Even the militiamen standing behind them couldn’t help but subconsciously take a step back after seeing this scene.

“This….. What’s going on?! ”

“What happened?”

“Gun….. Suddenly flew away? So it shattered into something like this? It’s like… It’s like it was crushed by something?! ”

Speaking of this, all the militiamen subconsciously swallowed a mouthful of spit and took a step back.

Their eyes were a little surprised, and their expressions were a little panicked.

Neeson, who was the first to react, immediately turned his head and asked loudly like Otoku Worried.

“You guy, are you with those pirates?!”

It’s just that Neeson has just finished speaking.

However, he found that Otoku Yuta did not stop by his side at all.

Instead, humming a brisk ditty, he walked in the direction of the Eternal Breaking Wind.

Neeson, who saw this scene, was furious.


The long knife at the waist was drawn.

Neeson gripped the long knife tightly, and with an angry snort, he rushed towards Otoku Worm, who had just walked out not far away.

“You bastard, don’t ignore me!”

Sensing Neeson’s rushing steps.

Otoku’s forward steps slowed down, and he turned his head to look back.

This time, he was greeted by Neeson’s slash.


The sharp long knife buzzed in the air, hitting the door of Otoku Worm.

But Otoku did not feel the slightest panic and fear at Neeson’s sudden attack.

With a nimble figure, Otoku leaned back slightly and dodged.

Seeing this, Neeson struck a backhand.

Otoku dodged sideways.

Neeson immediately struck up, and Otoku Dodged easily sideways.

Three moves in a row failed, and even the corners of the opponent’s clothes could not be touched.

This made Neeson ashamed and angry.

“Are you just going to hide?!”

With a loud gulp, Neeson riveted his strength and slashed at Otoku with all his might.

“Boom!!” Listening to the hum of the long knife, Otoku Sora cast a slightly surprised gaze.

However, Neeson’s slash has not yet touched Otoku Yuta.

In the void, a terrifying big hand suddenly poked out.



The big hand directly grasped the long knife that Neeson slashed.

“This…. What is it?!” Looking at the big hand that suddenly poked out, Neeson’s pupils contracted sharply and uncontrollably, and his face also showed a look of shock.

If nothing else, this palm alone is almost as tall as him alone.

Immediately afterwards, that big hand directly crushed his long knife under Neeson’s astonished gaze.


Like glass, the long knife broke into several pieces with a sound.

In the next instant, the huge palm casually waved and slapped towards Neeson.


Neeson was knocked upside down on the spot, blood sprayed from his mouth, and fell heavily to the ground.


After rolling on the ground several times in a row, Neeson was able to stabilize his figure.

A little frightened, Neeson suddenly raised his head to look at Otoku Sorrow.

At this time, Neeson’s brain fell into chaos.

“Just now…. What was that just now?! Hands?”

“Such a huge palm can’t be human, right? Is he?”

Neeson looked at Otoku not far away, his eyes trembled violently like an earthquake, and his face was full of that look of shock and uncertainty.

As if to answer the doubts in Neeson’s mind.

While he was in doubt.

A hoarse, girl-like complaining voice suddenly came out.

“Really, what are you doing? Worry too ~”

Otoku turned his head to look back when he heard the sound, and said with a slightly apologetic smile on his face.

“Sorry, Rika, I was thinking about getting to the captain’s side quickly.”

The husky woman’s voice with a hint of complaint came at one time.

“Seriously, it’s dangerous.”

“Don’t worry, he can’t hurt me.” Otoku smiled and soothed.

And the truth is exactly what he said.

Neeson had just attacked him, if it weren’t for the fact that Rika couldn’t stand it.

With the strength of Otoku Yutai, it can be stopped effortlessly.

Not far away.

Neeson, who looked at Otoku as if he was chatting with someone, couldn’t see anyone next to him.

He turned his head and looked around, looking for the ‘person’ who was talking to Otoku.

It was also in this trance.

Neeson seemed to see a terrifying monster with a huge body and a hideous face behind Otoku Yuta!

And that hideous and terrifying monster was staring at him coldly at this moment.

However, perhaps because of the night, this image is fleeting.

It’s as if monsters never existed.

It was as if the monster had re-sneaked into the night.

However, either way.

That picture also brought a strong visual impact to Neeson, so that he couldn’t help but subconsciously hold his breath, and the whole person froze in place.

Even if it’s just a momentary picture!

It also made Neeson’s mind directly fall into a blank as if it was hit by five thunders.

At the same time, Neeson understood.

This man in front of him is definitely not something he can compete with!

Many of his previous attacks were dodged by him, and he failed to touch the corners of his clothes.

This is enough to see the strength of both sides.

Now, behind him, in that invisible place, there is a terrifying monster hidden.

As soon as it struck, it instantly broke its long knife and seriously injured itself.

This is even more indicative of the gap in strength between the two sides.

Their own strength and the strength of the other party are not level at all!

“Yes….. Die.”

The thought arises.

Even though Neeson had already been mentally prepared, he still felt fear in the face of Otoku’s worries.

His hands, legs, and even his body trembled slightly at this moment.

At the same time.

Those crew members who rushed from the ship felt bad in their hearts after seeing Otoku Xuantai appear!

After seeing Otoku Sora hurt Neeson.

In their eyes, they showed an anxious expression, for fear that the bones would cut off their beards too much!

“Worry too! Worry too hard for you! Go to the captain’s side, it’s up to us! ”

“yes! It’s up to us! ”

“Let me come!”

While speaking, the crew swarmed up and directly broke through the formation of the militia.

They looked like they had been hungry for days.

Looking at those militiamen holding weapons and swords, there seemed to be a green light in their eyes!

“Come on! It’s up to us to be your opponents! ”



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