Great Single Player of the Heavens

Chapter 553 Battle on the Yaruga River Bridge [2 in 1]

The broken rope sank heavily into the water.

The next second, along with the river, the ferry turned a few times and began to drift downstream.

"Damn it! Those are not Nilfgaardians. The eagle and the rhombus... are the coat of arms of Rivia! They are the guerrillas of Rivia! The ones on the other side..."

"Get down!"

Before he finished speaking, the poet felt someone press hard on his shoulder, and his whole body was forced to

The arrows came through the air and nailed the side of the ship one after another, making several dull sounds. Several of the arrows were shot directly at the people on the deck.

Fortunately, the demon hunter and Lu Qi had already drawn their swords and blocked the sharp arrows one by one.

The enemy on the other side of the river just launched a wave of attacks at the ferry and stopped.

Because, the ferry is drifting towards the other shore under the pull of the current!

Seeing this, the boatman, who had already been lying on the deck, immediately shouted: "Adults! Get the pole quickly! We are going to be taken to the other side!"

After hearing this, Lu Qi made a quick decision and immediately assumed the responsibility of command, saying continuously:

"Regis, Dandelion, hold the horses! Geralt, Milva, let's help punt the boat!"

Driven by several poles, the ferry turned around and accelerated towards the middle of the river.

The soldiers on the river embankment started shouting again and raised their bows and arrows again.

Fortunately, with the strong current, the ferry quickly moved away from the river bank and out of the effective range of the bow and arrow.

I thought I could use the ferry to get away from these heavily armed soldiers. However, the Rivia guerrillas on the other side obviously did not intend to let them go, or in other words, this was the only ferry that allowed them to escape from Nilfgaard territory.

Under the command of a white horse rider, the cavalry on the river embankment began to gallop along the opposite bank, trying to seize the ferry when it was sent to the river bank by the current!

At the same time, a group of people on the ferry still tried to push the ferry towards the river bank where it came from:

"Harder! We have to reach the shore before we are swept away by the rapids!"

It sounds simple,

It is difficult to do.

The current is fast and the river is quite deep, and the huge ferry is very heavy and difficult to find a fulcrum.

With great difficulty, the ferry suddenly changed!

The sharp-eyed Milva was the first to spot the black cavalry who suddenly appeared on the right bank, and subconsciously cursed:

"Damn it!"

The black armor is paired with a green cloak, and the horse also has Nilfgaard's unique eyepatch. The identity of the visitor does not need to be elaborated.

"This must be a Nilfgaardian!" the demon hunter murmured as he blinked his cat eyes.

At this moment, everyone on the ferry was already in a dilemma.

On the left bank are the Levian soldiers in Nilfgaardian territory; on the right bank are the Nilfgaardians in the conflict zone.

The girl-hunting team in the middle of the Yaruga River seemed to be involved in the vortex of war. A small boat was shaken by the wind and rain, and could only try to find a glimmer of hope between the two armies.

The more critical it was, the clearer Lu Qi's thinking became.

He was the first to react and shouted loudly:

"Keep on punting! Hurry up and stay away from the shore!"

This task is equally difficult.

The water flowing to the right bank became more turbulent, rushing the ferry straight to a cliff downstream. The shouts of the Nilfgaardian soldiers became clearer and clearer.

Standing on the flat river bank covered with reeds, the Nilfgaardians raised their bows and arrows.


Arrows roared from the sky.

The target is a group of people on the ferry.

"Get down!"

Before he finished speaking, Lu Qi did not lie down like others, but stood up straight, with sharp eyes, and raised his empty left hand.

Just as the rain of arrows was about to fall, Lu Qi's magic power had already gathered in one place.


With a low cry, a tangible air shock wave shot out from bottom to top, meeting sharp arrows made of black iron!

With this blow, Lu Qi deflected most of the arrows aimed at the ferry.

However, there is always a gap in all the secrets.

The boatman's helper standing on the right deck suddenly let out a strange cough, and then threw the pole in his hand into the river.

The poet on the side only saw a blood-stained arrow and a long arrow shaft piercing his back.

In addition, the gray horse Milva was riding on was shot through the neck by an arrow, broke away from the poet's control, neighed in pain, knocked away other horses around him, and jumped off the ship.

Looking at the fallen poet and the restless horses, Regis quickly shouted:

"Dandelion, get up quickly and hold the horse! Hold..."

The words stopped abruptly, and the vampire's body suddenly fell to the side of the ship, and he sat down on the deck with a "bang" sound.

Milva, who followed the sound, saw a black-feathered arrow piercing deeply into his chest. His eyes suddenly froze, he screamed angrily, and looked towards the shore suddenly.

I saw a Nilfgaardian officer wearing a black cloak and a helmet decorated with raven wings, riding on horseback with his bow and arrow ready.

After confirming the target, she directly picked up the longbow, knelt on one knee on the deck, and poured out all the arrows in the quiver.

He opened his bow and nocked an arrow at a very fast speed. When the arrow disappeared, the Nilfgaardian officer on the river bank fell off his horse.

After killing the murderer of Regis, the angry Milva seemed not to be relieved yet, and suddenly transformed into a human-shaped archery machine. The arrows at her fingertips shot out one after another, and the arrows were not missed!

Suppressed by Milva's archery, the Nilfgaardians on the right bank fell into chaos and retreated into the forest.

"Amazing archery skills!"

Regis stood behind the witcher and said calmly: "But I still hope you pick up the pole. We are still too close to the shore."

The witcher and the female archer turned around quickly and said in unison:

"You're not dead?!"

Lu Qi, who was standing on the bow of the ship, seemed to have anticipated the scene of Regis' "resurrection from the dead".

After all, in his opinion, vampires are not called vampires if they die so easily...

"Do you think," the vampire showed them the black-feathered arrow, "that such a broken piece of wood can hurt me?"

After lifting the poet up, Regis controlled the horses with him.

With the joint efforts of everyone, the ferry finally sailed towards more turbulent waters...

"Very good," Milva, who had just exploded, said breathlessly: "They can't catch us now..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Qi quickly said:

"Just stay still for a while. Don't forget that you still have a little one in your belly. You can't do any strenuous movements."

Although she could hear the concern in Lu Qi's words, the unruly female archer still retorted with an unhappy look:

"Tch! If I hadn't shot them back, you would have been shot into a fucking hornet's nest!"

"Okay, just don't do that next time."

After observing the direction of the river, Lu Qi frowned and continued:

"Those Nilfgaardians would not give up. Milva shot their officer to death. And the river is tortuous, and the water will take us to them at the next bend. They know this very well, so they will definitely Wait for us there..."

As soon as he finished speaking, the boatman, who had been hiding well, stood up, pushed his already dead helper into the river, and kept saying:

"There is one more thing we need to worry about. The current will send us to the left bank first... Gods above, we are attacked from both sides... It's all because of you! If it weren't for you..."

The poet cowered in front of the Nilfgaardians, but in front of the boatman, he punched hard and scolded directly:

"Shut up, if you don't want to die, just paddle the boat!"

. . .

Soon, the boatman’s words became reality:

As the ferry continued down the current, the flat left bank came closer and closer.

The shore was crowded with cavalry, and many soldiers were shouting and waving their arms. Among them, surrounded by soldiers, was a rider on a white horse.

Although it was a bit far away, Lu Qi still saw a blond woman wearing armor and no helmet on the white horse.

"It's Queen Meve and her Rivia guerrillas..."

The closer they got to the shore, the louder the shouts became, and they also heard the clear sound of gold and iron clashing.

"There's a war going on over there. There are Imperial troops in the forest, attacking the Northern Army. They're trapped."

"The way to escape from the predicament is this ferry." The demon hunter spat on the river and continued: "I think they are planning to at least save the queen and the officers and let them take the ferry to the other side. However, the boat But it's in our hands...Oh no, they won't appreciate us."

"They should be grateful!" Dandelion corrected: "This ship cannot save them, it will only send them directly into the hands of the Nilfgaardians on the right bank."

"The current is getting faster and faster, and we are right in the middle of the river." Milva took over and said: "So let both armies go to hell! The river bank here is very flat, and there are no sharp turns. We can follow it along The river kept moving forward until it left those guys far away..."

However, the boatman who was more familiar with the Yaruga River interrupted her beautiful fantasy:

"Stop talking nonsense. The Red Pier is just ahead. There is a bridge there! There is also a shoal! The ferry will run aground...if they catch up..."

"The northerners won't chase us. They have their own things to worry about." The vampire analyzed calmly.

Indeed, a fierce battle was going on on the left bank belonging to Nilfgaard's territory. There were sounds of gold and iron fighting and roars coming from the forest, and corpses continued to fall into the Yaruga River.

And these have nothing to do with the group of people on the ferry.

Going down the river, they soon came to the shoal area that the boatman mentioned.

The first thing that catches the eye is a wooden bridge spanning both sides of the bank. On the right side is the red wharf filled with logs.

On the dock, the two parties were already fighting.

Judging from the scene, the northern army was being rubbed on the ground by the imperial army. They could only cling to the dock bitterly, waiting for their queen to rush to the wooden bridge as soon as possible and return to the north through this only passage.

Seeing this, the boatman couldn't help shouting:

"Quick, while they are having fun, let's sneak over quietly!"

However, their plan did not succeed...

The Livia soldiers on the dock discovered the uninvited guests on the ferry. They immediately rushed to the bridge, took off the crossbows from their backs, and pointed them at the ferry approaching the bridge.

"Don't shoot, guys! Don't shoot! It's one of our own!"

Even though the poet shouted loudly with his beautiful voice, the ruthless arrows still shot out.

In desperation, Lu Qi, who was standing on the bow of the ship, still used his special magic to deflect the wave of arrows.

However, the flying arrows caused the ship's direction to deviate, and it was carried to a shoal by the current and ran aground directly.

"Take the horse and get out of here quickly, before they have the idea to come and take care of us!"

At Lu Qi's shout, everyone quickly picked up a horse and jumped off the boat.

However, at this moment, the demon hunter discovered Milva who was lagging slightly behind. He paused and suddenly fell softly on the shallows.

He ran over quickly, but the vampire was faster than him.


"My stomach...seems like it's going to burst..."

Looking at Milva's pale face and the sporadic blood stains on his pants, Regis immediately made a judgment:

"She might have a miscarriage and not be able to walk anymore."

"Then let's carry her away!" the poet suggested.

In the midst of the chaos, carrying Milva, who was unable to ride a horse and walk, it was impossible to escape from the enemy's pursuit. Maybe, everyone will be surrounded by the army...

Thinking of this, Lu Qi looked towards the bridge where the fierce battle was raging. He saw the northerners in white clothes slowly retreating, and he couldn't help but make a quick decision:

"No! You stay here to take care of her! Geralt, follow me!"

"What are you going to do?"

"We can help the northerners stop the imperial army. As long as the northerners hold the bridge, they can take Milva and escape from the left bank!"

"How to help?!"

"Use the sword in your hand!"

After saying that, Lu Qi took the lead and quickly climbed onto the bridge along the pier.

The witcher followed.

As soon as he got on the bridge, Lu Qi met a fleeing soldier with a frightened face and knocked him down with one punch.

"You worthless bastards! Where are you going to escape to!" Every time he took a step forward, he would yell with great momentum:

"Stop! Stop it, you cowards!"

"Don't run away! Cowards! Are you going to abandon your comrades and survive alone?! Do you still have any sense of honor?!"

After Lu Qi's scolding and fist instruction, most of the soldiers stopped.

Of course, some deserters who wanted to sneak past were treated in the same way by the demon hunters behind them.

Having spent some time in the army and special forces, Lu Qi certainly knew that the means to deal with deserters must be vigorous and resolute in order to deter these guys who want to quit in a short period of time.

Such means are necessary and effective.

Being looked at by the deserters with shock and fear, Lu Qi waved the "Black Hawk" sword in his hand, his expression full of solemnity, and said loudly:

"Your comrades are still fighting on the bridges and docks! They haven't given up. Are you going to abandon them and go back to being a coward who is spurned by others?!"

"If you don't want to be sent to the gallows by the queen, and you don't want to be recorded as a coward in history, then come with me! Go and kill all the Nilfgaardians who try to invade us!"


Under the coercion of Lu Qi and the demon hunters, a dozen deserters who felt ashamed waved their weapons and shouted together.

Next, this small force led by rangers and demon hunters rushed towards the bridge.

As soon as they arrived at the bridge, a group of Nilfgaardian cavalry wearing green cloaks suddenly appeared in front of them.

Obviously, the Livia defense line on the dock has been breached.

The horseshoes slapped on the bridge, making a "dong dong dong" sound in everyone's heart.

However, Lu Qi, who was leading the way, didn't have any panic on his face, and didn't even frown.

"Just in time!"

He casually inserted the steel sword into the bridge, then clasped his hands together and stared.

Just when the galloping black cavalry thought that the black-haired man blocking them was too frightened to move, Lu Qi moved!


Accompanied by a loud shout, his hands were pushed forward violently, and the air impact that had been brewing for a long time shot out with a violent sound of breaking through the air.

There was only a loud "bang" sound, and the charging black cavalry seemed to be knocked away by a tornado. In an instant, they were turned upside down and fell from the bridge into the river one after another!

Seeing this, the deserters behind him were stunned and stunned.

However, the next second, the morale that had hit rock bottom skyrocketed like a shot of chicken blood!

With such a capable commander who can use magic, will we still lose? Will he still be chased away by the enemy?

And Lu Qi's next actions made them even more convinced that they would definitely win this battle!

Although it cannot be like Triss, who can rub fireballs with her hands to explode the enemy. However, Lu Qi can do something new!

He took out a bottle of kerosene from the [Item Space], poured it on the steel sword, then swung the bottle and drew his left hand across the sword!

The next second, the sword suddenly ignited with bursts of flames, turning into a sword of fire!

Lu Qi, with a flaming sword in hand and a strong figure, took the lead in launching the charge:

"Kill me!!!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the soldiers behind him waved their weapons and responded:


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