Great Medicine Without Borders

Chapter 1101 Constant influence

Yan Yongxin, the person in charge of the provincial station news channel, is an old classmate of Lu Ming. Because he arranged an unannounced visit to Yangshan Cemetery, he was severely punished by his leaders. The provincial station leaders even slapped him with a crime that would affect local stability and unity. hat.

Yan Yongxin was also depressed. He ordered the interview team to immediately stop reporting on the Yangshan Cemetery. Then he called his old classmate Lu Ming and complained that he provided materials without fully investigating the situation. He would be tricked by him this time. .

After Lu Ming heard about Yan Yongxin's experience, he was also full of apologies. His original intention was not to cause trouble to his old classmates. Because of this matter, Lu Ming also realized that the other party's strength should not be underestimated, and he had to reconsider the matter. solution.

Xu Chunliang expected from the beginning that the news reports about Yangshan Cemetery would not be smooth sailing, but the other party's energy still exceeded his expectations.

However, Xu Chunliang still has a backup plan. No matter how powerful Zhai Pingqing is, he can influence the provincial and radio stations, but he cannot control the private media. As the saying goes, it is better to defend the people than to defend Sichuan. If the people want to say anything, Zhai Pingqing can stop it if he wants to. of.

Xu Chunliang originally did not want to directly intervene in the affairs of Yangshan Cemetery. Lu Ming's idea was right, but he chose the wrong way. Yan Yongxin, his old classmate in Provincial Taiwan, was also a layman and gave in immediately under the pressure of the leader. .

Ever since Yang Jincai led the crowd to attack Su Qing and his party, Xu Chunliang was determined to show this group of people some color.

On the night of the incident, news spread online about the illegal construction of Yangshan Cemetery and the collaboration with the Kangjian Group to use the non-profit cemetery to gain huge profits.

Materials related to Yangshan Cemetery were posted everywhere on the Internet, and the news about Yangshan Cemetery soared overnight.

Zhai Pingqing thought that he had settled the matter with the Provincial Satellite TV, and that this unannounced visit had come to an end. However, he never thought that the other party would have another plan. When he woke up, he found that the news about Yangshan Cemetery was overwhelming on the Internet, and he had a huge headache. .

Most people in the system are disgusted with hot searches. They all want to be down-to-earth and do things in a low-key manner.

Even Wang Jianming knew the news about Yangshan Cemetery. He received a call from the civil affairs department early this morning, asking him about Yangshan Cemetery and asking him to find out whether the national subsidies had been implemented. During the construction of Yangshan Cemetery, Is there any illegal use of land and is there any use of national resources for personal gain?

Wang Jianming's mood was obviously affected by this incident. As a secretary, Qin Zhengyang also felt that the pressure was low today, but he did not dare to take the initiative to ask. In addition to the things that had to be reported and signed to Secretary Wang, he also tried to minimize the number of things that had to be reported and signed by Secretary Wang. Number of visits to Wang Jianming’s office.

That afternoon, Wang Tongan, the head of the Civil Affairs Bureau, came over to meet Wang Jianming with an uneasy heart.

Wang Tongan did not dare to face Wang Jianming's anger, and silently endured the rebuke with his head hanging down.

After Wang Jianming questioned him, he calmed down a little. He stared at Wang Tong'an, who was still standing in front of him with his head hanging down, and said, "Why don't you speak?"

Wang Tong'an said: "Secretary Wang, I admit that I did not handle this matter well, which caused a bad impact on the Dongzhou civil affairs system and caused confusion to you. I feel remorse and guilt."

Wang Jianming said: "You don't need to admit your mistake with me here. I came to you to hear your solution, how to calm down the public opinion storm quickly and avoid causing greater public opinion."

There are many cadres in the system who immediately admit their mistakes when they make them and have a sincere attitude. However, they cannot come up with a way to correct them, nor can they ensure that they will not make the same mistakes again in the future. What Wang Jianming wants is neither an admission of mistakes nor accountability. What he wants is is to solve the problem as soon as possible.

Wang Tong'an said: "Actually, Yangshan Cemetery complies with the regulations. It was a bit unfortunate that this incident happened." He told the provincial TV station about the secret visit to Yangshan Cemetery, and did not hide the dispute that occurred. Xu Chunliang When to go and what role to play were all told exactly.

Through Wang Tongan's description, Wang Jianming learned that Xu Chunliang was involved in this incident. Although Wang Tongan did not say anything bad about Xu Chunliang, his description pointed the source of this public opinion crisis to Xu Chunliang. .

In Wang Tongan's view, Xu Chunliang had nothing to be wronged about. He might have invited the reporters from the Provincial TV Station. Wang Tong'an himself didn't have much prejudice against Xu Chunliang and knew that he had a background, but Xu Chunliang's behavior of exposing his family scandal this time was a bit narrow-minded. In order to target Zhai Pingqing, this kid was unscrupulous.

Wang Jianming listened to Wang Tongan's explanation of what happened. He tapped his fingers on his desk and said in a deep voice: "Don't emphasize external reasons. To make iron, you need to be strong. Why are the reporters from the Provincial Satellite TV targeting you? Prove that you There are problems in management. Life, old age, illness and death are all related to the most basic people's livelihood. Now that so many problems have been exposed in Yangshan Cemetery, what do the people think? If even the issue of death cannot be treated fairly, then your work is still has no meaning?"

Wang Tongan's head drooped even more: "I'm sorry, Secretary Wang, my supervision of the grassroots is not strict enough. I will plug the loopholes as soon as possible and correct all the mistakes in my work." The main thing is sincerity in front of the leadership.

Wang Jianming said: "You go back first. I will give you two days. The situation in Yangshan Cemetery must be investigated clearly, and I also need a satisfactory answer."


After Wang Tongan left, Wang Jianming called Qin Zhengyang into the office again.

Qin Zhengyang, with quick eyesight and quick hands, first helped Wang Jianming change the tea leaves in the cup and make another cup of tea.

Wang Jianming said: "Xiao Qin, I don't seem to have seen you much today."

Qin Zhengyang smiled and said: "I see that Secretary Wang is so busy at work today, so I will try to disturb you as little as possible."

Wang Jianming said: "Afraid I'm in a bad mood?"

Qin Zhengyang smiled and said: "No problem, Secretary Wang never brings personal emotions to work."

Wang Jianming pointed at Qin Zhengyang with his finger: "Don't do this with me. Have you seen Xu Chunliang recently?"

Qin Zhengyang shook his head. Wang Jianming had just met the Civil Affairs Bureau Director Wang Tongan, and now he mentioned Xu Chunliang. It was probably not a good thing. Even if he had met Xu Chunliang, he couldn't admit it.

Wang Jianming said: "This Xu Chunliang, he started making trouble just a few days after he went to the Civil Affairs Bureau. He is just a kid who is afraid that the world will not be in chaos."

Qin Zhengyang said: "Secretary Wang, did Xiao Xu make a mistake?" He asked deliberately to show that he had no knowledge, and secondly to confirm whether Xu Chunliang made a mistake.

Wang Jianming said: "A news report team from Provincial TV went to Yangshan Cemetery to cover and was besieged by the cemetery administrator. Xu Chunliang led people to rescue the siege, and a conflict broke out between the two sides."

Qin Zhengyang said: "Xu Chunliang is the director of the Civil Affairs Bureau office, and it is his duty to go to the rescue. On the contrary, there is something wrong with the administrator of Yangshan Cemetery. How can they attack journalists and intensify conflicts?"

Wang Jianming said: "I knew you would talk to him."

Qin Zhengyang said: "Secretary Wang, I worked in Hushan Town for a period of time, and I know something about Yangshan Cemetery."

Wang Jianming motioned for him to continue.

Qin Zhengyang said: "Yangshan Cemetery was established to further deepen the funeral reform and promote the construction of public welfare cemeteries and the management of the flow of ashes. There are villages as a unit and townships as a unit. Public welfare cemeteries should establish strict tomb sales Archives registration management system. Generally speaking, public welfare cemeteries must not change the nature of use without approval, and may not be transferred or contracted to any unit or individual for operation."

Wang Jianming asked: "Are there any violations during the construction and operation of Yangshan Cemetery?"

Qin Zhengyang said: "I haven't heard about this. Yangshan Cemetery must have formal procedures. As for violations, which cemetery of this nature has no violations? Yangshan Cemetery is a joint construction of 28 natural villages in Guquan Town. The scale is second only to the One Tomb and Two Tombs in Dongzhou City. Anyway, I know that the families of many friends and colleagues around me have bought cemeteries in Yangshan Cemetery. If we strictly follow the rules, they are not qualified to purchase cemeteries."

Wang Jianming said: "You know clearly that the violation is being violated, but you are still doing it quietly. If the people don't call the officials, they won't be held accountable, right?"

Qin Zhengyang said: "This is a common phenomenon in China. Now the price of the cemetery is not affordable for everyone. Yangshan Cemetery has a good location and the price is cheaper than one tomb and two tombs, so people are willing to pay for it. Also, The new funeral parlor will be opened at the end of the year, and Yangshan Cemetery is the closest to the new funeral parlor. I estimate that it will be even harder to find a tomb by then."

Wang Jianming said: "How did I hear that Kangjian Group invested in Yangshan Cemetery?"

Qin Zhengyang said: "I don't know the specific situation, but Kangjian is in the elderly care industry. Recently, they have made some big moves to enter the traditional medical industry. Now they even want to get a share of the funeral industry."

Wang Jianming said: "You know the relationship between Xu Chunliang and Kang Jian. I think the incident at Yangshan Cemetery was deliberately caused by this kid. He wanted to use this incident to teach Zhai Pingqing a lesson and vent his bad anger. "

Qin Zhengyang smiled and said: "Secretary Wang, Xiao Xu's mind should not be so narrow-minded. Of course, if Zhai Pingqing really has a problem, he will definitely not let go of this opportunity."

Wang Jianming nodded and said: "Talk to Xu Chunliang and ask him to think more about the overall situation. Don't let this matter affect our entire Dongzhou image. Also, matters at Yangshan Cemetery must be handled in a business-like manner. Any Units and individuals are not allowed to contract. As for the possible problems in Yangshan Cemetery, let Xu Chunliang go and investigate. The problems will be dealt with by individuals. Anyone who dares to harm the collective interests and make money will not be tolerated. However, there is a prerequisite. Control public opinion."

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