Out of the tavern, Kearns walked the streets of the town all the way to the port.

It is also strange to say that on weekdays, even if it is almost night, it is a crowded street.

At the moment, it turned out to be empty, and the doors and windows of each home were closed.

Even so, if you look closely, you can see it.

Behind the closed doors and windows, a pair of eyes were watching the departing Kearns group.

“These guys are pirates?”

“You see that each of them has a sword tied to his body, and the ship that docks in the harbor still has a skeleton flag, they must be pirates, they can’t be wrong.”

“What are they doing? Are you ready to leave? ”

“They’ve only been in port for a while, haven’t they? Will you leave so easily? ”

“God forbid, let these vicious guys leave quickly, they are not welcome in our town.”


Inside the house with the doors and windows closed, there was a lot of discussion.

The residents of the town are almost all talking about the pirates who have just landed on the island and show signs of leaving.

However, the residents’ discussion is small.

But the two people below are Kearns and Dimiugos, but they can hear it clearly.

Even the high-ranking crew of Kearns could hear a lot.

“These guys are really rude.” A senior crew member spoke in a displeased voice.

As a person started, the crew members who had been hiding their displeasure behind also showed their displeasure.

“Rats who only dare to hide in the shadows and whisper are really disgusting.”

“Captain, can I teach these guys a lesson?”

“Captain, can you kill them?”


The crew members opened their mouths one after another.

Apparently, they felt that these residents had offended them and offended their captain.

There is already an idea to teach those guys who break their mouths in the shadows a lesson.

However, Kearns did not agree with this.

He lived in this town for thirty or forty years and had more or less intersected with the town’s inhabitants.

Now that he is about to leave the town, there is no need to do some senseless killing.

Besides, Aphra is still living in this town.

The three of them, but they all grew up watching themselves.

Even for the sake of the face of their family of three, in order for them to live peacefully and peacefully, Kearns will not kill the residents of the town.

“It’s just gossip, don’t care.” Kearns spoke softly.

As soon as Kearns spoke.

Everyone did not make any sense of this, and all responded at the same moment.


Behind him, Dimiugos listened to the answers of the rear crew and looked at the back of Kanes.

His face couldn’t help but show a look of reverence.

Yu secretly sighed in his heart.

“Ah~ I really think that I am a benevolent adult.”

“Know that fear of the strong is the instinct of the weak! Their words are only to cover up the fear of the captain in their hearts.”

“So forgive the disrespect of this group of bugs?”

At this point in his heart, a smile appeared on Dimiugos’ face.

“I think that’s how it should be.”

“They are just a bunch of lowly bugs, and they don’t deserve to be looked at by the captain at all!”

“I don’t even have the qualifications to have the captain order them to be killed!”

Dimiugos, who seemed to have seen what was really in Kanes’ mind, had a fuller smile on his face.

Under the leadership of Kearns.

The crowd walked through the streets of the town, along the road, and arrived at the port shortly after.

Look at that docked in the port.

Flying the skeleton flag, Kearns boarded the ship without too many words.

A group of crew members also boarded the ship one after another.

And began to prepare for the departure of the ship.

Kearns walked across the deck and came to the bow.

Look at the sunset that slowly falls into the sea level and feel the refreshing sea breeze.

Kearns couldn’t help but let out a long breath and sighed.

“Long gone…..”

“The smell of the sea breeze is still so charming.”

Raising his hand to caress the railing beside the boat, Kearns touched the scene.

“I thought there would be no ship that could carry me in this era.”

“I thought I would never set sail on this sea again.”

“I didn’t expect that after many years, I would come back…”

Turning around, Kearns looked at the pirate flag hanging high at the top of the mast.

It was an ordinary pirate flag that could not be in ordinary people.

On the flag, there is only the white skull that comes standard with the pirate ship, and there are no other embellishments.

“It’s time to come up with a name for you and draw a pirate flag that belongs to us alone.”



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