Great Medicine Without Borders

Chapter 714 The heat is gradually rising

Xu Chunliang's trip to Nanjiang this time was not only to accompany Fan Lida to the meeting, but also to accept an exclusive interview with the Provincial Satellite TV. This interview was arranged with the help of Su Qing. It was mainly to promote Dongzhou food culture and help their cultural tourism promotion this time.

Su Qing worked hard, and Xu Chunliang certainly couldn't refuse. After meeting Fan Lida at the high-speed rail station, Fan Lida also talked about queuing up for dinner with Fu Guomin yesterday, and sighed: "You didn't see that scene. There was a long queue." It’s more than 100 meters away. Those who knew it were going to have barbecue, but those who didn’t know it thought it was a meet-and-greet with some celebrity.”

Xu Chunliang said: "Do you believe it now? Are Internet celebrities powerful enough?"

Fan Lida nodded and talked about how it was harder to get a taxi today than in the past. He didn't ask the company to take him there. He took a taxi and arrived later than Xu Chunliang. In fact, he had set off long ago.

Xu Chunliang said that there were obviously many people on the subway. It must be that many outsiders came to Dongzhou to look for the fireworks after watching the videos.

Fan Lida said: "Do you think this wave of enthusiasm can last for a week?"

Xu Chunliang said: "It will be May Day in one week. On May Day, we will make another push to increase Dongzhou's tourism revenue during the festival and strive to be among the top three in the province."

Fan Lida said with a smile: "You can only dream, don't look at the gap between us and others. Last year, Dongzhou's tourism revenue ranked ninth in the province, just over 30 billion, and the top four were all in the 100 billion level."

Xu Chunliang said: "We are not competing all year round. We are taking advantage of this wave of popularity to bring out the May Day holiday orders. If we don't make the top three, we will be sorry for the traffic."

At this time, the ticket check began, Xu Chunliang's cell phone rang, and Fan Lida helped him pick up his suitcase. Even though Xu Chunliang is only a small deputy section level official, Fan Lida, a deputy division level cadre, is also willing to carry his suitcase for him. He owes Xu Chunliang a huge favor. It can be said that without Xu Chunliang's help, he would not be where he is today.

The calls came in twos and threes. He told Xu Chunliang that the start was pretty good. Next, he would organize some Internet celebrities to visit the store in turn to try to maintain the popularity. However, he also discovered a problem, which was that the Bureau of Culture and Tourism The preparations are still not sufficient. The video account of their Culture and Tourism Bureau has not even sent out the first video. The response is more than half a beat too slow.

After Xu Chunliang sat down, he put forward several pertinent opinions in twos and threes before hanging up the phone. Xu Chunliang summarized and sent them to Fu Guomin.

Fu Guomin is actually having a huge headache. He is the director of culture and tourism, and things within his scope of authority are easy to handle. However, if anything beyond his scope of authority must be consulted by his superiors, who will ask other fraternal departments to cooperate.

Fu Guomin believes that the Internet celebrity economy card played by Xu Chunliang in twos and threes is feasible, but several leaders in the city believe that the Internet celebrity economy cannot become mainstream and can never replace the real thing. The city can support it, but they don’t think that Dongzhou’s cultural tourism industry can be developed with just a few short videos.

The thinking of several leaders still focuses on tradition. If the whole city cooperates with the Internet celebrities' hype, wouldn't it become a joke if it spreads? In the eyes of outsiders, they, the leaders of Dongzhou, are suspected of sacrificing their own strengths to pursue the weak.

Fu Guomin couldn't explain clearly on the phone, but promised that he would try his best to do it.

But when he saw the few comments sent by Xu Chunliang, his head suddenly felt as big as a bucket.

The first is the market supervision mechanism to ensure that businesses do not act in a short-sighted pursuit of profits, short-sighted pursuit of profits, and the opportunity to drive up market prices. This requires the cooperation of the market supervision bureau and the price department.

Food hygiene must be excellent to ensure that there is no such thing as passing off quality products as good or shoddy products, which also involves the Food Supervision Bureau and the health and epidemic prevention departments.

As the flow of people increases, security problems will inevitably arise, and preparations must be made in advance to nip them in the bud.

Xu Chunliang sent him a large article with a total of eight opinions. After reading it, Fu Guomin covered his head and was silent for a long time. If there is anyone in Dongzhou who can do it, there is only one person, and that is Secretary Zhou. Fu Guomin is a A self-aware person would not dare to say that everyone within the Bureau of Culture and Tourism is of the same mind as him just a few days after he became the Director of Culture and Tourism, let alone mobilize so many departments at the same time.

If all the opinions Xu Chunliang sent to him were transferred to Secretary Zhou intact, would Secretary Zhou suspect that he was directing his work?

In order to verify the possibility that Xu Chunliang said, Fu Guomin specially went out and took the subway. He went to several time-honored stores in Dongzhou and walked around. If he didn't go there, he found that there were many more people in Dongzhou overnight. , it’s already 10:30 in the morning, and there is still a long queue at the entrance of Ma Shi Street (Xita) soup. What’s a bit exaggerated is that many of them are dragging their suitcases. They look like out-of-towners and they came straight here as soon as they got off the train. Taste the best soup in the world.

Because the road was being built in front of the hotel, there was no clear parking space. There were cars parked all over the road. Fu Guomin saw that most of them had foreign license plates. Locals generally did not dare to park like this.

Sure enough, a young traffic policeman came over on a motorcycle and started taking photos and affixing tickets.

Fu Guomin hurriedly walked over: "Comrade!"

The young traffic policeman looked at him with a majestic expression: "Your car?"


"Why are you looking for me?"

Fu Guomin said: "These foreign cars are basically coming to Dongzhou for tourism. I think you should focus on reminding them and don't punish them if they come up."

The traffic policeman was happy: "Did I hear you right? You teach me how to enforce the law? I don't care where they come from, I still park like them. Isn't our traffic in Dongzhou a mess? There are no rules. There is no need for me and you. Explain, you can go about your own business and don't hinder me from carrying out my official duties."

Fu Guomin said: "Little comrade, you can't do this. You must follow the rules, but you must know how to be flexible during the specific implementation process."

"Is there something wrong with you? Is there your car here?"

Seeing that the other party did not buy his account, Fu Guomin had no choice but to reveal his identity: "Comrade, I am from the Bureau of Culture and Tourism. Recently we are promoting Dongzhou Cultural Tourism and we must be flexible when dealing with tourists from out of town."

"What's wrong with the Bureau of Culture and Tourism? When did our patrol brigade come under the control of the Bureau of Culture and Tourism? Comrade, are you taking a break and doing nothing? Don't affect my work. If I let it go, our leaders will criticize me."

Fu Guomin could not stop him. He could only watch the traffic police take pictures and put stickers on the vehicles. He felt depressed in his heart. He could guarantee that the out-of-town drivers who were fined basically came here to take advantage of the joy and returned disillusioned. Maybe Dongzhou will be punished from now on On the blacklist.

Not far ahead was Zhuangyuan Street. Fu Guomin walked all the way there. Usually there were not many tourists on Zhuangyuan Street. Before he reached the door, he saw a long queue of vehicles and a traffic jam!

Fu Guomin truly felt that this wave of traffic was coming fiercely. If it was not channeled effectively in time, not only would it not be beneficial to Dongzhou Cultural Tourism, but it would in fact cause them to suffer backlash.

Fu Guomin made up his mind and first sent Secretary Zhou a few photos he had taken, and then revised the comments Xu Chunliang sent to him and sent them over. He prayed silently in his heart, Secretary Zhou, it’s not me who has delayed your rest. The solution is that I am a man of few words and cannot coordinate so many departments. If you don't speak up, I'm afraid there is a possibility that a good thing will turn into a bad thing.

Secretary Zhou was chatting with his mother when he received the photo from Fu Guomin. His first reaction was that Fu Guomin had sent the wrong photo. Which scenic spot is this? If you zoom in, isn't this Dongzhou? When did Dongzhou get so many tourists? It seems that the May Day Golden Week has suddenly arrived.

Then he received another opinion from Fu Guomin, and Secretary Zhou frowned.

Mrs. Zhou saw him frowning and asked with concern: "What? Are you encountering difficulties at work? You don't need to accompany me. Take care of the public affairs first."

Secretary Zhou smiled and said, "It's okay. Someone just sent me a photo of the Ma Shi Street soup, and suddenly there was a long queue." He showed it to my mother.

Mrs. Zhou took the phone and put on her spectacles and looked at it: "Why are there so many people?"

Secretary Zhou reminded her that there would be more later.

Mrs. Zhou looked at two more photos, all of which were of people queuing up. She said a little strangely: "Dongzhou is not so lively at ordinary times? Accidents are easy to happen in places with many people. You have to ask the relevant departments to strengthen management. In the news last year There was a stampede in Seoul."

The old lady is not afraid of anything else but that something will happen. Her son is a parent official in Dongzhou, and he will be held responsible if something goes wrong.

Although Secretary Zhou knew that her mother was a little too worried, her worries were not unreasonable.

Secretary Zhou went to the yard and called Fu Guomin.

Fu Guomin was very excited when he received a call from Secretary Zhou: "Secretary Zhou, I'm sorry to disturb your rest."

Secretary Zhou said: "You work so hard, how can I have the nerve to rest?"

Fu Guomin smiled sheepishly. He recounted what he had just seen on the spot. In fact, some of his opinions had just been sent to Secretary Zhou.

After listening patiently, Secretary Zhou first affirmed Fu Guomin's serious and responsible work attitude. Of course he hopes that Dongzhou's tourism will develop and make great progress, but he believes that we should not be blindly optimistic. One or two days of popularity cannot explain the problem. They are doing it in Dongzhou. After so many years of traveling without any improvement, it became popular just because of a short video from an internet celebrity anchor? It still sounds a bit fanciful.

Secretary Zhou agreed to adopt Fu Guomin's opinion and immediately arranged to convene a multi-department coordination meeting. No matter how long the traffic brought by this wave of Internet celebrities lasted, it was always right to prepare for a rainy day. He handed the matter over to the people who had just entered Dongzhou Geng Wenjun, the leader of the leadership team, asked Geng Wenjun to do it immediately and convene a meeting with leaders from various departments such as cultural tourism, public security, fire protection, industry and commerce, taxation, and health and epidemic prevention to coordinate their work and strive to ensure that all departments do not argue with each other. , do not slack off and cooperate with each other.

We strive to ensure that foreign tourists who come to Dongzhou have zero complaints and return with satisfaction.

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