Great Medicine Without Borders

Chapter 558 (Backup) Exclusive Secret Recipe

Xu Chunliang finally chose to acupuncture Changqiang point.

Changqiang point: The circulation is long for no reason, and strong means endless good luck. This point is located at the end of the spine, where Duyang begins. The human spine can freely rotate and bend from the neck to the tail and is the main force of the load. Its Qi moves vigorously and circulates without reason. In addition, the Yang Qi of the Du Vein is strong and strong, so the place where the Du Vein begins is named Changqiang.

Acupuncture at Changqiang point is mainly used to treat: hemorrhoids, blood in the stool, diarrhea, difficulty in urination and defecation, wet and itchy genitals, coccygeal pain, epilepsy, hysteria, and lumbar neuralgia.

There are four meridians around Changqiang point: Du meridian, Du meridian's collaterals, Ren meridian, and Foot-taiyang bladder meridian.

The needle should be inserted half an inch below the tip of the coccyx, between the tip of the coccyx and the posterior court. Stab the tip of the tailbone three inches deep to measure the pain, but you can also choose to insert the needle two inches deep. It has been clinically proven that this point can be used to puncture the tip of the tailbone shallowly or deeply along the bottom of the tailbone. Different puncture methods have different effects.

Xu Chunliang asked Jin Yonghao to lie on his side with his legs bent. After disinfection, he touched the tip of the coccyx with his left hand, inserted the needle along the bottom of the coccyx using the slow twisting needle method, and punctured the harder tissue at the tip of the coccyx, which is the first needle-sensitive layer. The needle sensation is mainly stinging and dull pain. When the needle hits the bone surface, swelling and numbness occur.

Insert the needle along the bottom of the coccyx and prick the levator ani fascia at a depth of about three centimeters. The needle sensation becomes obvious. This is the second needle sensation layer. The soreness or numbness under the tail vertebra spreads to the back. Court area and base of sacrum.

Jin Yonghao felt that his anus was getting more and more swollen. As Xu Chunliang twisted the filiform needle, he felt an invisible force expanding continuously in his body. The hemorrhoids deformed under the pressure from the inside and outside, and the blood in them flowed back into the body.

This time, the needles were applied for three minutes and left in place for thirty minutes.

While the needle was being retained, Xu Chunliang took off his gloves, washed his hands, and stood in front of the window looking out.

Jin Yonghao lay on his side in bed and did not dare to move. Although he could not see the specific treatment process of Xu Chunliang, he could feel the changes in his body. If he had not seen Xu Chunliang standing in front of the window, he would have even thought that someone was behind him.

This feeling is a bit shameful but also so magical. Chinese medicine is profound and profound. Jin Yonghao looked at the young man in front of the window. The sunlight filtered in from the window and projected on Xu Chunliang's tall and straight body, covering him with a golden layer. Mysterious aura.

Jin Yonghao seemed to have seen a god descending to earth, looking at this god-like man with some admiration.

Xu Chunliang said: "What do you think of the current situation in Changxing?"

Jin Yonghao was stunned for a moment, and said with a sad face: "Mayor Xu, I just came here to make a transition. I don't have any say in this matter. You know it."

Xu Chunliang said: "Water can carry a boat and capsize it. You have seen the situation today. If you don't handle it well, the consequences will be serious."

Jin Yonghao said: "They have too many demands. They ask for the same treatment as Changxing Hospital headquarters, and they also ask for improved performance. Now Changxing Hospital needs money in many places. Don't you know that every time we go to Mr. Pei to ask for money? She was severely criticized."

Xu Chunliang said: "Her hand stretched too far."

Jin Yonghao said: "This is the situation now. It's not that the hospital doesn't make money, but the money it makes is basically invested in construction. The income of employees will inevitably be affected. This is not only the case in the branch hospital, but also in this hospital."

Xu Chunliang said: "Huanian Group is deeply involved in a debt crisis and is currently planning a debt restructuring. Specific details have not yet been released."

Jin Yonghao said: "If I had known that Huanian Group was like this, it would be better not to cooperate with them."

Xu Chunliang said: "The High-tech Zone has put a lot of pressure on Changxing. Now the joint-stock hospital is stepping up its construction period, and the second phase of the Changxing Hospital project is imminent and has to be launched. With the financial situation of Huanian Group, it is difficult to take care of the construction here, let alone We care about the interests of the medical staff at Weishan Island Hospital."

Jin Yonghao knew that what he said was the truth, and it was indeed not a good job for Zhao Feiyang to ask him to be responsible for the transition. Ever since Jiang Ailian committed suicide, there had been disagreements within the Huanian Group about the future of the health care hospital.

In fact, at the beginning, Tang Jinglun actively promoted the construction of a health care hospital, and he did not really want to start a career. According to Tang Jingwei, Tang Jinglun was used to eating free food. What he was good at was capital operation, not business entities. Construction was for The purpose of Huabing is to boost the stock price through positive stimulation and promote the early listing of Huanian Health.

After Huanian encountered a debt crisis, Tang Jingwei made a comeback, and Tang Jinglun had to hand over the management rights of Huanian Health.

Tang Jingwei clarified Zhao Feiyang's management status and emphasized that Huanian Health, like Changxing Hospital, is affiliated to Huanian Medical Management Co., Ltd. This is a subtle change from Tang Jinglun's strategy of highlighting Huanian Health.

Tang Jingwei is relatively conservative in his work. He is not optimistic about the construction of a health care hospital on Weishan Island. The debt crisis of Huanian Group has made him more cautious in investment.

This time when entering the big health industry, the top priority is joint-stock hospitals. Dongzhou High-tech Zone has also begun to focus on the Dongzhou joint-stock hospital project of Huanian Group due to the recent disturbances. Tang Jingwei also assured the leaders of the High-tech Zone that regardless of Hua Nian Group’s Dongzhou joint-stock hospital project, No matter what changes occur to the group in 2018, they will not affect the construction of joint-stock hospitals.

In fact, there can be no mistakes in this project. In the joint-stock hospital, Dongzhou holds 20% of the shares. If Huanian fails to complete the contract, the Dongzhou Municipal Government can completely freeze their supervised accounts in accordance with the contract. Funds, even Changxing Hospital will be lost again.

Huanian's board of directors still attaches great importance to Huanian Hospital. For them, Changxing Hospital is one of the few high-quality assets they currently have, and they are unwilling to give it up.

Tang Jingwei and Zhao Feiyang had an in-depth discussion about this matter. Zhao Feiyang proposed to pool funds to build a joint-stock hospital and the second phase of the Changxing project. As for the health care hospital, it can be delayed.

In particular, the Daheng Yiyang Hot Spring Town project has encountered problems one after another. Will they make the same mistakes again if they do projects of the same nature? Moreover, Huanian's current funds cannot guarantee that the three projects will be promoted simultaneously.

Zhao Feiyang's suggestion coincides with Tang Jingwei's idea. Upper-level managers rarely consider the interests of grassroots employees, especially in the general direction related to the fate of the company. They believe that grassroots employees should make some sacrifices for the group as a matter of course. and concessions.

However, they still underestimated the indomitable resistance factor in the blood of the people of Weishan Island. The insidious, cruel and inhumane Japanese people back then were beaten to a pulp, let alone them.

Jin Yonghao felt that his anus was swelling more and more, and the pain from the inside out made his body tremble slightly, and the needle inserted into Changqiang's acupoint also trembled. This half-hour of needle retention time made Jin Yonghao feel more and more uncomfortable. He felt like he was being violated. He had no other choice but to close his eyes and endure it.

Xu Chunliang asked: "Can you hold on?"

Jin Yonghao hummed, feeling that his response was a bit strange, and added: "I can hold on."

Xu Chunliang said: "You have a long course of illness, and acupuncture alone cannot completely eradicate it. You must also take Xiaozhi Decoction orally." He came to his desk, sat down, and started writing prescriptions.

Cinnabar lotus 15g, Cassia 20g, calcined oyster 15g, puffball 15g, Phellodendron 15g, licorice 6g.

Wrap the puffball in white gauze and fry it together with other medicines for half an hour. Remove the residue and retain the juice for oral administration, three times a day, three ounces each time.

Cinnabar lotus tastes bitter and pungent, and is cold in nature. It can clear away fire and eliminate accounts, disperse blood and relieve pain. It can not only reduce sores and relieve pain, but also has antibacterial and bactericidal effects. Cao Jue is sweet, bitter and cold. It is good at reducing stagnation and clearing the viscera, clearing away and softening hardness. It moistens dry intestines; roasted oysters have the effect of astringing and fixing astringency; puffball has the effect of astringing and stopping bleeding; Phellodendron cypress clears away heat and dampness, clears away fire and detoxifies; licorice clears away heat and detoxifies, relieves anxiety and relieves pain, and reconciles various medicines.

The combined use of various medicines has the effects of clearing away heat and relieving longevity, activating blood circulation and stopping bleeding, softening and retracting sores, reducing swelling and relieving pain.

For severe blood in the stool, add 24g of Sophora japonica and 30g of Sanguisorba; if there is severe swelling and pain, add 10g of Scutellaria baicalensis, 10g of Coptis chinensis and 15g of Cortex Phellodendron; if there is difficulty in urination, add 15g of Huoling and 6g of Akebia. 15g of plantain; for constipation with deficiency, add 30g of hemp seed, 15g of raw rehmannia, 10g of almonds, and 5g of plum blossoms; for constipation with excess, add 15g of cooked rhubarb and 9g of glutinous rice; for those with prolapsed hemorrhoids due to qi deficiency, add 30g of astragalus, 15g of Codonopsis root, and Cimicifuga 15g, Bupleurum 15g; for blood deficiency, add 15g Rehmannia glutinosa, 12g Angelica sinensis, 12g white peony root, and 10g donkey-hide gelatin.

From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, the main cause of internal hemorrhoids is deficiency of the internal organs. Under the influence of various inducements, such as excessive emotions, improper diet, constipation, dysentery, prolonged sitting, weight bearing, and strenuous exercise, the yin and yang of the internal organs can be imbalanced. , lack of qi and blood, endogenous dampness and heat, tending down to the large intestine, insufficiency of blood vessels, and transverse dissection of tendons and veins, forming hemorrhoids.

Oral administration of Xiaozhi Decoction, which clears away heat and detoxifies, promotes blood circulation and stops bleeding, softens hardness and converges, reduces swelling and relieves pain, is intended to eliminate the expansion and blood stasis of hemorrhoidal veins, and promote the shrinkage and recovery of hemorrhoids.

Xu Chunliang finished prescribing the medicine, and at the right time, he took out the retained needle for Jin Yonghao.

Jin Yonghao hurriedly pulled up his pants. Now he had no secrets to keep in front of Xu Chunliang. In fact, he just felt embarrassed and Xu Chunliang had no time to look at him.

Jin Yonghao went to wash his hands. He had to express his gratitude to someone who had helped him so much: "Mayor Xu, please stay in the cafeteria to eat in the evening. I will be the host. Please give me a chance."

Xu Chunliang said with a smile: "You will have to quit smoking, drinking and spicy food within half a year."

Jin Yonghao said: "Don't say half a year, I won't touch it for the rest of my life."

"That's not necessary. Once your illness is completely cured, you can live your life as before."

Jin Yonghao smiled bitterly and said: "I don't dare anymore. I don't dare to heal my scars and forget about the pain. This time is really a bloody lesson."

Xu Chunliang said: "Don't be so careful, the secret recipe of our old Xu family is quite effective."

Jin Yonghao said: "Mayor Xu, it would be a pity not to practice medicine because you have such good medical skills. I dare say that you can make a lot of money just by relying on your secret recipe for treating hemorrhoids."

Xu Chunliang smiled and said, "I didn't expect you to be so financially savvy."

Octopus was very confused. I didn’t write about the medical part. People thought it was irrelevant. But when I did, they said I was weak and unprofessional. If I wrote too much, they said I copied and pasted. I was in a dilemma. In fact, I spent a lot of money on each piece of professional knowledge. There's a lot more to Time and Manager than a normal plot.

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