Marin Fandor, the base of the headquarters of the Navy.

The captain of the second team of the Whitebeard Pirates, on the day of the public execution of Fire Fist Ace, a storm quietly condensed.

At this time, in the underground prison of Marin Fandor!


The crisp sound of the shackles falling to the ground echoed in the narrow prison.

Two guards, armed with execution knives and dressed in khaki uniforms, unshackled and shackled Ace from his torso.

After changing into a new shackle, two guards led a thick chain and stood to the side and said coldly.

“Stand up!”

Ace slowly opened his eyes, did not struggle, and did not mean to escape.

Because he knew very well that it was simply impossible.

As if resigned to his fate, Ace slowly stood up and walked forward, while the two guards with weapons were one position behind Ace, holding chains and following closely.


Walking slowly through this narrow road, Ace lowered his head and did not say a word.

On both sides of the road, there were guards armed with spears.

It is a road with no head at a glance, no top when you look up, and there are many people here, but only the sound of footsteps and the crisp sound of chains colliding with each other echoes.

After passing through a huge wooden door, Ace was greeted by another narrow staircase with no end in sight.

“Climb up.” The guard tugged at the chains and ordered in a deep voice.

Ace lowered his head again when he heard the sound, and stepped up this staircase with no end in sight….

Refuge, Chambord Group.

At this time, on the island, as well as a huge screen standing on several blocks, it was the live picture of Marin Fando that was played.

Journalists and photographers from all over the world are waiting to get the news out as soon as possible.

“It is worthy of the array of the Navy headquarters!” Looking at the scene of the crowd of people on the screen, a photographer couldn’t help but sigh.

On the side, the busy reporter also opened his mouth to answer.

“Whitebeard should also understand this, even so, will he still appear~?”

And behind this group of journalists-photographers.

Bonnie and other Pale Emperor Pirates were attached to the group, looking at the huge scene on the big screen, and couldn’t help but sigh with a headache.

“Ah~ those crazy people, do you really want to poke this hornet’s nest of the naval headquarters at such a time?”

“Now Marin Fando, but in history, the defensive force is the largest, and the most troops are gathered!”

“Even if his strength is not weak, he will die in the face of such a huge lineup as the Navy Headquarters, right?!”

“You’re going to die, right?!”

Marin Fandor Square.

At this time, the square was crowded with people, and countless naval elites were waiting for them.

And in front of them, at the forefront of the formation, His Majesty the Seven Wuhai, four people have arrived.

Bartholomi Bear, Moonlight Moriah, Boyahan Cook, Don Quixo de Doflamingo!

Glancing at the members of the Seven Martial Seas who were also present, Doflamingo couldn’t help but laugh softly.

“Huh-huh-huh! What’s going on, are only the four of us coming? ”

However, for Doflamingo’s words, the members of His Majesty the Seven Wuhai present did not respond.

Just quietly looking ahead.

It was also at this time that an exclamation suddenly came from the mouths of the navy.

Everyone turned to look.

I saw that on the side under the execution table, three men in white navy coats slowly walked out.

And they are also the admirals of the headquarters of the Navy.

Pheasant-Kuzan, Red Inu-Sakaski, and Yellow Ape-Borusalino.

As the three strongest naval headquarters arrived, they sat down in the chairs that had long been prepared under the execution table.

The navy below immediately erupted into cheers like a tsunami.


At this moment, the morale of the navy skyrocketed, and this was only because of the arrival of three admirals!

At the same time, the Great Undersea Prison, Advance City, the sixth floor.

“Hahahaha!!” A few teeth were missing in his mouth, his appearance was rough, his body was thickly hairy, and the burly middle-aged man laughed loudly.

And he is also one of the seven martial seas of His Majesty, Marshall Dtic!

Captain of the Blackbeard Pirates!

Titch Station is in the middle of the road leading to the various prisons.

After looking around, he raised his hands and greeted all the prisoners in the prison loudly.

“Hello, prisoners! You will end your lives in these cages. ”

“Prisoners without dreams can only wait for death for the rest of their lives.” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )


“It’s better to fight you to death and me to live inside!”

“Survive, I will take him as a partner, and I will lead you to freedom!!”


Hearing that Tichy wanted to set them free and take them out of this dark place, the prisoners in the prison immediately burst into fiery cheers.


However, in the next second, the killing came.

While the people around him were still cheering, someone suddenly shot quickly and fiercely, killing the prisoners around them with one move.


Yin Hong’s blood spilled out.

And this also successfully awakened the evil in the hearts of the prisoners, and a bloody, life-and-die killing immediately began.

“Whoosh! Whoosh! ”




For a time, the entire sixth-layer prison was in chaos, with the sounds of fights and wailings endless.

I don’t know how long it took, the sound of fighting gradually decreased, and the prison gradually became calm.

The killing of the prisoners has divided the victory and defeat.

“Hahahaha!!” Looking at the winners in the various prisons, Blackbeard let out a satisfied laugh.

Just when he was ready to fulfill his promise to release the living prisoners, the mutation suddenly appeared!


The prison gate located inside was directly smashed under a loud noise!


Thundered!! ”

The huge and thick iron gate slammed to the ground.

The dust on the ground was lifted up by the impact caused by the heavy iron gate falling, forming a thick dust mist.

Blackbeard and the others who were located on the road also looked back in shock after hearing this movement (Nuo’s Zhao).

In the next second, they saw a tall and burly figure slowly walking out of the prison in the thick dust and fog.

“Boom! Boom! Dah…..”

When he passed through the fog and met the eyes of Blackbeard and others, Blackbeard’s face suddenly changed, and the whole person subconsciously took a step back and exhaled.

At this time, his eyes trembled violently as if an earthquake, and his face was full of horror.

Staring at the figure coming out of the prison, Blackbeard’s voice trembled a little.

“You….. Are you actually, still alive?! ”

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New January, the author wishes everyone a happy holiday here, in addition, everyone’s free monthly passes have also been refreshed, give the author a little, please~

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