Great Single Player of the Heavens

Chapter 365 Undisguised affection

The secret entrance to the observatory, leading to a musty stone room.

With the light of the flashlight, the two looked around, and soon found the entrance sealed by the Prophet's remnant—an obviously different wall.

He chiseled the climbing pick into an irregular wall gap, then pried it hard, repeated several times, and Lu Qi pried open an entrance on the wall for one person to pass through.

Along the winding stairs, the two walked down for nearly a hundred meters, before they came to a narrow mountain stream.

Looking down at the river below, and looking at a square log across the two platforms ahead, Lu Qi said to Laura who was beside him:

"Be careful, don't push too hard."

Nodding, Laura stepped on the upper log carefully, preparing to walk to the opposite rock platform first.

Fortunately, this time, Laura's talent skill "Where to Go" was not activated.

Seeing Laura walk to the opposite side safely, Lu Qi also stepped on the log...

Using the plank road built between the mountain walls, the two climbed all the way up and successfully reached the mountain road between the ice crevices.

Going forward, the silent environment made Laura feel a lot of thoughts, and began to recall the various things of this trip to Siberia.

After a while, she seemed to have finally digested a lot of information, and couldn't help but express:

"The Holy Source... Kit City... Jacob... The Undead Legion..."

"I didn't expect that these things that should only exist in legends are actually in front of my eyes, and they really exist."

"My only hope now is that my father can live to share this important discovery with me..."

Hearing this, Lu Qi, who was right beside him, paused, put his hand on Laura's shoulder, and said softly:

"I think he would be proud of you if he found out about your discovery underground."

Lu Qi's words made Laura's longing for her father a little less.

"As long as I find the divine source, I can complete his unfinished business, explore its function, eliminate aging and death,

Make the world a better place! "

After the excitement, Laura did not forget to turn her head and look at Lu Qi quietly with those bright eyes:

"Thank you, Lu Qi, if it weren't for you, I wouldn't be able to do this by myself..."

Faced with the undisguised affection in Laura's eyes, Lu Qi suddenly realized something, and couldn't help but feel a wave of turmoil in his heart.

He had seen that look in two women before.

Thinking of his own situation, Lu Qi did not choose to respond to this affection, but shrugged, spread his hands and joked:

"Hey, someone has to watch you, so that you, a troublemaker like you, don't get into any trouble. Besides, how can I miss this kind of exciting adventure?"

"However, changing the world is never an easy task. We still have many difficulties to overcome..."

Unaware of Lu Qi's changing the topic of Dafa, Laura seemed to have remembered something, with a solemn expression, and murmured to herself:

"you're right..."

. . .

After a short rest, the two walked hundreds of meters along the mountain path and came to an amazing scene.

In a huge cave that was almost hollowed out, many ancient Byzantine-style buildings were built in a patchwork order on the base of the ground.

It is simply impossible to build on such a terrain that will collapse if you are not careful.

However, everything in front of them makes Lu Qi and Laura have to believe that this is real...

Following a winding staircase, the two came to an iron gate.

Looking inside through the gap, the two saw the hollow structure in the building and the copper balls that were hung up one by one.

"That should be the orrery that Jacob mentioned..."

"It's really hard to imagine how they built such amazing buildings in these places thousands of years ago without the convenience of modern construction tools..."

After sighing, the two came to the iron gate and began to study how to open the only obstacle that prevented them from entering the orrery.

"one two Three!"

With the joint efforts of the two, the iron gate was mercilessly pried open.

Walking into the building and looking at the large orrery in front of her, Laura's eyes lit up, and she involuntarily exclaimed:

"It's really amazing!"

You should know that an orrery is an instrument used to demonstrate the movement of planets, the earth, the moon and other planets around the sun.

It first appeared in England in the early 18th century. It was a precision instrument made by a watchmaker based on the universe theory of Newton and Copernicus.

And here, before the Mongolian invasion of Siberia, it had already appeared!

In other words, the technological level of these Prophet Remnants is nearly hundreds of years ahead of the entire world!

After staying in the world of Tomb Raider for a long time, Lu Qi is no stranger to all kinds of things beyond imagination.

Even if Laura suddenly told him that she was actually the spokesperson of a certain god in the world, Lu Qi would not be too surprised.

Anyway, this world is a magical world full of various supernatural powers!

"The technological level of Jacob and his people seems to be far ahead of the times..."

Whispering, Laura took out the walkie-talkie at her waist and said:

"Jacob, can you hear me?"

With the sound of "si", Jacob's response came from the other side of the intercom: "I can hear you, are you all right?"

"We're fine, we're in the orrery now, how can we open the entrance to Kit City?"

"You do this..."

Under Jacob's guidance, the two removed the two mechanisms that restricted the operation of the orrery, and the entire instrument began to rotate slowly.

The two standing in the center of the orrery climbed to the top along the central support pillar of the entire orrery.

Then, when a crossbar with planets hanging on it was at the same level as the entrance to the ancient city of Kit, he seized the opportunity and passed quickly.

After passing through the orrery and arriving at the entrance of Kit City, both of them felt the sudden drop in the surrounding temperature.

Not far forward, layers of snow began to appear, and the mountain walls on both sides were replaced by smooth ice walls.

The cold wind "whistled" from the front.

Breathing out a hot breath, Lu Qi raised his hand to zip up the down jacket to prevent the cold wind from getting in. While observing the surrounding environment, he said casually:

"Our current position should have come under the glacier."

"In other words, we are very close to the ancient city of Kit..."

While talking, the two couldn't help speeding up their pace a little, and soon they saw a dilapidated archway between the mountain walls ahead.

The two looked at each other, took out their guns one after another, loaded the bullets, and then walked slowly towards the arch...

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