Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 630: Let's play

Many people regret not having made themselves part of this picture.

In the morning of the next day, the number of people attending the party surged from 1,300 to more than 1,600. These 300 people were the elder brother of the Haomen knighthood group. For a long time, Haomen The knighthood is hailed as the fiercest fighting group on the entire network. They may not be able to brush millions or tens of millions like the "maple leaves are red" and "the sea and sky are the same color", but it is 30,000 or 50,000 a month. Anxious to brush the strength of two or three hundred thousand without hurting the muscles and bones, there are still many of them.

The next day they came to discuss it on the Internet, deliberately hiding Chen Hao, and using their fan contributions, if they participated in the competition, a large number of fans would definitely be crowded out. They came at their own expense. This winter Ski resorts have more than one hotel. They pay for their own hotel and in order to worry about Chen Hao's checkout, they have pre-stored a sum of money in the hotel in advance.

After it was completed, they appeared together in front of Chen Hao, making the party's lineup grow again.

Thanks to the order of two thousand T-shirts, after the distribution, I am free to move in the morning. I can sleep for a while if I don't sleep well. It is a large-scale outdoor activity starting at noon.

The news came back. The ratings of the first quarter of the fourth quarter of last night were 2.4%, and they were the champions in the evening. The results were good and the feedback was good. This kind of program is very hot at the beginning. Everyone is watching the real life status of the celebrities and constantly tearing B, showing the side of your ordinary people.

Looking at the three seasons, and the appearance of several programs in the same period, everyone saw some visual fatigue. The participating guests from the beginning were the conflicts that actually collided to the intentional creation of conflicts, which made many things very fake, tearing and tearing unreal. It looks like a child, no matter how you look at it, it's disgusting to look at you in your decades.

As for poor travel, it is indeed a big selling point. In the fourth quarter, Chen Hao turned poor travel into hard work. We have no money, but we will find ways on the road to win some free opportunities and get some small tolls. Opportunity, first without losing the effect of the show, the reverse ratings he formed in the second half of the third season is enough to prove that everyone is still paying for this type of travel. Compared to the kind of very cruel travel that eats bugs and stars in the wild, it is loved by some niche audiences, and most people like it.

Chen Hao has seen the first edition of the clip, and is not too worried about the effect of this season, especially the Montana Music Festival and the snow mountain skiing behind, including his intentional display on the water dragon and skateboarding projects, are enough to stay in the camera I was very impressed by the audience, and afterwards step by step, I was worthy of the reward.

Regarding the advertising cost of the Mango Channel program, he just learned from Lao Shen a few days ago that his product had been advertised on the Mango Channel this time, but for ten seconds, it was broadcast twice during the program. The number of digits, not to mention the title, sponsorship and the like. Why in recent years, various TV stations have been making variety shows crazy. This thing is making money and making money. Lao Shen is outspoken. In the past ten years, his company ’s investment in television advertising has not increased much, but the investment cost has indeed become It has doubled. Compared with the investment costs of the Internet and print media, TV advertising is still the mainstream. It may take a few years for the Internet to fully surpass it.

The good news will be shared with you. Chen Hao is in a good mood, and the fans are in a good mood. There were more than a dozen roasted whole lambs for everyone at noon. Everyone was on the open space and started to work around a roasted whole lamb. What I eat is the state that the hot rack is still soaked with hot air. I really want to get a box and take off the roasted whole lamb. Let ’s sit and drink slowly. Then the taste is gone. You just go up and cut a piece. One, it's refreshing.

The first project in the afternoon was a well-known brand name ripped off. There are not many guests in the hotel at present, and the hotel has arranged in advance to open rooms for guests in another building. The main building and two accommodation buildings are all open to Chen Hao. Professional The shooting team summarized all the pictures and broadcasted them to the live broadcast room. If they didn't take them, everyone would be happy and play together. One anchor team led one team, and each place was opened.

There are many female fans in Haomen. This time, the number of female fans who appeared at the party was close to seven hundred, which made all the games fun without Chen Hao.

Chen Hao ca n’t play with everyone. Without him, if it ’s a group of big men, the fun of tearing a brand name will instantly drop to the freezing point, but if half is a girl, this is much more fun. Who does n’t want to have more with the girl More contacts.

The big brothers in the knighthood group can also play with everyone. At this time, there are no company bosses and ordinary students. When you are tired, when you take a break, you will subconsciously give it to the next teammate. Send one.

At 2 pm, Lele issued a notice that a new round of the annual star competition started. Some people told Chen Hao that at least half of the fans on the spot got the news for the first time. Everyone was sitting under the woods and enjoying a picnic at rest. When I saw the news, I didn't know who came to say: "Are we coming?"

This sentence immediately resonated with everyone, just in time to catch up with the fan party, the Haomen Knights Troupe and half of the road can be gathered here, is n’t the star of the year for us, Haozi said that various activities We do not fight, but we do not fight, does not mean that we do not want to show the entire network to see our strength of Haomen.

Perhaps it is the resonance of this sentence. The big brothers from Shenhao who had just met with Chen Hao a few days ago, after the news of the annual star game was sent out, they gathered in five five live broadcast rooms, and they all went on. Mai Xu, at that stop, you don't need to say anything, everyone's thoughts seem to be the same.

The king should also show his fangs occasionally.

Was this official intentional? When the Haomen party was held, the star of the year popped up. Since the official wants us to show the king's style, will we Haomen pretend to be invisible?

"The person who officially planned this event wasn't clear for a moment." Chen Hao shook his head, looked at everyone, and then said, "I can rest assured that you can hang out on the Internet. I'm really reluctant to hang you face to face."


It seems to confirm everyone's idea. Everyone here took their mobile phones and saw the gifts flying around the screen in the live broadcast room. One person did n’t brush more, and a group of 1314 lollipops came together with the rhythm. The plane is small, and the gifts in the five live broadcast rooms have not stopped.

"Starting at six, are you sure you want to go?"

"Well, let's just play and don't choose anything else. This year's Star of the Year, we will choose Lollipop. The cheapest gift. Everyone participates in play."

This afternoon, the second round of the game is field CS. The hotel has a field with 100 sets of equipment. In order to let everyone play as much as possible, it is directly a wheel battle. It is divided into five groups of scuffles. Strive to give everyone the opportunity to enter.

At six o'clock, the star of the year starts, and the game is not over yet. A bonfire party is arranged at night. At that time, it will be a small group of games. It will still be live broadcast. At the end of the game, everyone will rest on the scene of the bonfire party. It is the year. Star opens the stage.

Chen Hao said that the official plan for fever in the brain can understand that at this time they want to stimulate consumption and stimulate the heat, using Chen Hao to stimulate others, but this is destined to be a complete act of Chen Hao and make the whole activity a point of income, maybe, Are the top executives planning this time all their fans?

A few days ago, there was no news about the Shenhao gathering, and even the six gossip anchors did not dare to talk nonsense, and did not dare to say a little more about the content of the party. Everyone was curious about the state of the party.

The star of the year opened, and the party hero appeared in five fives. With hundreds of thousands of 1314 lollipop gifts to tell all curious tourists, we were very happy at the party.

Lao Shen is not bad money, but always spends in a mood, this time in a good mood, brushing gifts also has the meaning of brushing the list of gods.

Wu Zhonghai and Tang Feng are two crazy guys, each spending tens of millions a year, who dares to provoke.

Tiange has been growing and earning money since the age of operation. As the banner of the guild, Chen Hao wants to take the star of the year. Tiange will not have the slightest psychological burden to say that he ca n’t afford to brush too many guilds. In order to increase the belonging of Haomen fans to the Reunion Age Guild.

The knighthood of the party, fans of the party, and fans on the Internet have all participated in it, and they have always adhered to the slogan Chen Hao shouted three years ago: "Do it big, get out early."

Other anchors are worried about too much activity in one year ~ ~ brush the guild and live broadcast consortium, the annual war ends, and the annual star comes a few months later, many people are talking about the official Tai Hang, However, no one is willing to give up directly. It is not only a good opportunity to make money, but also a good opportunity to increase the cohesion of fans. It can also get omni-channel publicity.

At six o'clock, many anchors want to grab the first round advantage, smashing a gift first, smashing their momentum, directly let competitors not to come to the gift of my star of the year, you go to compete for other You can't fight me.

As a result, after five minutes, I did not smash it. It was to smash momentum, but the bigger purpose was to get the attention of Quanlele tourists at the beginning and to publicize ourselves. Now it is impossible to achieve more of these goals. The whole network has reached five five.

Once again, the Lele platform, known as the invincible server, was swiped in five five live broadcast rooms.

Once again, the strategy of five big live broadcasts spreading out the big points and getting out early was to the extreme.

The first wave, a dime-worthy annual star gift, 'Lollipop', was launched in the evening of five five live broadcasts, and when the bonfire party started the live broadcast, the time was 6.45.

The number of 'lollipops' received by Chen Hao has reached a level of horror. This horror is not absolute, but half, it is a contribution list for Chen Hao's live broadcast, a contribution list without more than one million. With such figures, several great heroes went to Mai Xu in the live broadcast room, and the whole network had no resistance.

PS: This chapter can be regarded as mourning this year's YY year. It's boring. It has no longer felt like a crazy battle a few years ago. In this year's year, I did n’t follow the idea of ​​ticketing live broadcast in each live room when I looked at the number of votes. If I did n’t do it, I could not afford it.

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