evil generation, I don’t know what means were used.

In an instant, all the surrounding navies and pirates were solved.

All the reporters and photographers stared at the big screen with wide eyes, their faces full of disbelief, and exclaimed in amazement.

“Fa … What happened?! ”

“Unbelievable, all the people around suddenly fainted? In this kind of tense and dangerous battlefield??? ”

“No, it won’t, right? That guy named Kearns must have done something, right? It must be like this that the people around him suddenly faint, right? Right? ”

“Could it be that he is also a Devil Fruit powerhouse? Is this some special ability of his? ”

Journalists and photographers questioned each other and talked about their views.

However, just when they did not reach the correct conclusion on how they talked, a reporter with a round hat in the center of the crowd suddenly spoke.

“No, that’s not a devil fruit, let alone a special ability of the fruit, and… Domineering!! ”

“Domineering??” The photographers and reporters around them cast doubtful glances at the person who spoke.

The round-hatted reporter’s gaze was glued to the big screen, his eyes trembled slightly, and his face was full of that solemn expression.

“That’s right, it’s domineering!!”

“And in this domineering, there are three different distinctions, among which there are two kinds of armed color domineering and seeing and hearing color domineering! These two kinds of domineering, without exception, are abilities that only the strong can learn and use! ”

“Armed color domineering? See the domineering? Photographers and journalists murmured these two names.

Many people have heard of this kind of name and have a strange familiarity with it.

“So which one did Kearns use?” Is it armed color domineering? Or is it domineering? A young intern photographer with short purple hair who looked to be only seventeen or eight years old asked the round-hatted reporter with a curious look.

But hearing the young intern reporter’s inquiry, the reporter wearing a round hat shook his head slightly and said in a deep voice: “No, it’s neither!” ”

“Huh?” The young intern reporter was stunned for a moment.

“As I just said, in domineering, there are three different distinctions. Armed color domineering and seeing and smelling color domineering are just two of these three. The reporter, wearing a round hat, explained leisurely, and then added.

“And this third is the domineering spirit that one of the 10,000 people can master and use!” People with this kind of domineering are undoubtedly the strong among the strong, the overlords above ten thousand people! Therefore, this kind of domineering is also known as overlord color domineering! ”

After listening to the comprehensive explanation of the round-hat reporter, listen to the name they had never heard of before.

The faces of the photographers and reporters present all showed an uncontrollable look of amazement, and they muttered repeatedly.

“Overlord color…..”

“……. Domineering? ”

The round-hatted reporter nodded, his tone still solemn.

“That’s right, it’s overlord color domineering!”

“It is rumored that people with overlord-colored domineering energy, with their own strong courage and momentum, can shock their opponents and cannot move, and even worse, they will pass out on the spot because they cannot withstand this extremely strong momentum.”

“Judging from the real-time broadcast of the battle situation by Marin Fandor on the big screen, the captain of the Pale Emperor Pirates, the first person of the extremely evil generation, Kearns, has undoubtedly the overlord-colored domineering that only one of the 10,000 people can master!!”

“Hiss~” At this moment, a kind of reporters and photographers present all gasped after listening to the words of the round-hatted reporter.

I was shocked by the secret and knowledge that suddenly came to know.

At the same time, he also deeply understood what an extraordinary existence that Karns, who led the Pale Emperor’s pirate group, was!

And located behind them.

Rao is Boni and the others who are affiliated with the Pale Emperor Pirate Group, and they couldn’t help but be moved after hearing the comprehensive types and differences of domineering, as well as the level of their own cheap captain.

“Of the ten thousand… Overlord?? ”

It was also at this moment that Boni and others’ cognition of Kearns was once again refreshed.

At the same time, I really understood that they were not crazy when they said they were going to Marin Fando to kill some people!

It’s really the ability to do it!

On the other side, Marin Fando.

After witnessing the other party receive his own light-speed kick, the yellow ape already knew the extraordinary strength of Ulquiolasif!

At this time, he looked at Ulquiolasifer’s gaze, and there was no longer casual and contemptuous.

Instead, there is a solemn expression of seeing it as a formidable opponent capable of matching oneself.

At the same time, he was also shocked by a cadre member of the Pale Emperor’s Pirate Group who casually attacked.

It actually has a strong strength comparable to the level of a general.

This was far beyond his imagination of the strength of the Pale Emperor’s Pirates.

“Tiancong Cloud Sword!”

The yellow ape clasped his hands together and whispered softly in his mouth.

Immediately after that, he just listened to “Buzz!” With a soft sound, dazzling golden light shone, a lightsaber condensed by light particles emerged, and was held in the palm of the yellow ape.

However, Ulquiolasifer raised his hand and it was a false bullet.


The emerald green light flashed, and the virtual bullet instantly shot out from the fingertips of Ulquiolasif, flying towards the yellow ape.


This sudden scene made the yellow ape’s pupils shrink!

What followed was the loud explosion of virtual bombardment!


Although the power of the virtual bullet is not as powerful as the virtual flash, the victory is fast enough! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“Bang Long !!!”

Billowing smoke, rising with this roar 0…..

“Oh !!!” Suddenly, the golden light flourished in the thick smoke.

In the next second, countless condensed golden flashes pierced through the thick smoke and shot towards Ulchirasif!

“Phew! Shout! Huh…..”

Ulquiolasif’s eyes were lowered, and the black-winged demon he held in his hand danced.

“Ugh! Swish! Ugh…..”


The golden flash that shot towards Ulquiolasifer, dense as rain, was easily blocked!

The figure of the yellow ape was also revealed later.

I saw that he was holding the Tiancong Cloud Sword, and instantly appeared behind Ulquiolasif, and a sword slashed towards his back!



Eye-catching burst of Mars!

Rao is the yellow ape’s speed is fast enough, Rao is that he has come behind Ulquiolasifer and launched an attack without hesitation!

was still swung out by Ulquiolasifa with a backhand and easily blocked!

This guy?!

At this moment, the yellow ape was really shocked by the strength displayed by Ulquiolasif!

So much so that his face inadvertently showed a little shocked look.

Relaxed! It’s so easy!

He responds to his own attacks as if ….. Is it perfunctory like a child?!

It was also at this time that Ulquiolasifer slowly turned his head, and his emerald green eyes looked at the yellow ape coldly, and said leisurely.

“Human, have you ever been afraid?”

However, it was also the moment Ulquiolasifer said this.

The figure of the red dog suddenly appeared above the two, gritting his teeth and looking at Ulquiolasifer and said in a deep voice.

“Don’t underestimate people, little ghost!!”

“Canine Red Lotus!!”

The fruit power was cast, and the right arm of the red dog, which had transformed into hot magma, swung out violently.



It seemed that the roar of a beast was echoing.

The red dog’s swinging right fist transformed into a magma dog with a large mouth of blood and pounced on Urzio 3.0 Lasifer!

Ulquiolasifer’s eyes narrowed slightly, and while resisting the yellow ape’s slash, he raised his left hand to meet the attack of the red dog!

“Bang !!!”

“Bang Long !!!”

This time, Ulquiorassifer could not easily block it.

His figure, in that roar, was repelled out!


The figure of the red dog landed smoothly, and the first thing he did was to accuse the yellow ape on the side.

“As a general, you should show some of the strength that a general should have!”

“Don’t underestimate it, yellow ape! Or let a fledgling newcomer imp!! ”


Urchiolasifer, who was repelled by the red dog, also stabilized his figure.

Casually patting the dust on his clothes, Ulquiolasifer’s gaze looked at the red dog and said in a calm tone.

“Is that all your strength?”

“Sure enough……. One hand didn’t catch it. ”

Akainu: “Huh??” ”

Officers, cast some data on the author!

Sorry! The update is late, today the area has a power outage, the morning stopped at eight in the evening, and the mobile phone was not charged yesterday.

The big chapter is offered, there will be another chapter in the evening, and tomorrow three more +

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