Great Medicine Without Borders

Chapter 646 Sense of Crisis

Huang Youlong handed Xu Chunliang another book, "Introduction to Bone Setting," which was also an ancestral secret book of the Xu family. Xu Chunliang knew what was wrong after a moment of reflection. His grandfather was quite conservative in dealing with ancestral secret books, and it was not long before he accepted Zheng Pei'an as his disciple. Things before.

It is obviously impossible for these books to escape from the hands of the old man. The most likely source is Renhetang.

Zhou Renhe's two sons, Zhou Yiwen and Zhou Yiwu, as the authentic descendants of Renhetang, will definitely have access to the Xu family's secrets. Now Renhetang and Mingde Group have an in-depth cooperative relationship.

It was difficult to guard against domestic thieves day and night. Zhou Renhe would never have imagined that his two adopted sons would commit theft while guarding the house.

Huang Youlong said: "The biggest problem of Huichun Hall is also a common problem faced by traditional Chinese medicine. It is too conservative and self-contained. Most of the so-called ancestral secret recipes are passed down within the family, and some are even passed down to sons but not daughters. It is precisely because of this feudal family inheritance. The method has affected the communication and dissemination of medicine, which has just led to the decline of traditional Chinese medicine today."

Xu Chunliang said: "Even so, many secret books are still lost overseas. It's not that the inheritance method of traditional Chinese medicine is too traditional, but because there are too many thieves in our circle. Mr. Huang, have you ever heard of the old saying, don't be afraid of thieves?" I’m afraid that thieves will miss me.”

Huang Youlong laughed and said: "Mr. Xu, at such a young age, should think bigger. Although Huichuntang has some secret recipes, they are just a drop in the ocean in the entire China region. To tell you the truth, I started collecting them twenty years ago. I strive to eliminate the false and retain the true, and use the concepts of modern medicine to reorganize and improve these ancient recipes. My ultimate goal is to compile a contemporary "Compendium of Materia Medica" and revitalize traditional Chinese medicine."

Xu Chunliang looked at the smug Huang Youlong and cursed in his heart, "This guy is really ambitious. If you really realize this wish, wouldn't you catch all these Chinese secret recipes? It is conceivable that in the future, all the secret Chinese medicine recipes will become Korean medicine." Classic, this is clearly a disguised form of plunder.

Huang Youlong seemed to have guessed Xu Chunliang's thoughts and smiled: "Don't worry that I will take these ancient prescriptions as my own. The scope of my collection is not limited to China, but also Neon, Peninsula, Annan, Tianzhu..."

Xu Chunliang mocked: "Are you just asking for it just like you did with Huichun Hall?"

Huang Youlong said: "Mr. Xu, there is no need to think too much. I did not commit any illegal behavior in the process of collecting this information."

Xu Chunliang said: "It seems that Mr. Huang and I have different understandings of the law. By the way, I forgot that you are Korean."

Huang Youlong said: "Mr. Xu doesn't know enough about the power of capital. Let me give you an analogy. If someone pays 10 million to buy the Huichun Hall, you may not be willing to sell it. But what if it's 100 million? What about one billion?"

Xu Chunliang asked: "Did Mr. Huang choose to go into medicine to treat illnesses and save people, or to make huge profits?"

Huang Youlong smiled and said: "While curing diseases and saving people, we can also create some wealth. There seems to be no contradiction between the two."

Xu Chunliang said: "Let me explain something first. No matter what your Mingde Group wants to do, no matter how rich you are, I advise you not to think about returning to Chun Tang. I have no sense of neighborliness and no culture. , if I think others have crossed the line, I will definitely not be merciful."

Huang Youlong nodded and said, "Although Mr. Xu is young, he is very transparent."

Xu Chunliang said: "According to us Chinese, this is called ugly talk first."

He glanced at the rubbings on the wall again: "Some things are not yours. It is always not good for you to hang them on the wall in such a grand manner."

Huang Youlong said: "If you like it, I will give this rubbing to you."

Xu Chunliang said: "Since Mr. Huang said this, I am disrespectful."

Huang Youlong did what he said. When Xu Chunliang left, he had the rubbings removed and packaged, and handed them to Xu Chunliang along with the two Xu's secret recipes.

On the way to send Xu Chunliang back to Dongzhou Hotel, Wang Jiancheng couldn't help but said: "I didn't know you were neighbors in the past."

Xu Chunliang said: "Mr. Wang, have you ever heard of this sentence?" He paused and then said: "To untie a bell, you must tie the bell."

Wang Jiancheng frowned. Xu Chunliang's words were obviously reminding him of his father's illness, implying that his father's poisoning was related to Huang Youlong? Wang Jiancheng believed that Xu Chunliang's statement was baseless, and he had also approached Xu Chunliang. Xu Chunliang said that if he wanted to cure his father's disease, he must find the medicine Gui Panlong.

Wang Jiancheng turned to Huang Youlong for help when he had nothing to do. Because of Huang Youlong's identity, Wang Jiancheng checked his background very clearly. Huang Youlong did not have any criminal record. This person has always had a good reputation in the medical field, and he After his father was diagnosed and treated, his condition improved rapidly and he is now basically back to health.

Xu Chunliang knew that his words might offend Wang Jiancheng, but he still needed to remind him. He could conclude that Huang Youlong's motives were not that simple. By treating Wang Zhengdao, he had successfully gained connections with the Wang family. The poison of the ghost bat was not easy to cure unless he already had the antidote in his hand.

Mingde Group's acquisition and development in China did not arouse much alarm. Nowadays, the overall view and international view being promoted everywhere are pure nonsense in Xu Chunliang's opinion.

He always believes that there must be a sense of boundaries between people. This is true between organizations and between countries. Our ancestors have said that you must not have the intention to harm others, and you must have the intention to guard against others. The more he talks to you about borderlessness and sharing, it proves that he wants to take advantage of you. He cares about your good things, and he brainwashes you in this way.

When you want to share it with him, he will immediately set up barriers one after another. What's yours is mine, and what's mine is mine. There is never any unreserved exchange of things in this world, and there are many routines.

Only the benefits of equivalent exchange are eternal. Medicine knows no borders. Traditional Chinese medicine is ours, Korean medicine is ours, and neon Kampo medicine is ours.

Wang Jiancheng said: "Huang Youlong is a very high-level and well-organized person. I am a layman in medicine, but I think it is time for traditional Chinese medicine to change."

Xu Chunliang said: "If you go to Dongzhou to check Huang Youlong's background, you will know that Huang Youlong's background is not clean."

Wang Jiancheng was stunned: "What?"

Xu Chunliang cast his gaze out the car window. He knew that this was what a family like Wang Jiancheng was most afraid of, so he was too lazy to continue explaining. If Wang Jiancheng was curious, it would not be difficult to find out this matter with his ability.

Xu Chunliang got off the car at the Dongzhou Hotel and waved goodbye to Wang Jiancheng. When he returned to the room, he called Liu Haiyu and told him what he had experienced when he went to Jingfu Building today.

Liu Haiyu said: "Can you conclude that the rubbing he gave you includes the dragon bone I gave you last time?"

Xu Chunliang said: "It's certain."

Liu Haiyu said: "So, this Huang Youlong is not simple."

Xu Chunliang told Liu Haiyu about Huang Youlong's massive acquisition of traditional Chinese medicine clinics and secret recipes in China, and asked him to investigate carefully. Huang Youlong had ulterior motives and had to be on guard.

Liu Haiyu reassured him that as long as Huang Youlong's criminal behavior could be verified, action would be taken against him immediately.

Xu Chunliang feels that Liu Haiyu is still unaware of the dangers of the Mingde Group. If they use capital to acquire enough information and improve the packaging, it is likely to cause great damage to Chinese local medicine and even shake the foundation of traditional Chinese medicine. Everything depends on evidence. By the time you catch the evidence, it may be too late.

Liu Haiyu felt very sorry to learn that the other party had canceled the dragon bone deal, and the original plan of taking advantage of the evil had to be cancelled.

Xu Chunliang realized that expecting Liu Haiyu to do such a big thing seemed to be forcing him. It would be best to remind the relevant domestic departments to introduce measures to restrict the acquisition of traditional Chinese medicine factories and clinics by foreign companies to prevent the pervasive cultural theft by these foreign forces.

Just after finishing the call with Liu Haiyu, Mo Han came to visit.

Xu Chunliang knew very well that she was concerned about the dragon bone transaction, so he handed the rubbings he got from Huang Youlong to Mo Han.

Mo Han unfolded it and took a look, and couldn't help but feel moved. There were twelve rubbings on it: "Where did you get it?"

Xu Chunliang told how he went to Jingfu Building today.

After hearing what he said, Mo Han whispered: "So, this Huang Youlong is really playing a big game."

Xu Chunliang said: "Mingde Group collects traditional secret recipes everywhere, and now Huang Youlong has a lot of valuable information in his hands." He couldn't help but think of the Mutian Group. The Mutian Group that Mo Han introduced to Weishan Island also had a Japanese background. You should also be more careful with Equator Capital, as they have a similar purpose to Mingde Group.

As his understanding of the international situation deepened, Xu Chunliang became more and more aware of the nature of these two neighboring countries. Compared with China, which has a vast territory and abundant resources, their land and resources are really pitiful, so they have never stopped coveting them. Hearts, resources and culture are the two areas they are most greedy for. Because of the rise of China's national power, they now dare not rob them openly. The most common method now is to use capital to annex. In the name of investment, they are actually doing things like chickens and dogs. The cultural aspect is also actively evolving, importing their dregs into the country under the banner of communication, and using the so-called idol culture in the entertainment industry to cultivate a large number of idiot fans.

However, most Chinese people lack vigilance, and some of them are unsatisfactory and sell everything left by their ancestors for a few taels of silver. Little do they know that what they lose is much more than what they gain.

There are a bunch of people who don’t know their ancestors and cry like crazy when they see their idols. There are also a group of uneducated local stars who have a pilgrimage mentality to kneel down and lick the stars of the Peninsula. This is what happened to their cultural strategy. It also proves that our work in cultural promotion urgently needs to be strengthened.

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