Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 788: Everyone is drunk, I wake up alone

Performing a patient living in a psychiatric hospital, many actors have had similar experiences. It is not a difficult performance for an actor. However, when the movie started, everyone saw Chen Hao at first glance. Yes, my heart trembled, I felt that my breathing was not smooth, and the unknown pressure was surging from all around. Some people even thought about leaving the seat. This movie can't be watched anymore.

In itself, this is not a film with ups and downs. The plot is gradually advanced. Zeng Zhiwei took his son home and hid a hammer under his pillow. When Chen Hao walked into the room, Zeng Zhiwei was a little bit When embarrassingly introduced everything here, his expression is blank, but you will not feel that he is performing vaguely, and you can clearly perceive another kind of emotion and suppressed emotion from this blankness.

"Have you always lived here?"

Many people, based on this line from Huang Shidong, concluded that he was not neurological. Even if he was sick before, he is okay now. What he cares about is not how small or small it is here. He cares about what he thought was to escape for better life Father, in fact, has had a hard time for so many years, then why did he escape? An interesting answer: "I have lived here for a long time."

When Huang Shidong was first mentioned in the film as the man who killed his mother, the audience ’s hearts were all tight. Should this plot be so abusive, the actor was actually killed because he killed his mother Are you admitted to a psychiatric hospital?

Suddenly, the style of this play was raised several levels, and the plot can be designed in such a way that the subsequent plot will be particularly suppressed, and the actors' performance skills will reach a very high level, otherwise there is no way to proceed Deduction.

That little room, a pair of father and son.

Zeng Zhiwei's acting skills are undoubted. Everyone fixes his happy image. Actually, his acting skills are absolutely among the top actors. He really needs a good role. It is a matter of minutes to take the film emperor like Zheng Zeshi.

Chen Hao's performance was quite satisfactory. It may not seem as noticeable as Zeng Zhiwei, but after you watched for more than ten minutes, you found out that it was this idiom that was truly terrible. He played a mental patient, even if it turned out that he was a normal person. But how does he behave when he faces everyone's questions?

Treat yourself as normal and do everything according to normal standards. Your eyes are not affected by the outside world. It seems that the alien in other people's eyes is not him, and he has never regarded himself as alien.

And the rules are so common that ordinary viewers can see a different feeling. In a play of memories, Huang Shidong and his girlfriend, at home, discussing the mortgage loan and discussing about his mother.

In recent years, the image of Dili Reba is inseparable from fashion and beauty. Whether it is modern drama or costume drama, it is presented in a beautiful state in front of everyone. The Feng Jiu role in it has attracted a large number of fans for her, and Qiu Ya in "Charlotte's Trouble" has shown a little-sex-sense.

She has never had a very ordinary image. This time in such a drama, the first image is to play. In order to play this role, she is fighting, not only plain, but also to make her state very ordinary. Live up to the trust of Chen Hao.

Here, her performance was brilliant. However, beside Chen Hao, she was destined to be covered up in the role. When shooting, she still felt that she was performing well. It really came to the cinema. It's really shocking to see Chen Hao's performance on the face of the front and back plots.

It was also quite satisfactory. When Huang Shidong appeared as a real ordinary person, everyone realized how terrible acting skills were contained in the satisfactory performance. He was performing the image of a person in the middle of his life. Every look was There is a play in an action. Many people want to go out now, buy another ticket, and watch it again.

Huang Shidong ’s first drama broke out. In the show against his mother, Jin Yanling's performance, the thick accumulation of old drama bones, and all his actions were all acting. When Huang Shidong finally could n’t help but gave the mischievous mother a slap At that time, when filming, he thought about how to slap this for a few nights.

The homeopathic action in pulling each other can also be a natural reaction of the body under the anger. There will never be a large-scale movement, and there will never be a movement specially made for the slapping of the fan. During the mother's pull, anger and eruption, the hand was in the pull position, close to the face, and then a slap passed, there was strength, no range, sound, and pain, but it would not leave scars, enough to hit Awake people.

At this time, Huang Shidong that everyone saw seems to have a little omen. His angry roar is not the anger and roar of ordinary people, with a bit of weirdness, and then associate him with his performance at a friend's wedding.

Everyone was drunk and I was alone.

Everyone wakes me up drunk.

Respecting other people's weddings and quietly listening to others' gratitude words, is it awake respect?

The host of the wedding talked, everyone should eat, drink, drink, and talk. No one paid attention to what the groom was doing on the stage. Is this the awake state?

The film doesn't have a complicated story. Perhaps the only suspense is how the mother behind the door died. When blood flows out of the bathroom along the water, there will be a little bit of horror, but this horror is another after a plot. In front of the camera, it becomes nothing terrifying.

Huang Shidong stood at the door of the bathroom and looked at the blood flowing out, indifferently. It seemed that all of this did not happen to his side, it seemed to be watching the plot in TV, and it had nothing to do with him.

The atmosphere of the entire film is very depressing. You can see everyone stunned in their throats. Some sad videos will move people to tears, but this film is not. He has a feeling that makes people cry without tears, including the scene of Dili Reba. For the confession in the church, she really performed well enough, surpassing her normal level, and also recognized everyone's acting skills. But she was so crying, and the content of the explanation was indeed impressive. Moved, but when the camera switched to Huang Shidong, who was sitting under the stage, the audience really couldn't cry.

Is sympathy for Huang Shidong?

Is it because of the protagonist perspective that we are more concerned about Huang Shidong's feelings?

No, the girlfriend on the stage is a release, it is to open the inner depression, it is to let all the anger vent. At the same time, she also feels that this method is also effective for Huang Shidong. From the heart, she still has this man feeling. However, she did not know Huang Shidong, and did not know that her actions had deeply stimulated and hurt the man. He admitted that he owed his girlfriend too much, and hurt the other party. All the explanations of the other party during the dinner meeting were all He even increased his guilt. He just wanted to give back to the other party from today and start that relationship again without hurting the other party.

I think very well, and my heart is not so fragile. Helpless to make people fool. Before he came out, he saw the news of a friend jumping off the building at home. This was tantamount to hitting a heart with a sledgehammer. No smashing, his girlfriend was in Taiwan The confession on the top, like a needle, pierced the heart that was on the verge of breaking, leaving Huang Shidong completely out of control.

From this second, Huang Shidong in all the dramas is the top explosion performance. Before, everyone felt that Chen Hao performed well. There were a few breaking points in several plays. Now I do n’t need to count them. The scenes are all acting skills. The big explosion, whether it ’s eating chocolate in the supermarket, or sitting silently, whether curled up in bed, or helplessly facing the world, every scene, everyone will have the feeling that Chen Hao ’s performance has reached the extreme, but whenever This idea came out ~ ~ next second, there will be a drama of the same level, seeing all the audience is the ultimate feeling of freezing and fanatical.

I just saw the movie, it was frozen to the extreme. This film was too oppressive and abusive. It was gray tones from the beginning to the end. There was no sense of hope, although it was just a movie and life. Relationship, but for more than an hour, we also want to enjoy, not to be abused here, more than an hour of movies, not to see hope, but despair. In the film, I want to see my girlfriend's washing and dressing, and several conversations with my father at the book stand. These may be the few warm spots in the film.

Everything was smashed by the cold at the end of the film. First, my father called the younger son. The cold Pacific Ocean is not only a distance, but also a heartless old man. Driven away by the neighbors' 'resolution', the pair of father and son were driven away, and they even stepped on after a cold smash. The last thing is to sweep away after stepping on, for fear of polluting the ground. On the rooftop, even the father failed to keep the trust and protection of his son. When he saw his son's hands on the neighbor's child, At the same time, the subconscious shouted no, and the idea is the same as everyone, afraid that the son will hurt the neighbor children. This damage is very huge for the audience. Everyone has watched the plot, knowing that Huang Shidong is only holding the child, fearing that he is in danger. As a result, in the eyes of the world, what he may do is dangerous.

Everyone was drunk and I was alone.

Chen Hao brought too many and too many reasons for fanaticism. He performed really well. He did n’t watch the plot and just watched the performance. Everywhere is worth applauding for everyone. It ’s wonderful. He has already achieved the ultimate in being able to perform. As an actor, he deserves to be praised by countless viewers.

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