Great Medicine Without Borders

Chapter 708 I’m complaining about you

Xu Chunliang originally thought that there was no substantial work in this kind of unit, but after waiting in the break room for twenty minutes, no one had let him in. Xu Chunliang became a little anxious. The efficiency of this department was too low, so he had to take a break. There was no one else in the room. There were two possibilities for keeping him waiting for such a long time. One was that he had forgotten about him, and the other was that he was deliberately entertaining him.

When Xu Chunliang stood up and was about to ask a staff member, a staff member opened the door and came in. They confirmed his identity again and took him to the office of the director of the Foreign Enterprise Complaints Center.

The person responsible for interviewing Xu Chunliang was Chang Baoguang, the director of the complaint center. He was in his early forties, fair and fat, and he looked like he often sat in the office, and he had a pampered temperament.

Xu Chunliang entered the office. Chang Baoguang, who was playing with his mobile phone, looked up at him and said, "Comrade Xu Chunliang?"

Xu Chunliang said: "It's me! Hello, Director Chang!" He took the initiative to extend his hand.

Chang Baoguang had no intention of shaking hands with him. He raised his chin and said, "Sit down."

Xu Chunliang went to sit on the sofa opposite, which was seven or eight meters away from Chang Baoguang. Because of his position, Chang Baoguang was a bit condescending.

The staff poured Xu Chunliang a cup of tea, and Xu Chunliang said thank you.

Chang Baoguang continued to play with his mobile phone, with a smile on his face from time to time. Seeing him smiling so ambiguously, Xu Chunliang felt that this guy was not a good guy. In fact, this type of cadres are common in government agencies, and Xu Chunliang was not surprised at all. This type of talent is the physical norm.

After Chang Baoguang replied the message, his eyes came to Xu Chunliang: "Comrade Xu Chunliang, we received complaints from foreign businessmen that you were rude and rude to foreign businessmen at work and used insulting words many times. I came here today just to Verify this."

Xu Chunliang said: "That's it. Just make a phone call and ask me to make a special trip."

Chang Baoguang glanced at Xu Chunliang: "Little comrade, are you questioning our working methods?"

Xu Chunliang said: "Director Chang, please don't misunderstand me. I'm afraid of wasting your precious time."

Chang Baoguang said earnestly: "Don't think this is a trivial matter. We directly reported it to the Investment Promotion Bureau of the Ministry of Commerce and it was suppressed by the higher authorities. Now the city has repeatedly emphasized the need to improve the business environment, especially focusing on protecting the rights and interests of foreign businessmen. , you are committing a crime against the odds."

Xu Chunliang said: "Director Chang, what does it mean to commit a crime against the wind? Didn't you ask me to investigate? Why did you directly convict me?"

Chang Baoguang said: "Okay, tell me, do you have the problems that others have complained about?"

Xu Chunliang said: "Have you ever heard of a song? When a friend comes, there is good wine; when the jackal comes, he is greeted with a shotgun."

Chang Baoguang glanced at the phone and said: "Stop talking to me about this, are you a wolf? My Mingde Group is the largest Korean medicine group in the world, and it has a great influence in Asia and even the world. Mingde Group wants to invest in Dongzhou, and the city attaches great importance to this matter. Secretary Zhou personally gave the nod to the cooperation project between Daheng Group and Mingde. Do you know how bad the impact you have caused? "

Xu Chunliang said: "Director Chang, did you come to me to understand the situation or to accuse me? You can't just listen to Han Fang's words."

Chang Baoguang said: "What do you mean by one-sided words? They have recorded it, do you want me to play it for you?"

Xu Chunliang laughed.

Chang Baoguang knocked on the table to express his emotions at this time: "You can still laugh? Did you ask people to find Sam's father? Did you say that their country has no sovereignty? Is that right?"

Xu Chunliang said: "Director Chang, don't get excited. Even if I say that I am responsible for all the work, it has nothing to do with you."

Chang Baoguang said: "It has nothing to do with me? Haha, you little comrade is quite difficult to deal with. Forget it, you are young and I won't care about you. Do you know that your behavior has caused extremely serious international impact? Renjia Mingde Group said that if we do not deal with your behavior, they will continue to protest through diplomatic channels."

Xu Chunliang scolded: "Protect his uncle, these grandsons will take it seriously if they give him a mallet."

Chang Baoguang, who was looking at his cell phone, was not happy when he heard this. He thought that Xu Chunliang also scolded him: "What do you mean by this? Anyone who gives you a hammer should be taken seriously."

Xu Chunliang said: "Director Chang, are you a little sensitive?"

Chang Baoguang said: "It's not that I'm sensitive, it's that you, a young man, are too crazy. Do you know how much Mingde Group is planning to invest? Do you know that your words may cause others to withdraw their investment, or even affect a person?" Do you know the possible subsequent impact of the country’s reassessment of our business environment in Dongzhou?”

"I don't know, and I don't want to know. Your unit is responsible for receiving complaints from foreign businessmen, but what foreigners say may not necessarily be true. Especially the small countries around us are prone to lying and bullying. You and I He's polite, but he doesn't think it's polite. He thinks you're afraid of him, so he immediately scolds you."

"Comrade Xu Chunliang, your knowledge is very shallow. Your ideas are contrary to our country's policy of reform and opening up. You must review yourself." Chang Baoguang became obviously serious.

Xu Chunliang said: "What should I review? I am responsible for attracting investment in Hushan Town. Do I know the situation of the investors or do you know their situation?"

Chang Baoguang said: "I don't need to know. This is the foreign business complaint center. My duty is to handle foreign business complaints." His mobile phone vibrated again. Chang Baoguang had a habit of checking the phone again. , then reply to the message, other things must be put aside first.

Xu Chunliang took out his mobile phone and took a picture of this guy's absent-minded look: "Director Chang, you are very busy. I just waited outside for twenty minutes before you could meet me. Now you are still doing two things, so I better not delay you." Let’s chat, how about we talk some other time.”

Xu Chunliang couldn't stand this guy's bureaucratic style, and thought it would be useless to continue talking to him.

Chang Baoguang put his mobile phone on the table and said with an unhappy look: "You little comrade has a very problematic attitude. Let's not worry about whether there are problems with Mingde Group. You should first reflect on yourself and see if you have an attitude at work." Bad question? Did you insult someone?"

Xu Chunliang said: "Director Chang, please go to the grassroots level to investigate before you deal with the problem. Find out the specific situation before making a judgment. You sit in the office all day and you have no idea what is going on outside. I still have business to do. I won’t talk nonsense to you.”

Seeing that Xu Chunliang didn't want to see him at all, Chang Baoguang became angry. He stretched out his palm and slapped the table hard: "Comrade Xu Chunliang, I will report your attitude to the relevant departments and ask them to deal with you seriously."

Xu Chunliang said: "Why do you deal with me? You don't understand who is right and who is wrong, so you deal with me? Aren't you afraid that I will sue you for dereliction of duty?"

Chang Baoguang really didn't expect that this little deputy mayor would actually confront him. He was a deputy department cadre. Chang Baoguang said angrily: "Why didn't I understand it? It's your fault!"

Xu Chunliang said: "If you say that, I can't help it. The foreign business complaint center established by the country is not to let you support foreigners. It is to let you clarify the rights and wrongs and protect their due rights. It is not to let you indiscriminately , even blindly supporting foreign businessmen’s slander against us without any discrimination, I want to file a complaint against you!”

Chang Baoguang's nose was almost crooked with anger. This guy was so crazy. Did he forget that the reason why he came here today was because the Mingde Group complained about him, so he came to him, and now he actually complained about it and complained about himself.

"What are you complaining about me for?"

Xu Chunliang said: "I didn't work well during work. I was passive and slow in my work. I had a serious official mentality. I deliberately made me wait outside for as long as 20 minutes. I used my mobile phone to watch videos while at work."

"I don't."

Xu Chunliang said: "Who doesn't know how to video and record? I just filmed you. I'll have a chat with your leader right now."

Chang Baoguang felt guilty. He had indeed played with his mobile phone just now and deliberately made Xu Chunliang wait for twenty minutes. The nature of his work meant that he was usually quite leisurely, so he didn't think there was anything wrong with the way he worked today.

But he was afraid of being truthful in everything. Xu Chunliang couldn't bear Chang Baoguang's behavior of blowing a whistle and openly siding with the Mingde Group. He kept his promise and left the mediation center and went straight to the office of the director of the Dongzhou Commerce Commission.

Qi Mingxue, director of the Dongzhou Commerce Commission Office, was playing on the computer in the office at the moment. Xu Chunliang opened the door and rushed in, followed by the belated staff and the panting Chang Baoguang.

Qi Mingxue was stunned and looked at the uninvited guest in front of him: "Who are you? Have I made an appointment with you?"

Chang Baoguang's angry voice sounded from behind: "Call the security guard, call the security guard over."

Xu Chunliang said: "I am Xu Chunliang from the Bureau of Culture and Tourism. I am currently working in Hushan Town. I came to see Director Qi today to get an explanation."

Qi Mingxue frowned impatiently: "Did you come to the wrong place? I have something to do and I don't have time to receive you now. I really need to make an appointment in advance."

Xu Chunliang said: "Okay!" He found Zhang Song's phone number and dialed it directly: "Brother Zhang, are you familiar with Director Qi Mingxue of the Municipal Commerce Commission?"

Zhang Song is Secretary Zhou's secretary. He is basically familiar with all the cadres in the Dongzhou system. Even if he doesn't know them, there are very few others who don't know him.

Zhang Song said: "Familiar, what's the matter with you?"

Xu Chunliang said: "Please give him a call. I want to meet him. The threshold of their unit is too high and I can't get in."

Zhang Song was still happy to be a favor for such a small job, so he immediately called Qi Mingxue.

Qi Mingxue saw Zhang Song's phone number and realized that Xu Chunliang had just called Zhang Song. Looking at Xu Chunliang, he realized that this young man had a background. Chang Baoguang rushed in with four security guards. Qi Mingxue quickly waved He waved his hand to signal them not to act rashly.

Answered the call: "Hey, Secretary Zhang, what are your orders?"

Zhang Song told Xu Chunliang that he wanted to see him, and whispered: "Xiao Xu is a relative of Secretary Zhou."

Qi Mingxue trembled in his heart. Fortunately, he was not rude. He apologized and said with a smile: "I understand, I understand!"

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