After a moment of silence, a strong anger erupted in the white-bearded pirate group.

“Bastard! Are you here to find fault? ”

“You guy, seriously? Do you know who you’re talking to?! ”

It was Marko, who said in a deep voice with a bad face when he heard that Kearns was fantasizing about killing Whitebeard.

“Friend, this kind of joke is not funny!”

Marko had just finished speaking.

Suddenly, I heard only the sound of laughter from Whitebeard.

“Gu la la la, do you think you can kill me?”

In an instant, the crew members of the Whitebeard Pirates all looked at Whitebeard with a stunned look and shouted.

“Daddy, that guy…”

Without waiting for the sons to finish speaking, Whitebeard gently raised his hand and said calmly with a smile on his face.

“It’s okay, I don’t care.”

Listening to Whitebeard’s words, Kearns also smiled and shook his head.

“You really haven’t changed at all, Newgate! Your laughter is still the same as before, just as ugly. ”

Until this moment, hearing Kearns’ words, Whitebeard was slightly startled.

Immediately, his face changed.

I saw that the smile on his face gradually converged, and at the same time looked squarely at the phone bug in Marko’s hand and said in a low voice.

“Who are you?”

Looking at the sudden change in Whitebeard’s face, everyone around showed a little puzzled look on their faces.

At this time, Kanes’s voice came again from the phone worm.

Still didn’t answer Whitebeard’s question, still talking to himself.

“Have you thought of your last words and the place of burial?”

“Oh~ If you didn’t think about it, it’s still too late to think about it, I’ll give you time.”

“Although I may not satisfy you, I can’t guarantee that there is a case, right?”

Once again, I heard Kearns’ presumptuous and disrespectful words, and there was something wrong with Whitebeard’s state at the moment.

Marko was genuinely outraged.

However, just as he was about to scold Kearns.

Whitebeard’s deep voice was the first to come out.

“Ace! Stay away from this guy! Right away! ”

The last two words, the white-bearded one almost roared out!

At this time, the expression on his face was completely different from the calm at the beginning.

The smile has all disappeared, and the forehead is even more blue.

Anger visible to the naked eye!

Around, the crew listened to Whitebeard and asked Ace to immediately stay away from the guy who was talking on the other side.

I couldn’t help but be stunned, and my face was full of that puzzled expression.

“Daddy this is… What’s wrong? ”

“Daddy, this is in…. Angry? ”

“I’ve never seen Daddy get angry because of something…”

The crew looked at each other, and the discussion spread.

Ace on the other side, after hearing Whitebeard’s words, was also stunned.

He looked at Kearns, who had a silver-white long knife hanging from his waist in front of him, with a puzzled expression.

“Stay away from him? Why did Dad say that all of a sudden?”

On the Moby Dick.

Look at Whitebeard’s ugly face.

Marko walked a few steps into Whitebeard and asked with concern.

“Are you okay Dad, your face is a little not very good.”

Whitebeard didn’t answer.

Now his attention has all hit on the phone worm, and his forehead is bruised and he roared: “Is that you?!” ”

“Kearns !!!!”


It was also at the moment when Whitebeard’s words fell.

On his body, the powerful overlord-colored domineering aura suddenly poured out.


On the deck of the ship, the wind picked up.

At this moment, Rao is the son of Whitebeard, under the powerful overlord color that burst out of Whitebeard, the weak person is also directly blown out by the fierce wind generated by this overlord color.



Even the slightly stronger people were almost thrown out under the overlord color of Whitebeard’s sudden outbreak.

Only a strong person like Marko, who is of the first rank, can stand up.

But even so, the fierce wind set off by the overlord color made it difficult for them to open their eyes!

“Oh yes!!” Marko and the rest of the crew shouted loudly to Whitebeard.

But today’s whitebeards can’t care about them.

I saw that his face showed an unprecedented look of anger, and his forehead was even more bruised!

His eyes were fixed on the phone bug, waiting for a response over there.

Since going to sea, I have only once been told that my laughter is ugly, and only one person has said that I laugh badly!

That used to be a companion who could trust himself to his back!

It is also friends who have become unfamiliar because of different concepts!

It is even more because of a war that has become a hostile enemy!

On the other end of the phone worm, he heard Whitebeard call out his name, and Kearns couldn’t help but sigh.

“It seems that you still remember me!”

“How could I forget?” Whitebeard’s deep voice containing this boundless anger came out: “Come! Come on! Come to the new world! I’m waiting for you here!!! ”

“I will go, the grudge between you and me should also be settled!” Kanes’s voice was low, and there was no longer a smile on his face at the moment: “Let your sons, prepare mourning clothes for you!” ”

“The older generation, the older generation solves!” Don’t involve juniors! If you do something to Ace, I’ll kill you!” Will definitely kill you! Whitebeard spoke in a deep voice.

Look at Whitebeard’s gaffe like this.

The pupils of Marko and the others suddenly contracted sharply and uncontrollably!

Since boarding the ship, they have never seen Whitebeard so angry!

I’ve never seen Whitebeard make such a gaffe!

Who is this guy called “Kearns”?

It was just a conversation thousands of miles away that could make Dad show such anger?

Marko and the others’ earthquake-like eyes looked at Whitebeard, and their faces were full of incredible horror.



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