Great Medicine Without Borders

Chapter 308 Zhao Dapao

While Zhao Feiyang was having a fierce struggle in his heart, Xu Chunliang called.

Seeing Xu Chunliang's name, Zhao Feiyang couldn't help but have a wry smile on his lips. Although this kid is not in Changxing for the time being, he still hasn't stopped causing trouble to Changxing. This knife is not easy to use, and it may cause scratches if you are not careful. Own.

The incident at Renhetang had a considerable impact on Changxing, and even caused conflicts between him and Pei Lin.

Although Huanian Group came forward to suppress the matter, Tang Jingwei expressed dissatisfaction with the matter. Zhao Feiyang vetoed the decision of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Diagnosis and Treatment Center to expand the outpatient area and warned Renhetang internally. The company was punished and the name of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Diagnosis and Treatment Center was withdrawn.

Zhao Feiyang does not make mistakes in major matters. No matter whether Pei Lin is behind Renhetang or not, he will deal with it impartially. The thing he regrets most now is that he did not block this hole in the first place.

Zhou Yisheng often complained to Pei Lin about this matter. Pei Lin had shares in it and her interests were harmed. Naturally, he wanted to seek explanation from Zhao Feiyang. Zhao Feiyang scolded her for being short-sighted and asked her not to cause trouble for him in the future. Including the medical beauty center, everything was a hidden danger. He asked Pei Lin to deal with her own affairs before getting married. If she didn't deal with it, he would personally clear out all Pei Lin's related projects.

Pei Lin promised, but she didn't see any actual actions. Although Zhao Feiyang said tough, he didn't have much to do about the current situation. After all, he was admitted to the hospital through a formal bidding process. If If they don't leave voluntarily, you can't force them away. Hospitals must adhere to the spirit of contract whether they are public or private.

Zhao Feiyang found that Pei Lin was not as gentle as he thought. He attributed it to the reaction during pregnancy, but there was a voice in his heart that reminded him that this was Pei Lin's nature.

Xu Chunliang called Dean Zhao respectfully on the phone.

Zhao Feiyang thought he was back and making this call to report to him. After asking, he found out that he was going to recommend talents to Changxing.

Zhao Feiyang smiled and said: "Okay, now is the time for Changxing to hire people. With your recommendation, as long as he has real talent and practical knowledge, I will definitely provide the best conditions. Please tell me about his situation."

Xu Chunliang told the story about Shu Yuanhang and his wife. When Zhao Feiyang heard that it was Shu Yuanhang, he was surprised and said: "It's him. There is no problem. As long as he is willing to come, I will hand over the entire cardiothoracic surgery to him and let him do it himself." Form a team, appoint him as the deputy dean, give him priority in providing housing, and help him solve the problem of schooling for his children."

Zhao Feiyang's attitude is enough to prove that he is thirsty for talents.

Xu Chunliang did not beat around the bush and explained Shu Yuanhang's current attitude. He originally thought that Zhao Feiyang would hesitate, but Zhao Feiyang did not show any hesitation at all.

Zhao Feiyang said: "Don't worry about introducing high-end talents. Why choose us if there are so many big hospitals in China? It's just that you want greater freedom. Please help me tell him that I welcome him to join on behalf of Changxing." , I will provide him with all the conveniences, I will set up a cardiothoracic surgery team according to his requirements, and he can design a world-class operating room by himself. By the way, there will also be his wife, Ms. Ruan Xingmei, and we will provide the same treatment.”

After hearing Zhao Feiyang's response, Xu Chunliang sighed inwardly, Zhao Feiyang's structure is still acceptable. Of course, Zhao Feiyang is not a fool. With the strength of Shu Yuanhang and his wife, everyone who comes to Changxing will just give in.

Changxing now has capital injection from Huanian Group. As long as all the funds are in place and the planned construction is successfully completed, Changxing's hardware conditions will be better than those in the entire Dongzhou medical system.

The biggest problem in Changxing now is the construction of flagship departments. In the past, they also had urology and radiotherapy, but now these projects are being carried out in major hospitals, especially the latter, which is highly dependent on equipment. In other words, whose The more advanced the equipment, the more attractive it will be to patients.

If Changxing wants to stand out from major hospitals, it must strengthen the construction of key departments. As early as Gu Houyi's time, he had noticed this aspect and spent a lot of money to introduce Qin Guoliang's team. After Vice President Qin Guoliang came to Changxing, he still raised the level of Changxing Cardiology Department to a higher level.

If Shu Yuanhang can successfully join, then Changxing will be able to complete the complete structure of the heart, the outside of the heart, and the inside and outside. Changxing's cardiovascular treatment will leap from a weakness in the past to the top level in Dongzhou and even Pinghai, attracting the source of the disease. The power can be imagined.

Of course, Zhao Feiyang also had selfish motives. After the successful joint-stock reform, Changxing's short-term enthusiasm began to fade. The previous revenue growth had begun to slow down. He needed a new driving force to promote Changxing.

Zhao Feiyang showed considerable sincerity. He told Xu Chunliang that he was going to Nanjiang for a meeting this weekend and asked Xu Chunliang to make arrangements. He wanted to have a good talk with Shu Yuanhang in person.

Seeing Zhao Feiyang being so positive, Xu Chunliang also enjoyed the beauty of adulthood.

Zhao Feiyang put down the phone, got up and went to Gao Xinhua's office. Due to the renovation of the hospital and the adjustment of departments, they have now moved next door. Zhao Feiyang will go to Gao Xinhua in person when he has something to do. Although the distance in his heart is far away, outsiders In his eyes, the relationship between the two is getting closer. Zhao Feiyang wants to create the appearance that he and Gao Xinhua are intimate in front of others.

In fact, he and Gao Xinhua had never had any conflicts, but the change in status created a slight gap between them.

Gao Xinhua was lying in front of the computer typing, wearing reading glasses and using one-finger meditation. Even he felt disgusted that he was behind the times.

When he heard the knock on the door, he knew it was Zhao Feiyang coming. Gao Xinhua could tell who the person was from the intensity and rhythm of the knock, especially Zhao Feiyang, who never made a mistake in judgment.

He stood up, opened the door, and invited Zhao Feiyang into the office.

Gao Xinhua is now used to Zhao Feiyang's visits, not only because their offices are next to each other, but he knows that as long as Zhao Feiyang comes over, something will happen.

This time was no exception. Zhao Feiyang sat down and took a sip of tea, then told Gao Xinhua something that was a major event in his life.

"Brother Xinhua, I'm planning to get married during the Spring Festival."

Gao Xinhua was stunned for a moment and immediately thought of Zhao Feiyang's relationship status. The marriage partner should be Pei Lin. Gao Xinhua said: "Congratulations! I have to go have a wedding banquet at the specific time and place."

"I want to keep everything simple and don't want to hold a ceremony." This was just Zhao Feiyang's own idea. Pei Lin insisted on holding a ceremony. After all, it was the first time in her life.

Gao Xinhua could understand Zhao Feiyang's thoughts, and he nodded. Within the system, Zhao Feiyang was a controversial figure, and he was at the forefront of the limelight. Nowadays, it is inevitable for people to gossip about weddings. He has resigned from his position, but he has set off a new era. Controversy is never a good thing.

Gao Xinhua thought of a very important question: "Does the old company commander have any objections?"

Zhao Feiyang sighed and said, "I have a headache just because of this matter. No, I specially ask you to come over and do some ideological work on him."

Gao Xinhua looked at Zhao Feiyang and said, "It's not appropriate. After all, it's your housework." He noticed that Zhao Feiyang's address to him changed from Brother Xinhua to Brother, and he must ask for something when he is polite.

"Brother, are you still so alienated from me? My dad doesn't take hard or soft words, he just listens to you, and he still doesn't let me take Pei Lin to see him. Besides, you are the secretary of the unit, and I live If we encounter difficulties, you should help solve them."

Gao Xinhua is well aware of the nature of the old company commander. Once he decides something, even ten cows can't get him back. He feels a little embarrassed: "He may not listen to me even if I say it. If I make him angry, he might kick me." come out."

Zhao Feiyang said: "You have to do this anyway."

Gao Xinhua suggested: "Actually, you don't have to be in such a hurry..." At this point, he suddenly realized something. Zhao Feiyang was not a young man with no emotional experience. There must be a compelling reason for him to rush to hold a wedding. Could it be that Pei Lin has...

Zhao Feiyang knew from Gao Xinhua's expression what he had guessed, and he didn't explain, just nodded.

Communication between smart people often does not use words at all.

Mr. Zhao, known as Zhao Dapao, has had a hot temper since he was young. No matter how troublesome the soldiers are, he will train them to be obedient as long as they are under his command.

Zhao Dapao was a restless person. After he retired, he first imitated others to go fishing. Within two days, he was so angry that he broke his fishing rod. His wife signed up to learn calligraphy and painting with him, but gave up halfway within two days. In the end, he was still a high school student. Xinhua gave him an idea and asked him to learn photography.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Dapao found his interest this time and started playing with long guns and short cannons, specializing in hunting birds. As a veteran soldier for many years, he didn't even shake a gun, let alone a camera.

In peacetime, there are fewer and fewer opportunities to pull the trigger. Zhao Dapao can only vent his anger by pressing the shutter. The target is locked, and when the shutter is pressed, kaka kaka kak kak... Dozens of continuous shots are taken, and Zhao Dapao has found the old days again. The feeling of shooting a gun is so exciting.

Originally, the name Zhao Dapao was almost forgotten by people, but since he started to take up photography, the name has been mentioned again and has even become widely known.

Even though Zhao Dapao has only been involved in photography for a short time, everyone in the Dongzhou photography community knows that Zhao Dapao is a well-known iron hand. He holds a sony A1+G Master 600F4 and his shooting effect is similar to that of a tripod.

What also made him famous quickly was his equipment. From Canon to Nikon to Sony, Zhao Dapao let him play with all high-end equipment. When communicating with fellow photographers, the most common thing Zhao Dapao said was - you are like this Cannons don't work.

The nickname Zhao Dapao spread like wildfire, but this cannon is not that cannon. Many people who call him Zhao Dapao don't even know that he is a general.

Zhao Dapao rarely travels with his cannon recently, not because the weather is cold, but because he can't stand the gossip outside. There are also people in the photography circle who like gossip. I don't know who knows some villain who said that his equipment was obtained by his son's corruption and bribery.

Since his son resigned from public office, there have been more and more rumors surrounding their family. Zhao Dapao was so angry that he scolded Zhao Feiyang, but he just didn't cut off the father-son relationship with him. Zhao Feiyang has not dared to visit recently.

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