Hearing Kearns’ sudden words, Smogg and Dusty were also slightly startled.

Almost at the same moment, a thought popped into both of them.


“He… Could it be that he is friends with Lieutenant General Karp and Marshal of the Warring States?”

It’s just that this idea just surfaced, and it was immediately thrown to the back of their minds.

Just him? And Lieutenant General Karp, the Marshal of the Warring States is a friend?

No way!

When pigs fly!

Not to mention whether Kearns is a pirate.

With his current appearance, with such a big age gap, how could Karp and Sengoku make friends with a little ghost?

This is simply nonsense!

Kearns watched the change in the expressions of the two, and could probably guess what they were thinking.

However, he did not open his mouth to explain anything.

He had been silent in silence for too long, too long.

It’s been so long that those old guys are about to forget him.

Asking Smog to say hello to Karp and Sengoku on his behalf was just a whim.

Tell those old guys that they’re still there.

But in reality, whether or not this can be conveyed, it is irrelevant to Kearns.

Because he would tell them in another way that he was back.


It was also at this time that a shout came from the rear of Kearns.

Kearns turned his head and saw his Eternal Wind Breaker, which had slowly approached.

Looking at the scene on the deck of the naval warship, the crew members were all a little dejected.

“Alas! I knew that if the captain and Dimiugos made a move, there would be nothing wrong with us. ”

“But isn’t it, you see, it’s all on its knees.”



The crew all sighed, as if they had not been able to participate in the battle, feeling very helpless and disappointed.

On the side, Wei Ya’s feelings are completely different from these crew members.

Looking at the navy kneeling on the deck of the naval warship not far away, Wei Ya only felt that her vision was hit by the blow.

The pupils began to contract uncontrollably and sharply.

“Liar….. Deceptive, right? Win… Won?! They won? Just two people? Against a whole warship, hundreds of navies ?! ”

“These two guys, are they still human?!”

“The number of navies is so large, even if they are pulled down on average, they have to deal with hundreds of people alone, but even so, they all win?”

“This is completely beyond the realm of humans, right?!”

Via looked at Kearns and Dimiugos on the warship, her face full of incredible shock.

Even those eyes trembled violently because of the huge impact of the scene in front of them.

Above warships.

Kearns looked at his more than twenty sighing crew members, and couldn’t help but laugh.

“Why are you all sighing? It’s like losing a battle? ”

One of the crew members said with some grievances.

“Captain, we want to fight too.”

One crew member took the lead, and immediately someone got back together.

“Yes, Captain! We also want to have a good fight. ”

“You and Dimiurgos are so powerful, if you make a move, it will be nothing for us at all.”

“Yes! That’s right! ”

The crew nodded like pounding garlic when they heard this.

Kearns couldn’t help but look at Dimiugos on the side.

Seeing this, Dimiugos also pushed his glasses.

“It doesn’t matter to me, it’s better for you not to do everything yourself, Captain, after all, these bugs are not qualified to let you personally strike, and they are not worthy of the glory of killing them with your own hands.”

“Alas~” Kearns also sighed a little helplessly, casually looked at the crew of his ship and smiled: “In that case, then the next time you encounter this kind of thing, I will leave it to you.” ”

“However, if you can’t solve it, then I or Dimiugos will intervene.”

As soon as I heard that Kearns had arrangements for the follow-up.

The faces of the crew immediately showed excitement.



“Don’t worry, Captain, next time there is such a thing, we will definitely solve it beautifully.”

“Hey, hey, hey…”

Looking at the crew like this, Kearns also shook his head slightly helplessly.

He returned to the Eternal Breaker with Dimiurgos.

And Wei Ya’s reaction to the crew was shuangyuan, with a look of disbelief, and at the same time a little scared.

“Huh?! This… What the heck? Battle freak? This group of guys?”

On the other side, Kearns, who was just about to go back to his room to rest, suddenly remembered something.

This made him immediately open his properties panel and take a look.

[Power value]: 301

As he expected, there was no systematic hint of the increase in power.

“Can fighting also increase your power value?” And it seems that it is more powerful than recruiting crew members.”

“This little battle actually increased my power value by more than a hundred…”

Kearns fell into thought.

Suddenly, Kearns caught a glimpse of Via, who was standing not far away.

This made an idea come to his mind again.

After a few moments, just listen to “Ah! An exclamation came out.

Via, who was still paying attention to the surrounding crew, was suddenly picked up by Kearns.

“Ship….. Captain? What’s wrong?? Wei Ya turned her head with some trepidation, and her voice was a little trembling and asked.

Kearns smiled.

“Nothing, you don’t actually want to stay on this ship, do you? I still give you freedom! ”

Wei Ya was stunned when she heard this.

Before she could react, she heard Kearns shouting at the opposite naval warship.

“This girl is given to you.”

When the words fell, Kearns didn’t care whether Weiya agreed or not, and directly threw her over.


Reopening the immediate properties panel, Kearns saw the expected result.

[Power value]: 300

“Did it really fall?”



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