Great Medicine Without Borders

Chapter 182 Father and Son

Mei Ruxue couldn't bear his gaze any longer, just at this time someone came to inform her to go to a meeting.

Xu Chunliang got up to leave and told her that Tong Guangsheng was ill before leaving. Mei Ruxue said that she would visit the hospital after the meeting.

When Xu Chunliang returned to the hospital, he happened to see Wang Jinwu coming in in a Land Rover. He guessed that Tong Guangsheng's son had arrived, so he took the initiative to greet him.

The Land Rover stopped in the parking lot, and a man in a suit and leather shoes pushed the door and walked out. He was of medium build, fair complexion, and wearing black-rimmed glasses. He looked refined. He was Tong Guangsheng's son Shu Yuanhang.

Wang Jinwu locked the car and made an invitation gesture, Xu Chunliang had already walked over.

"Brother Wang, is this Mr. Shu?"

Wang Jinwu smiled and introduced Xu Chunliang to Shu Yuanhang.

Shu Yuanhang looked at Xu Chunliang's proactive hand and didn't respond. He just nodded slightly, and then walked towards the ward.

Xu Chunliang's outstretched hand stayed in the air, Wang Jinwu blinked at him, and patted his shoulder, meaning to let him understand that this kid has not had a good face since he landed on the island.

If it wasn't for Tong Guangsheng's face, Xu Chunliang wouldn't be bothered to be so enthusiastic and proactive. As a result, he put a cold butt on his hot face, and he would have been angry if he had been replaced by ordinary times. He originally planned to accompany him there, because Shu Yuanhang's indifferent attitude also Lost interest, turned and went back to the office.

Wang Jinwu could understand Xu Chunliang's behavior, and Shu Yuanhang had the same attitude towards himself, putting on a bad face that everyone owed him money, Xu Chunliang could leave when he was upset, but he couldn't.

Before Wang Jinwu accompanied Shu Yuanhang to the ward, he hadn't told him about Tong Guangsheng's condition so far. After much deliberation, it was best for the doctor to tell him.

Pushing open the door of the ward, he saw Tong Guangsheng hanging the water.

Tong Guangsheng was extremely excited. When he saw his son, he almost didn't rush forward, but his reason controlled his behavior. He knew that his son didn't have such deep feelings for him. He lay on the bed and looked at his son. Word: "Coming!"

Shu Yuanhang nodded, first looked at the card on the bedside, frowned and said, "Gout?"

Tong Guangsheng nodded and said, "It's an old problem, and it happens almost every year."

Shu Yuanhang took a closer look at his face, then checked his eyelids, and lifted Tong Guangsheng's clothes to palpate him.

Tong Guangsheng, who is usually stubborn, is as obedient as a kitten in front of his son, and dare not even say a word, for fear of offending his son.

The authorities were confused by the onlookers, and Wang Jinwu saw some clues from Shu Yuanhang's actions. Could it be that Shu Yuanhang is a doctor?

They have very little information about Shu Yuanhang. They only know that he went to Australia to study at a university. The specific major is unknown. Before coming here, he worked in a research institution. It seems that he is not a doctor?

Shu Yuanhang tapped Tong Guangsheng's bones and joints, and Tong Guangsheng endured the pain.

"Does it hurt?"

Tong Guangsheng shook his head, what is this? When Lao Tzu was on the battlefield, his body was punched with bullets and he didn't say a word.

Shu Yuanhang said coldly: "Now is not the time for you to be brave, say, does it hurt?"

Tong Guangsheng was like an elementary school student being reprimanded by the teacher: "It's a bit..." He couldn't figure out what was going on with his son.

Shu Yuanhang called Wang Jinwu out on the pretext of going to the bathroom first.

The two came to the end of the corridor, Shu Yuanhang stared at Wang Jinwu's eyes: "What's wrong with him?"

Wang Jinwu said: "Gout."

Shu Yuanhang said: "The medical level of your country is really too backward."

Wang Jinwu was a little annoyed when he heard his words. What is your country? Do you really regard yourself as a foreigner? Even for foreigners, is the level of medical care in Southeast Asia high?

Shu Yuanhang said: "Take me to see the bed doctor, I have something to ask him."

Wang Jinwu had no objection to this, and it would be better for the doctor to tell him the truth, not because he was worried that Shu Yuanhang would be sad, and he didn't look sad, so he brought Shu Yuanhang to the doctor's office and found the old director Miao Xiujuan.

After listening to Wang Jinwu's introduction of Shu Yuanhang's identity, Miao Xiujuan showed Shu Yuanhang the medical records.

Shu Yuanhang looked at his father's examination results, closed the medical records and said, "Since we already know that he may have leukemia, why do we keep it from him?"

Miao Xiujuan told the truth, firstly, she did not perform bone marrow aspiration examination, and secondly, she considered the patient's reaction to knowing the real condition.

Shu Yuanhang did not show the slightest respect even to the old director Miao Xiujuan: "The laboratory tests and the patient's symptoms are very obvious. You are not considering the patient's reaction, but you dare not take responsibility."

Although Miao Xiujuan had a good temper, she couldn't bear the young man's groundless accusations: "I can make my own judgment on professional matters, and I don't need you to point fingers."

"Professional? Judging from your treatment plan, I didn't find the so-called professionalism."

Miao Xiujuan's face was livid with anger. This young man is too arrogant. What's wrong with my treatment plan? To improve the patient's basic condition and treat the symptoms, do I have to give the patient chemotherapy drugs before a clear diagnosis? She didn't want to say anything more, turned around and went back to the office, obviously not wanting to talk to Shu Yuanhang again.

Wang Jinwu couldn't help but blamed: "How can you talk to Director Miao like that, he has been doing his best to treat Mr. Tong's illness."

"For patients, what they need is not a doctor who does his best, but a doctor who can help him relieve his pain, a doctor who can cure him." Shu Yuanhang said: "Tell me, when did he start to have a fever?" ?”

Wang Jinwu carefully recalled that Tong Guangsheng's fever should have started when the fish and water situation exploded and participated in the rescue after the incident. I remember that day he rescued in the rain and fell ill after returning. Since then, the fever has not recovered.

Shu Yuanhang said: "I have no common sense at all. I have had a fever for so long and only come to the hospital now. What are you doing?"

Wang Jinwu felt more and more guilty when he said it. He was indeed too careless and didn't care enough for Tong Guangsheng.

Shu Yuanhang turned and walked towards the ward, Wang Jinwu followed his footsteps: "Mr. Shu, what are you going to do about this matter?"

Shu Yuanhang said: "It depends on what he wants."

Wang Jinwu was a little nervous, why did he feel that this guy was going to tell Tong Guangsheng the truth?

"Mr. Shu, shall we temporarily hide..."

Shu Yuanhang has already entered the ward.

The nurse was pulling out the needle for Tong Guangsheng, and he smiled at Shu Yuanhang: "Yuanhang, I feel much better, and I plan to leave the hospital today, Jin Wu, go and help me with it."

Shu Yuanhang said: "You should indeed be discharged from the hospital."

Wang Jinwu secretly heaved a sigh of relief. This kid seemed to have some conscience and didn't tell his father the truth.

Shu Yuanhang said: "The level of this hospital cannot cure your illness, you should choose a hospital with a higher level for treatment."

Wang Jinwu clenched his fists. After all, this guy still has to say, can't he be more tactful?

Tong Guangsheng was stunned for a moment, and then laughed. He interpreted his son's words as concern for himself: "Gout is indeed not curable, but you don't have to worry about me. I will go to a big hospital when I have time."

"You don't have much time. You should have leukemia."

The air in the room suddenly froze, and it was so quiet that even the sound of a needle falling to the ground could be heard clearly.

Wang Jinwu clenched his fists in frustration, Shu Yuanhang, Shu Yuanhang, is he your real father? You can't take his feelings into consideration.

Tong Guangsheng's smile condensed on his face, and it took him a while before he finished the smile: "Well, I think it's not that simple this time, Wang Jinwu, you lied to me."

Wang Jinwu said: "President Tong, it's not confirmed yet, the doctor said to do bone piercing..."

Tong Guangsheng interrupted him: "Help me go through the discharge procedures first. The treatment for this disease is not available for a while. Yuanhang is here. Let's go back to the farm for lunch at noon." He got off the bed and put on his shoes, revealing the prosthetic limb of his left leg.

Shu Yuanhang said to Wang Jinwu, "Go and discharge him from the hospital."

Wang Jinwu was on fire, I'm not your servant, considering Tong Guangsheng was present, he held back, turned and left the ward.

Tong Guangsheng picked up a cigarette from the bedside table and lit it, and Shu Yuanhang looked at him quietly: "Smoking is harmful to your health."

Tong Guangsheng took a puff of cigarette, slowly exhaled a puff of smoke and said, "It doesn't seem to be a big deal in my current situation, right?"

Shu Yuanhang didn't speak, just quietly looked at his father, as strange as usual.

Tong Guangsheng said: "I originally wanted to be discharged from the hospital yesterday, but then I heard that you were here, so I wanted to stay for an extra day. Am I naive, and I want to win your attention in this way?"

Shu Yuanhang said: "Everyone will be vulnerable sometimes, and they all want to be cared by others."

Tong Guangsheng glanced at him. His son was right in front of him. For some reason, he felt more unfamiliar than before. He didn't see concern and warmth in his son's eyes. His expression was formulaic, just like a doctor looking at ordinary people. patient.

"Are you a doctor?" When he asked this sentence, Tong Guangsheng realized that he didn't know much about his son.

Shu Yuanhang said: "I went to medical school in university."

Tong Guangsheng nodded: "Never told me."

"It doesn't seem necessary."

Tong Guangsheng said with emotion: "Yes, why did you choose to study medicine?"

A ray of anger shot out from Shu Yuanhang's eyes: "Because my mother is suffering from an emergency, I can't help but watch her die."

Tong Guangsheng's heart twitched suddenly, as if someone had stabbed him deep into his heart with a bayonet. Before it was over, the bayonet continued to twist in his heart.

This is the eternal pain in his heart. It was not his ex-wife who contacted him twelve years ago, but his son. Shu Yuanhang told him that his mother had a sudden illness and needed a sum of money to save her life.

Tong Guangsheng didn't send him the money right away. He suspected it was a scam. Out of caution, he flew to Penang himself. When he got there, his ex-wife passed away because he was not rescued in time. He will never forget his son's eyes full of hatred at that time. If he could remit the money immediately, maybe his ex-wife could still be saved, but maybe that's all.

Twelve years have passed, and the inexplicable grief and anger in his son's eyes that day has been tormenting him.

The last chapter of this month, ask for a monthly pass, ask for a subscription, and the fourth update will come first in the early morning of the 1st!

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