“Hmm!” Robin nodded while continuing.

“According to newspaper reports, they also have a cadre with a bounty of 110 million Bailey.”

Hearing that the other party also had a sea thief cadre with a reward of more than 100 million, Qioba’s eyes almost popped out in shock.

“Three boats ~ reward over 100 million?!”

Robin shook his head and corrected.

“No, to be precise, it should be four.”

“Joe Ellie Boni, who was once famous and offered a bounty of 140 million Bailey, and the Bonnie Pirate Group led by her are now subordinate to the Pale Emperor Pirate Group.”

“There are also newspaper reports in the front of the time that they killed Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters known as the Grand Staff, Tsuru!”

“It was after this incident that the captain of the Pale Emperor’s Pirate Regiment, Kearns, was offered a reward of 1,093 million Bailey.”

Hearing that the other party actually killed the vice admiral, both Choiba and Nami were conscripted.

“Kearns? Pale Emperor? That is, as Robin was telling everyone about Kearns, Brooke suddenly heard a puzzled voice.

His speech made Robin, Nami, Qioba, Luffy, Xiaoba and others look over.

“What’s wrong?” Robin asked.

Brooke pondered for a while, and said in a somewhat heavy tone.

“These two names seem to be familiar to me…”

“You read the newspaper some time ago?” Nami said with some doubt.

But soon, Brooke shook his head and vetoed Nami’s words.

“No, it’s not like that, I remember, I heard these two names fifty years ago!”

With this heavy news of Brooke thrown out, everyone present, including Robin, instantly fell into a blank space.

After a moment, he saw Luffy muttering with an incredulous look, “Fifty….. Years ago?! ”

“Brooke….. Will you remember correctly? Nami was a little suspicious.

Even Robin, after pondering for a while, asked, “The extremely evil generation has chosen peers as young as Luffy. You said that if he existed fifty years ago, he should be an old man now, right? ”

Luffy nodded in agreement, “That’s right, fifty years ago, wasn’t that the same age as my grandfather?” ”

It’s just that at this moment, Brooke is particularly firm in what he said.

“It won’t! I won’t be mistaken, only this! I remember it well! ”

“Fifty years ago, what you called One Piece, Roger Gor D., was just a newcomer pirate at that time!”

“And at that time, there was already a prestige ruler above the sea.”

“Rocks D Gibeck!”

Hearing Brooke’s words, the faces of everyone present changed.

Brooke suddenly said this news.

It was so shocked that Ling De’s face was full of incredible shock.

Even Luffy, who had always been nervous, heard Brooke’s news.

Both eyes couldn’t help but tremble slightly, and their voices were a little hoarse.

“Rocks D….. Gibeck?! ”

Choba: “Deceptive, right?!” ”

Nami: “Biroger ….. Earlier people who gained prestige ?! ”

Look at the shocked, questioning looks of your companions.

Brooke’s expression remained firm, and he nodded his head in affirmation with great seriousness.

“Aang! That’s right! ”

“It is said that they are a group of fierce and vicious people who gathered for some great treasure!”

“The Rocks Pirates led by Rocks D. Gibeck are almost an evil existence on the sea, looting kingdoms and slaughtering villages, and no one can stop them everywhere, even the navy, they didn’t take advantage once!”

“There are rumors that they don’t even pay attention to the world government, and even openly confront the world government!”

“It’s a group of truly vicious people!”

Hearing that the other party dared to openly confront the world government, Rao was Robin, who had always been calm and calm, and he couldn’t help but show shock.

It was also at this time that Mei suddenly raised a question.

“If, really as you say, why have I never heard of them? Robin? ”

At the end, Nami also looked at Robin.

But Robin also shook his head lightly and said thoughtfully.

“I’ve never heard of it either.”

“What’s going on, are you mistaken? Brooke? Choiba asked.

But Brooke shook his head at this time.

“I don’t know, these were all things when I was alive, and what happened to them later, I don’t know.”

“Perhaps…” Robin mused for a moment, raising the possibility that “it is not necessary that the world government erased their history that once existed.” ”

“If you remember correctly, Brooke is the only possibility.”

Saying this, Robin paused, and then said.

“But what do you say have to do with that Kearns?”

Brooke slowly raised his head and looked at Robin and said leisurely.

“Because, the deputy captain of the Rocks Pirates is called Kearns!”

“And this Pale Emperor Pirate Group you are talking about, his prefix is the nickname that Kearns used to have!” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“Deputy Captain of the Rocks Pirates, Pale Emperor, Kearns!”

Hearing Brooke say all this information, everyone present could not help but shrink their pupils slightly.

His face was full of unprecedented horror.

Such news, such things, they are unheard of!

On the other side, where Kearns is.

After a period of investigation, Kearns has destroyed four auction venues and solved two human trafficking shops.

Unfortunately, he couldn’t find a clue about Renly.

Today, there are only two auction venues left that Karns has not visited.

One is Tree Island No. 1 to the east, and the other is Tree Island No. 7 to the west.

At this moment, what Kearns and Yalbed are heading to is the No. 1 GR

However, because they have been looking for Reilly since they went out, Karns and Yalbed were having lunch in a restaurant in 14GR.

Officers, cast some data on the author!

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