Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 557: Join RNG

Under the black trench coat is a purple skirt. The slender thighs don't need any decoration to show up in front of the three people. They light a lady's cigarette by themselves. There is no need to ask others if they mind. She shook her head and poured her a glass of champagne.

Haihai, a seemingly high-key but very low-key rich woman who dared to play crazy and open her character, dared to lead someone to the entrance of the film academy to cheer Chen Hao, but she could not make a phone call after that. losing contact.

Chen Hao is actually very resistant to such women, including the three former female tyrants who supported themselves on the Internet, including Ye Ziyi, Jiao Jiao, and Ye Qing. They can be friends to insert their swords. They are their most difficult start. Give yourself visibility. But if he wants to take a step closer, at least he hates trouble and hates the pride and domineering of these girls.

In Chen Hao's cognition, if everyone is okay as a friend, it ’s okay to be crazy together. I do n’t want to be misunderstood, and I do n’t want to happen. I do n’t want to let myself bear a reputation of being a little white face. It's a rich man, why should you lower your profile to meet some of your dislikes? In particular, a bunch of people will come up to talk to you about the so-called door to door account? Even if this character comes from a big beauty, it is the same.

"Let my younger brother greet him personally, let's talk about it. What amazing action did our handsome Haozi do to bring them these unprofitable guys together?"

Haihai and Haiyu, if you want to, you can also guess. Previously, Haihai was regarded as an ordinary rich second-generation. It seems to be low-handed. It is also a woman who can make Huang Zhonghai call herself to set up a business, and How could it be an ordinary person.

Huang Zhonghai took out his mobile phone, opened a few news pages, and handed them to Haihai.

The other person only understood a few glances to understand what happened, and when he looked at Chen Hao, he was full of curiosity. He looked at him at the last glance: "I am really curious now, what is there that you are not familiar with? . "

Chen Hao answered honestly: "Having a child."

Fortunately for others, Hai Yu, the first co-pilot, rarely saw his crazy old lady eating a cricket. It was a gloating laugh, and he was a little closer to this Haozi subconsciously. Being bullied by her elder sister, she was obviously only one year away, so she had to be as much younger as he was.

Haihai's eyes were narrowed, and she looked at Chen Hao side-by-side, deliberately showing blurred eyes, and spit out the tip of her tongue slightly.

Chen Hao surrendered with both hands: "Sister, I'm wrong sister, villain Rao is a fate, I can't play with you."

Haihai: "It's late, rest assured, if you are responsible, perform well, maybe you will be responsible for your sister."

The others are silent with their eyes, nose, nose, mouth, mouth and heart. They are all good friends. Everyone knows what virtues are good. This Haihai is definitely a super player. Do n’t provoke her, she has enough capital for madness, and no matter what the beautiful woman does wrong, the punishment she receives is reduced by many times, and even seeing her crazy is often a visual enjoyment.

Chen Hao's performance made Tian brother and others impressed. This guy not only has a set on the Internet, but it is not bad in reality.

"Don't, sister, there is a forest outside. I will never hang from a tree. There are so many scenery. I haven't seen enough. You must not be responsible to me."

"If you are not responsible, you are not responsible."

"Sister, I'm afraid of this tree, you're hooked on me." Chen Hao deliberately lowered her voice, causing Hai Haijiao to laugh and find a partner who can see and spend a good night together. Friend, it ’s more valuable to her life. At least, it ’s fun. There are so many people who can choose to roll sheets. They can make themselves laugh, but there are not many guys who want to pinch his face.

At the training base of rng, one of the OSS came. The training base was mobilized immediately, and the training base was spacious and bright with a comfortable atmosphere. From here you can see the development of the Huaxia e-sports industry. These players are no longer invisible. Net-addiction-less-years, but professional players with high annual salary. In other words, you can also call them athletes, and letting such a tall title bring them a sense of honor and pride.

Brother Tian, ​​Huang Zhonghai, Haihai, no one introduced them, they didn't need to be introduced, and they didn't need to let others know who they were. It was a pure visitor brought by a boss, but Chen Hao was completely different. He is not a face everyone does not know now. He has a large number of fans everywhere. He has been warmly welcomed by everyone.

After all, last night, he left a deep impression on everyone. As a professional player, he was very high-spirited. There are not many people in the passers-by bureau that can be described as great by them, directly like Chen Hao. This kind of thing makes them all convinced, and that's even less.

In terms of technology, it is next. Everyone has reached a certain height. The difference will not affect the result of a game. The most horrible thing for Chen Hao is to let everyone see what is the sense of overall situation and superpower. They all think yesterday was I was spied by someone behind me. Otherwise, all the tricks of the routine can't escape the opponent's eyes. Several times around the other person's magical strokes or to save them from the danger, it gives people a feeling of hard to believe. The map is different from the angle at which everyone looks at the map. His judgment on the influence of the other party has reached the point of understanding everything.

"Come here, hurry up and let me see." Although Haihai is not a game fan, she also plays occasionally. She is such a pure 'player', she will try anything, she likes it a lot Have fun and set aside if you don't like it.

Chen Hao understood early in the morning what these people got from Yanjing to Demon. He still longed for the four words of glory for the country. In the past, I did n’t dare to think about it. After I got the ability, I felt too much. It's unrealistic to go too far, which team did not run for a long time to play, it never occurred to me, in fact, some seem to be far away, in fact, there is only one person in the middle.

After he gained the ability, after calculation, using his own technology and the full view of the map, it was necessary to cooperate with the same technology and team. The prerequisite is that he is the global commander. This special perspective of God is enough to control the world. The final result of the top-level team clash.

Sit down, the inner part of the group for a while, Chen Hao and Uzi went to the side for the first time, he also returned to the wild field position most suitable for the full picture consciousness, came up two games, completely crushed, some people will say that this is IQ is crushed, some people say it is consciousness crushed, everything is said, but it is undeniable, a spiritual and offensive-desire-mlxg is completely targeted, even the second game For a period of time, he walked in the wild with an assistant to arrest Chen Hao. In exchange, he didn't even see the other people's shadows. Instead, he ran to the bottom, and the three arrested his own adc.

As soon as the game is played, time is nothing, everyone even ignores such things as dinner. In the battle room, several big brothers watched the battle from 3 pm to 9 pm for six hours. Time, the team is constantly adjusting, and Chen Hao ’s position is constantly adjusting. Even in the end, he took the substitute team to play against the main force. It does n’t matter if you are unfamiliar with it. Everyone ’s technology and consciousness are there. The key is to listen to the command. It ’s important. When you hit it, everyone rushes. He said that the first reaction of all the people who steal the dragon is to move closer to the place and hit. He said that the next lane should be careful to hit the wild. You only need to be cautious when you go down. Once the position is wrong, He will also remind you that the other party may be in the grass above you.

Nothing was wrong, that ’s all. One afternoon is enough to convince the public. At the end of 9 o’clock, Hai Yu said that everyone would change clothes and clean up, and then go out to eat. Here, he and Tiange and Wu Zhonghai invited Chen Hao. After entering the small conference room, Haihai had Erlang's legs crossed. She had nothing to do with it all year round, and had fun things, not to mention the afternoon time, as long as she was interested as long as she felt fun ~ ~ Time was in her There is never a concept of waste here, even for a person like her, who has been playing for a few years, and feels that she has to make a contribution to the family. It is good to marry someone. It does n’t matter if you like it or not, whether you have feelings or not. Importantly, the marriage between the two parties is the bridge of cooperation between the two. It is good to keep this bridge existing. As for each other, you live your life and you live my life. There is no life except a marriage certificate that is not binding at all. This kind of thing is very popular in Huaxia nowadays. Even Haihai joked with Zhongzhong Hai. If you are about the same age and you are not suitable, then the two of us will marry. I not hate, or good friends, some of the public can also attend together.

The aroma of coffee filled the small conference room. Tiange took a sip and just wanted to speak. Haihai said impatiently: "You guys, it's just trouble, don't you just do that? Haozi, they want you to join rng Let ’s talk about increasing the strength and strength of the team when it ’s small, and let ’s say that this year ’s s7 we will also go up to win a championship, step down skt, and kill the Korean team. You only need to nod. No matter, I also decide for you, if you have time to move around the magic city, you can practice it occasionally. You are a commander. Whoever disobediently comes back, we can clean him up. You do n’t play as a substitute. Substitute, come on, regardless of what uzi or xiaohu, must obey your orders 100%, what are your personal conditions, go back slowly and think about it, just throw it in the contract. "

Through Haihai's words, it will be extremely simple to involve one thing in every aspect. One of the most shocking news in the history of League of Legends, the official website of rng was officially revealed that night.

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