Great Single Player of the Heavens

Chapter 302 Shipwrecked Beach

Everyone agrees with Lu Qi's cautious behavior.

On one side with Jonah, supporting Rose who was handicapped, Reyes immediately suggested:

"We can go to the beach, there's a torpedo boat over there, I should be able to fix it. When we fix it, we can get out of here!"

"It's worth a try." Mr. Green beside him echoed.

However, Laura, who witnessed and experienced two crashes, said with a little frustration:

"That doesn't matter anymore... Anyway, we can't leave this island..."

These words caused the atmosphere of harmony to stagnate for a moment.

Reaching out and lifting the black-rimmed glasses, Alex couldn't help but say:

"Please...Laura, don't say that. We've been through a lot of trouble to finally reunite and have a plan for the next step..."

Before Alex finished speaking, Laura interrupted:

"You don't understand! Something won't let us go!"

Regarding Laura's point of view, Reyes, who has always been a bit uncomfortable with Laura, does not agree with her. He just thinks that she has experienced so many things and is a little emotionally unstable:

"Something? Laura, you need a good night's sleep..."

Looking at Laura worriedly, Alex shrugged and continued:

"Listen, I admit it, I usually believe in some strange phenomena. However, the strangeness of this place is beyond my acceptance..."

Seeing everyone's disapproval, Laura, who couldn't come up with any evidence at once, couldn't help blinking her eyes for help, looked at Lu Qi at the side, and said:

"Lu Qi, you also saw the Storm Warrior and the storm that suddenly gathered. Do you also think that these are just my hallucinations?"

Looking at Laura who seemed to be grabbing the last straw, Lu Qi looked solemn, shook his head, and said in a deep voice:

"No, like you, I am full of doubts about everything on this island."

"I have seen with my own eyes the storm warriors who have survived for thousands of years,

I also witnessed the plane being shot down by lightning every time... There must be some kind of connection, but we haven't found out the truth behind it..."

"I don't think we can use common sense to explain or analyze what's going on in this place."

Lu Qi's words of support made Laura feel that she was not the only one who doubted all of this.

And Lu Qi is not the only one who supports Laura.

Samantha, who has personally experienced the fire ceremony and survived, echoed:

"Laura isn't the only one who thinks we're trapped, Reyes. Matthias may be crazy, but he's also sure that no one will ever get out."

"Moreover, he also admitted that he kidnapped me just to bring Himiko back to life. Because only then can they leave this island and regain their freedom."

"This must not be a coincidence!"

Hearing this, Whitman, who had been silent all this time, suddenly had a flash of surprise in his eyes, and then asked:

"So, the leader of those lost people has mastered how to resurrect Yamatai Queen Himiko?!"

"Wow, this is unbelievable! When we get back to civilization, imagine what amazing stories we'll have to tell the public!"

Speaking of this, Whitman seems to have imagined that he relied on the wonderful story of the Yamatai Kingdom to gain countless fame and money.

Hearing this, Samantha couldn't help but frowned, and complained with some dissatisfaction:

"Come on, Doctor, we're not doing an archeology show right now..."

Whitman, whose dream was interrupted, was taken aback for a moment, looked at the atmosphere, and closed his mouth wisely.

In the end, Ross, who was the most prestigious among the crowd, concluded:

"In any case, now that we have regrouped, our primary goal is to go to the beach and temporarily camp to recuperate."

"As for the next step, whether to explore the truth of the island or leave the island, we can wait until we have a good rest before making plans."

Hearing this, Reyes, who was about to say something, didn't continue to speak, and closed his mouth obediently.

Seeing this, Lu Qi also reminded everyone:

"Ross is right. Our priority now is to find a safe place to rest. Don't forget, we are not the only ones on this island..."

After a few minutes...

Just as everyone on the Endurance left their spot and headed towards the beach, Matthias led a group of his men to the messy crash site.

After a wave of searching, they found a bunch of footprints walking down the mountain in the wet soil.

"Holy Father, they should go downhill..."

Hearing the younger brother's report, Matthias blinked his eyes, then patted the shoulder of his confidant next to him, and said in a deep voice:

"Dimitri, take your brothers and disperse the search down the mountain. Once you find them, don't do anything, come back and report first. Our manpower is running out. We must unite to capture the Queen's Choice and let those damn aliens Those who pay the price!"

"oh, I understand now."

"Very well, go, the Sun Queen is with us!"

"The Queen of the Sun is with us!"

Looking at the subordinates who led the order, Matthias's face under the hood could not help flashing a look of ferocity, and murmured to himself:

"Want to escape? That's impossible..."

. . . . . .

The place where the plane crashed was located in a certain mountain forest inland.

Relying on the map looted from the enemy, the party of Endurance walked down the mountain in a mighty way.

The beach where the torpedo boat is located is located in the southeast of the island. On the map, it is called "Shipwreck Beach"

Because there is a large reef area hidden on the coastline, every wreck of a ship that encounters a storm will follow the flow of sea water and eventually converge on this beach, hence the name.

When everyone came to the beach, they were also slightly shocked by the scene they saw.

Under the night, the faint moonlight shone on the abandoned dock, and a sense of desolation emerged spontaneously.

The ebb and flow of the sea, gently slapping the shore, sounds like a rhythmic piece of music.

There are wrecks of ships all over the coast.

Whether it is a large freighter or a small cruise ship, it can be found in this ship graveyard.

When they came to an abandoned building with eaves to shelter from the wind and rain, a bonfire was lit, and everyone settled down temporarily.

"With the camp, we have to find some food. Only when we are full can we work hard..."

Hearing Jonah's words, Lu Qi suddenly said:

"By the way, I still have something to eat here..."

While speaking, he reached into his backpack and took out a pile of cans.

Looking at everyone's surprised eyes, Lu Qi couldn't help but smile slightly:

"Although it's not a fresh meal, the taste of these things is still good..."

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