Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 612: Show

Chen Hao nodded, and did not refuse the goodwill passed on by the other side, and compared with a young child in his eyes. It was hard to say that it was boring to care about himself.

Leaning on the bedside to relax the body, Wu Lei, who no longer dared to have any resistance to it, took a bath towel into the bathroom to take a bath. Once there was cognition, it was not a matter of ignorance. Don't want to show it.

"Well, do you mean that I want to give some interviews here? Well, the music festival is OK. The interview will be on the festival. I like grass culture. Compared with those world-renowned big-name music festivals, this The Montana Music Festival (fabricated) I like it. It's time, and it's exactly on our journey. So negotiate with the show crew. I can go. "

"What, someone challenges me. Is anyone really wanting to be famous and want to go crazy? All of them are rejected, and if it is possible, I will announce directly to the outside world, but I will not play in the ring, but if you have to feel that you are Now, I will help you relax. "

The words behind Chen Hao, of course, the company is impossible to publicize it. Too high-profile is one aspect, and it will also hack him.

The Montena Music Festival in Spain is not well known, but it is a folk green grass music festival with a very good atmosphere that many big names and many top musicians will patronize. It is held every year in early May. It is a less famous music festival. , The content of gold content is not weak or even past, the Huayi Brothers Internationalization Strategy Department is very visionary and level, if you just arrange a few interviews and let Chen Hao show up on the international stage, there is no level As a result, the effect will not be good, the most critical, I also resist.

Music festival, especially a very free music festival. You do n’t need to be surprised to see a big old veteran borrowing a guitar from someone to play on the street. It ’s normal for a well-known band to improvise on the street. , Every year, here is neither a star nor a star.

Huayi and Huanju Times will communicate with Mango Taiwan on behalf of both parties, and they will do the preliminary work. Communicate with them to ensure that the entire team of Hua Shao has certain privileges. At least access to some places is allowed. Bring some shooting equipment.

Hang up, Wu Lei also took a good bath. Chen Hao now feels that he should be a tour guide. It is reasonable to take care of everyone. A trip, a program, which is directly mixed with his personal affairs. In a sense, the show is tantamount to making a wedding dress for yourself, even if it is because of its outstanding strength, it is undeniable that without this platform, it is impossible to get such an opportunity.

Mouse is in Cascais.

One day of fermentation time, the news about Chen Hao was completely spread. Those who had contacted Chen Hao in Cascais and recognized him began to spread the news. When everyone went to the beach to bathe the next morning When the sun is enjoying the warm sea breeze here, Chen Hao has become the target person. Not only are the camera crews facing him, but also some local TV stations, as well as some curious locals and tourists. The singer whose song was popular all over the world came to meet this man with Chinese kung fu.

In the morning, Tian brother called him, and others were in the boss of Huayi. The two kings were there, and frankly, you should show yourself, do n’t feel embarrassed, as an artist, show yourself and even in front of the camera. It's not a shame to make a show, even if there are so many times in a year, you have enough heat, but who will feel that the heat is too hot. Since the world is so multimedia and people are watching you, you can take advantage of it. This opportunity to show yourself more, isn't it by the sea? Then let them see what our Chinese man looks like steel pouring, compared to your muscle man who blows up with muscle powder to see how different it is.

The show team has clearly communicated with Huayi, and the show team is eager to have more gimmicks, so that the program ’s ratings in the country are higher. If it can be linked to the international, let ’s not talk about it, there are more selling points. News from the international side, promote the status of the show, and do a good job of propaganda before the broadcast. After the morning ditch passed, the mango station met. The first time was to determine the post-production team. It was immediately set up and immediately started to work. At the end of the trip, most of the previous materials were also produced and put on the market as soon as possible. on.

Women, by the sea, is a paradise for their figure, and it is a sacred place for female artists to attract a large number of fans.

The seaside is also a man's paradise. Men who are confident enough can also become the focus of the picture here. Yang Youning, who spent less last year, can only say that he was not very lucky. He participated in a variety show that was under-received in the early stage and was completely suppressed in the later stage. It also cost him to show his body like that at the seaside and show surfing skills like that. The effect is not optimal.

This year, it is Chen Hao's turn.

Both male and female entertainers are the same. They hide their strengths and show their strengths as much as possible.

Today, the program team specially arranged a "coincidental" seaside entertainment project experience, such as challenging the sea dragon project, such as the surfing experience at the seaside, what kind of achievements did you achieve, what kind of rewards can you welcome for yourself or your partner, such as a delicious meal? BBQ dinners by the sea, such as free bills for various activities by the sea.

When changing clothes, Chen Hao could only comfort himself quietly: "Chen Hao, Chen Hao, it is not your intention to pretend to be B. It is really a strength that does not allow you not to show it. Hey, for the money, for the program ’s ratings, You feel wronged. "

After saying this silently in his heart, he himself was happy. Forget it, just for this journey without any difficulty, add some jokes, be considered by a group of people to be a calf, and naturally be considered handsome by a group of people. It ’s only when it ’s giving benefits to the fans, how other people ca n’t care about how they feel.

Five-point swim trunks, with a flower shirt on the seaside, fresh colors, eye-catching, but also in line with the overall atmosphere here, Chen Hao's dress is casual, almost the same as most men here, everyone else is also Each has its own way, whether it is to display the figure or embellish the figure, the leisure of modern swimwear is enough to make girls no longer shy about wearing swimwear, which is almost the same as wearing summer clothes. The outer cover of the swimsuit can almost be avoided All the embarrassment will not have much impact on some body exposure. Wet it up a little and find a good angle. The picture taken by the camera is beautiful.

A few years ago, it was very difficult for an actress to participate in a similar program. Today's leisure-type hot spring bathing suits do not need to be suitable for swimming, can be strolled on the beach, and slightly touched by water.

Five female artists have no lack of self-confidence at the level of thinness. Even Sister Song will show her beautiful legs that can be ignored when attending some events. As for the "Ping" current bathing suits, they have the background. You can't see the advance. This arrangement does not require special communication with the artist, nor does the artist's agency need to consider image issues.

Chen Hao did not take off his shirt in the face of the waves in the beginning. He just took a kick with the water to make everyone familiar with each other, feeling the exotic atmosphere by the Cascais beach, until Driven by the program group, those 'coincidences' came together, and some tourists who recognized Chen Hao came to take a group photo. On this beach, everyone would not be fans, they would not be around you, at most they would come together In a video chat, I said that I like your songs very much. I hope you can create better songs. That's all. Then they will spread out. Give yourself respect for your vacation and free respect for the other party.

First, the barbecue dinner attracted everyone and challenged the dragons at sea. As long as you challenge, you can get some food for free. If you can show the most applause on the scene, you will win a seafood barbecue dinner that is enough for more than a dozen people to eat.

At the beginning, two days of enjoyment made everyone start to enjoy the trip. I felt that eating was an important part of travel, and watching and experiencing were the most important parts of travel, but the price ...

"Haozi, isn't it good for you to hide again at this time?" Tang Yixin has heard his boyfriend tell about the travels of the past year ~ ~ some extreme sports, this guy is a good hand, this meal, We are sorry we have such a tour guide.

There is an opening. It is the nature of a woman to coax a seedling. Everyone echoed, not only Chen Hao, but even Wu Lei pushed it up. He said that he had played it. That's OK. You two went up to win some food for us. It is enough to fill in some money.

The flying dragon on the sea is the most fascinating marine entertainment project. You don't need to play professionally. As long as you can stand, you can control the up and down, and maintain your body balance, the pictures shot on the side are very handsome.

People living by the sea have gradually classified it with surfing as the two best items for entertainment and sports, 撩-妹-神-器.

Many people come to play, and the liveliness of the sea is attracted to it. One by one, locals and tourists who are proficient in it, show their heroes on the sea. Those who do n’t wear life jackets and dare to do various actions on it are undoubted. It will win the warmest applause and the loudest screams from the scene.

Wu Lei went up. He didn't lie when wearing a life jacket. His body was very flexible. He did play and controlled his body. He finally did a dive and then sprinted up. It was not a good performance, but he also won. With a lot of applause, all the members of Hua Shao Tuan here gave him the most enthusiastic screams.

By the time Chen Hao was ready, the shirt was not suitable for wearing. Take off under the instructions of the safety coach, revealing a good figure that is envious, envy, and hatred. With such a strong figure, he waved his hand to signal that he did n’t need it. In the life jacket, the coach easily believed that he was experienced in this project.

Upon debut, Chen Hao completely detonated the atmosphere ...

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