Great Medicine Without Borders

Chapter 1057 Organizing a conversation

Dean Yan Huiyi and secretary Sun Weimin were from this generation. They both had the same idea, not seeking merit but seeking no faults. Wu Zhongyi's statement made sense.

Vice President Pan Junfeng behaved quite tough in this negotiation, because he still has a long way to go in the infectious disease hospital. Judging from the current situation, even if the construction of the new hospital goes smoothly, there will be no risk of infectious diseases in the future operation and management. It is also difficult for the hospital to gain initiative. Xu Chunliang once reminded him that this was also unacceptable to him.

Even Yan Huiyi advised him to adopt a certain strategy in this matter and to implement the investment first. If they do not meet the conditions of Kangjian Group, they do not rule out the possibility of the other party giving up the investment. If that is the case, wouldn't it be like a piece of cake? Everything has to be started from scratch.

Pan Junfeng now found that Xu Chunliang's timing to quit was very appropriate. If Xu Chunliang still had someone to help him share the burden, after Xu Chunliang quit, he would be fighting alone.

Pan Junfeng knew very well that if he persisted and refused to give in, the final result would probably be that he left the infectious disease hospital. The bureau leader had already hinted to him tactfully, and Pan Junfeng was in a dilemma.

After the internal meeting of the leadership team, Pan Junfeng walked to the parking lot full of thoughts and heard Xu Chunliang calling him.

Xu Chunliang's Cayenne had just been repaired. He had just returned from picking up the car. National Day was coming soon. The hospital was going to hold a gala and the labor union was organizing a mobilization meeting. As the league secretary, he had to go out and make a formality.

Seeing Pan Junfeng's frown, Xu Chunliang knew that he was in a bad mood and smiled: "Pan Yuan, where are you going?"

Pan Junfeng said: "Go and have a look at the new hospital construction site. You can feel relaxed now."

Xu Chunliang said: "Pan Yuan, you are so angry."

Pan Junfeng said: "I almost want to give up my job. This Zhai Pingqing's hands are really too long."

Xu Chunliang said: "Calm down, I've been busy lately. I'll treat you to a drink when I'm done."

Pan Junfeng's cell phone rang. He took it out and saw that it was Kang Jian's negotiator. He thought for a while and put the phone back into his pocket, cursing in his heart. If it weren't for investment, I wouldn't pay attention to you at all.

Xu Chunliang didn't chat with him much, and the meeting started immediately. He walked quickly to the small conference room of the hospital. When he came to the door of the conference room, he met Secretary Sun Weimin who was also attending the meeting. Sun Weimin was able to come to express the hospital's appreciation for the meeting. Attention to sub-art performances.

Seeing Xu Chunliang, Sun Weimin told him that the matter of joining the party had been resolved, which was also a happy event for Xu Chunliang, which meant that it paved the way for him to be promoted within the system.

Not long after the meeting started, Xu Chunliang's cell phone vibrated, but he didn't answer it. After a while, Pan Yingying from the hospital office ran over and asked him to go back to the office to answer the call. The call was from the city organization.

Xu Chunliang glanced at his mobile phone. There were several landlines with the same number, probably all from the same department.

He thought that he didn't seem to have made any mistakes recently. Even if he made a mistake, he would not be interviewed by this department. Xu Chunliang returned to the hospital office with full of confusion and picked up the phone: "Hello! Who is that?"

"Comrade Xu Chunliang?"

"it's me!"

"That's right, can you come to our place? There are very important things that need to be discussed with you."

Xu Chunliang got two pieces of information from it. One was that it was very important, and the other was that the other party addressed him as you. Logically speaking, Xu Chunliang was barely at the deputy department level now, so there was no need for people to be so polite to him.

As long as you are in the system, who doesn’t know what the organization does?

Xu Chunliang did not neglect this time and did not hold the meeting. He sent a message to Sun Weimin asking for leave. This was also the respect he deserved for his leadership.

Xu Chunliang came to the Municipal Administrative Center, and Qin Zhengyang helped him get a pass. It showed its effect at this time. The security guard let him go without asking when he saw the pass. Xu Chunliang drove through the gate with great swagger and found the office according to the address provided on the phone.

The person in charge of the organization, Zhang Ruixiang, was waiting for him, and the secretary brought Xu Chunliang to him.

Zhang Ruixiang said with a smile on his face: "Comrade Xu Chunliang." He stood up and shook hands with Xu Chunliang.

Xu Chunliang was a little flattered. He was one of the members of the Standing Committee, but he was so approachable and amiable, without any pretensions. It was impossible, absolutely impossible. Could it be because of Wang Jianming? But he didn’t ask Wang Jianming to ask for promotion?

Zhang Ruixiang asked Xu Chunliang to sit down and asked his secretary to pour Xu Chunliang a cup of tea. After the secretary left, he closed the door.

Zhang Ruixiang said: "That's right, the organization has been observing and testing you for a long time."

Xu Chunliang's heart skipped a beat. He was careless. He had been watched by the organization for so long without being noticed. He deliberately pretended to be worried: "Zhang Bu, I...didn't I make some mistake?"

After all, Zhang Ruixiang is young at heart. If you make a mistake at your level, do you still want me to talk to you personally? However, his expression was still as bright as spring breeze, and he looked at Xu Chunliang as if he were looking at his favorite child.

"Comrade Xu Chunliang, you work with self-denial, strict self-discipline, conscientiousness, and the courage to be the first. You have demonstrated your excellent work ability and noble moral character in any position."

Xu Chunliang was really shocked. Fortunately, he was awake, otherwise he would have thought someone else was reading a eulogy for him.

Xu Chunliang said: "This is what I should do."

Zhang Ruixiang said: "The most rare thing is that you have excellent leadership skills at such a young age. We visited Changxing Hospital, Hushan Town and Infectious Disease Hospital, and your working ability has been recognized. The Juzhou earthquake happened a while ago, and you took the initiative again." Sign up, be the first to charge forward, not afraid of hardships and dangers, put personal life and death aside, and make great contributions to the earthquake relief work in sister cities."

Xu Chunliang couldn't help but straighten his chest. After all, it was the leader who spoke well, and it was the leader who saw clearly. If you didn't tell me, I wouldn't have realized that I was so good. Now he basically understands that he must be promoted. Myself.

Xu Chunliang first thought of Wang Jianming, but if Wang Jianming wanted to promote himself, Qin Zhengyang should have tipped him off first, but the reality was that he hadn't heard anything about it. Could it be that this matter has nothing to do with Wang Jianming? Considering his own rank, it was normal for him not to alarm the top leaders of Dongzhou. However, Zhang Ruixiang was also one of the Standing Committee members, so it would be a bit of a fuss for him to talk to him personally.

Zhang Ruixiang said: "It's a bit unfair to stay in the infectious disease hospital based on your personal ability. You should develop on a broader stage."

Xu Chunliang was full of curiosity. Was he going to give himself a name? Weishan Lake National Resort Construction Headquarters, yes, that is most likely to be there. Let yourself be responsible for the work there, give it a name, and manage it in a legitimate way.

Zhang Ruixiang's next words were beyond Xu Chunliang's expectations: "Comrade Xu Chunliang, in view of your outstanding performance in the earthquake relief work in Juzhou, we have decided to transfer you to the Social Assistance Section of Dongzhou Civil Affairs Bureau as the section chief and concurrently as Director of the Bureau's Office. This is a decision based on the strong desire of the Civil Affairs Bureau and after comprehensive consideration."

Xu Chunliang was a little confused, civil affairs? No matter how imaginative he was, he would never have imagined that he would have a relationship with the civil affairs department. However, he quickly adjusted his thinking and found the context. His godfather Ye Changyuan was from the Disaster Reduction Committee. The Disaster Reduction Committee was a department under the Civil Affairs Bureau. Ye Changyuan died in the line of duty, and the Civil Affairs Department also had to bear certain responsibilities.

Xu Chunliang still showed the low-key humility that young people should have: "Thank you for the trust of the organization and the love of the leaders of the Civil Affairs Bureau. Although the civil affairs work will face great difficulties, I will regard this job as a challenge. I believe that I Those who are qualified for this job will also seek benefits for the common people in their new jobs."

Zhang Ruixiang sighed: "Okay, not many young cadres today are as enlightened as you. Go and prepare, hand over the work at hand, and go to work at the Civil Affairs Bureau on the 1st of next month."

Xu Chunliang did the math. Isn’t the 1st of next month the National Day? Before he could remind Zhang Ruixiang, he had already woken up: "Let's go at the end of the month, and then we'll have a National Day holiday. You haven't had a good rest after coming back from the earthquake relief, so take advantage of this time to adjust."

Xu Chunliang left Zhang Ruixiang's office and came outside in the bright sunshine. He breathed a sigh of relief. After thinking for a moment, he called Qin Zhengyang and told him about the organization's initiative to come to him for a promotion.

Qin Zhengyang was also quite surprised. His first thought was that this matter was definitely not Secretary Wang's instruction. If it was Secretary Wang's decision, it would be impossible to bypass him.

On the surface, Xu Chunliang's job changed from the deputy department level to the department level, but he crossed from the Health Bureau to the Civil Affairs Bureau. This kind of large span is rare in the system, and Xu Chunliang went to the Social Relief Department. Everyone knows that this is a powerful department.

The main functions of the Social Relief Section are to be responsible for the city's disaster relief work, such as the application, acceptance, deployment of disaster relief materials, etc.; to guide and supervise the city's implementation of the minimum living security system for urban and rural residents; to formulate the city's social welfare development plan; to guide the social welfare institutions management work.

Not only is this department with real power, he is also appointed as the director of the Civil Affairs Bureau office. It can be said that after Xu Chunliang took office, he was second only to several directors and deputy directors. With his ability and background, it is estimated that the director will give him some face. .

Knowing that the question was redundant, Qin Zhengyang still asked: "Chunliang, does Secretary Wang know?"

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