Great Medicine Without Borders

Chapter 533 Wait for me

Li Chengbo directed his men to open the doors and windows and let the wasps out. Zhao Hong had a different opinion. There were more wasps outside.

The female reporter who was in high spirits at the door just now interviewing the enthusiastic people was stung all over her head. She hugged and covered her face. She had completely given up resistance and was crying outside.

Xu Chunliang, who was sympathetic to the beauty, went out to help, drove away the wasps, and brought the female reporter in from the outside. The camera boy followed Xu Chunliang with the camera in his arms and begged: "Wait for me...wait for me..."

Xu Chunliang rushed into the room with the female reporter in his arms, kicked back with his right foot and closed the door.

The camera boy pushed forward desperately to protect the camera, but the door slammed shut at this time, and the door panel hit the camera. The sound of impact and shattering were intertwined, and the camera lens was shattered to pieces.

The cameraman was shocked. Thanks to the camera, if he had put his head in first, his face would have been flattened. He reached out to push the door, but the door was locked from the inside. The wasp pursued him relentlessly, and the cameraman The little brother threw the tattered camera on the ground and held his head in his hands. Is this something a human being would do? Why should you save a woman but not a man? It’s okay if you don’t save me. You didn’t even leave the door open for me. What a beast! Inhumane!

Li Chengbo called on the police officers to put on protective clothing and go out to rescue people. However, the wasps outside left as the crowd dispersed, and there were still dozens of wasps flying back and forth around the damaged hive.

Many people were stung, most of them not serious. The most serious one was the camera boy of Dongzhou TV Station, whose head was like a pig's head. The most serious one was the female reporter, whose eyes were swollen into slits. The mouth has also become a sausage mouth.

The police station planned to send some of the seriously injured people to Weishan Island Hospital.

Xu Chunliang has the right to speak in this regard. He said that Weishan Island Hospital is not good at dealing with such injuries, but Liushan Min is good at it, but Liushan Min is in Dongzhou.

The female reporter's eyes were reduced to slits and her vision was blurred. She said in panic: "I have been disfigured...I have been disfigured..."

The great leader Xu comforted him: "Don't be afraid, appearance is not important, the soul is important. Even if you are disfigured and can't see with your eyes, as long as you have a beautiful soul, your future will still be bright." This guy is right. Women are still tolerant.

It's okay if he doesn't say it, but if he says it, the female reporter is like wow! burst into tears.

"Don't cry, nothing is more important than living. You have to live bravely."

The people on the side looked at each other, was this guy trying to persuade people or was he trying to attack them? Although the female reporter was stung to this point, the disfigurement was probably only temporary.

Mo Han said: "Dongzhou TV station came so quickly. Who gave you the news, or did you just predict it?"

The female reporter just cried. The camera boy found that his camera was missing and looked around with his big head shaking: "Where is my camera? Where is my camera? Who stole my camera?"

Li Chengbo reminded him: "Be careful what you say, this is a police station, no one will steal your things."

Xu Chunliang said: "Did you just focus on escaping and the camera fell outside?"

At this time, Zhang Haitao walked in from outside, carrying a camera that was smashed beyond recognition: "Whose thing does this belong to?"

The cameraman stepped forward to take the camera and almost cried. However, his expression could no longer tell whether he was crying or laughing. The first thing he thought of was the memory card. The material for today’s interview was all inside. There was no need to open it. The protective cover was all there. No more. There is no trace of the memory card in the card slot.

The camera boy looked at Zhang Haitao with a big face and said: "Where is the memory card inside?"

Zhang Haitao shook his head and said he didn't know.

The cameraman was anxious. If the interview materials were lost, wouldn’t they have been stung in vain today?

"Did you take the memory card, did you take my camera..." He stepped forward to grab Zhang Haitao, but Zhang Haitao pushed him to the ground.

Zhang Haitao scolded: "The dog bit Lu Dongbin, none of you TV people are good."

Xu Chunliang said: "Don't get excited, I think they were stung and confused, so they should be sent to the hospital quickly."

"Ugh..." The female reporter's grief-stricken cry came from the side.

Mo Han said coldly: "Don't cry in a hurry, you will cry again in the future."

The emergency department of Weishan Island Hospital was flooded with dozens of patients stung by wasps. The former dean Jin Yonghao was recently temporarily detained. After Xu Chunliang was seconded to Hushan Town, the post of branch dean became vacant. Dean Zhao Feiyang thought of Jin Yonghao and asked him to come over and be responsible for the transition for the time being. After all, he was responsible for the work of Weishan Island Hospital in the past, so there was no running-in problem.

Although Jin Yonghao didn't want to come, Zhao Feiyang promised him that it would only be a transitional period of two months, and after that, he would be arranged to take charge of the Bell Tower Community Clinic.

In fact, it has been three days since Jin Yonghao returned to Weishan Island to work, but he has not contacted Xu Chunliang. Although he and Xu Chunliang have worked together, their personal relationship is average, and Xu Chunliang does not miss the old relationship at all, so he went to Hushan Town After becoming the deputy mayor, the first thing to do is to attack the old unit. It is better to have less contact with such people.

Jin Yonghao is very aware of Xu Chunliang's work style, and he also knows that his coming here is just a transition, and he only needs to work for two months.

Yan Zhongmin was also sent to the hospital for treatment, but after treating his wounds, the police station took him away in full view of the public. According to the gossip spread by Zhang Haitao, Yan Zhongmin was currently involved in the theft of cultural relics from the winery.

Upon hearing this news, many winery workers involved in today's riot began to realize that they might have been taken advantage of.

Mo Han's words to the female reporter were by no means a threat. That afternoon, Dongzhou TV Station received an accountability letter from the Pinghai Provincial Propaganda Department. Someone complained that Dongzhou TV station used public opinion guidance to discredit the local government and create social instability. He directly named the social column team of the news channel and asked them to explain what happened in Hushan Town today.

Looking at this accountability letter, Dongzhou TV station director Sun Shengju frowned. The provincial accountability letter came too quickly.

If there are so many social news in Dongzhou, what are they doing on Weishan Island? Sun Shengju immediately called Xue Meizhen, director of the news center, to his office.

Xue Meizhen is one of the most powerful figures in Dongzhou TV. Internally, she is called the Iron Lady because of her tough tactics.

As soon as Xue Meizhen entered, Sun Shengju asked, "Who gave you the clues? Who asked you to go to Hushan Town for an interview?"

Xue Meizhen said: "The public hotline is a clue provided by a worker at Weishan Island Winery. We suspect that this matter involves the loss of state-owned assets, so we sent a reporting team."

Sun Shengju handed her the accountability letter: "Read it for yourself!"

After reading it, Xue Meizhen's expression changed: "How can the matter in Hushan Town involve the province?"

Sun Shengju said: "Ask me, and I also want to ask you. When doing news, you must first consider the correct direction of public opinion. Your interview this time is obviously targeted."

"Sun Tai, I promise not..."

"You don't have to promise me that you will solve the trouble you caused yourself. If you can't solve the problem, I will have no choice but to hold you accountable."

Xue Meizhen bit her lip: "Sun Tai, what do you mean..."

Sun Shengju said: "Do you want me to explain it more clearly? Well, let me tell you, you have chosen the wrong person."

He Xingjian thought that Yan Fangming would be released soon. He asked someone to inquire and found out that Yan Fangming was not taken away by the economic investigation detachment, but by the task force responsible for the theft of cultural relics at the Weishan Island Winery. He Xingjian began to feel that this incident Things are a bit troublesome. Yan Fangming's suspicion in this regard has been cleared before. Why is the old matter brought up again?

Yan Fangming himself felt confused. He looked at Lu Qi and Li Zhong opposite and said, "I admit that I did give Yan Zhongmin 50,000 yuan, but he is my cousin and his family's financial situation is not good. As a relative, I help him." Is there anything wrong?"

Lu Qi laughed: "We are not investigating this matter."

Yan Fangming said: "Then why are you looking for me?"

Lu Qidao: "According to Yan Zhongmin's own account, he privately took people to check out the ancient cultural relics. Do you know about this?"

Yan Fangming didn't know about this at all, and Yan Zhongmin couldn't tell him. He shook his head: "I don't know anything about this." He cursed in his heart, Yan Zhongmin, Yan Zhongmin, how much money did you receive?

Li Zhong slapped the table: "Yan Fangming, be honest. Is the fifty thousand yuan you gave Yan Zhongmin just for this matter?"

Yan Fangming said: "I am a businessman doing serious business. How could I steal cultural relics? Besides, when I went to inspect the hot springs, I didn't know there were cultural relics underneath."

Li Zhongdao: "You lied!"

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