Great Medicine Without Borders

Ask for tickets at the end of the month

It's the end of the month. As of today, a total of 320,000 words have been updated this month, which means that more than 10,000 words have been updated every day. Octopus has done its best.

At present, the monthly ticket is 12,800, and the octopus has increased to 15,500. It is estimated that this month will not reach this number. The countdown to the end of the month, I still hope that everyone can vote for me with the monthly ticket in their hands, and the monthly ticket will be increased.

It will continue to explode next month. The guaranteed monthly pass is scheduled for the beginning of next month. Octopus No. 1 plans to update six to seven chapters on the same day. The specific situation depends on the progress of the codeword.

I'm burying my head in coding and collecting manuscripts, and I leave it to everyone to vote for the monthly ticket. Don't forget to count the ticket warehouses. If you don't vote at the end of the month, it will be invalid!

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