Great Husband of the Northern Song Dynasty

Vol 2 Chapter 1891: The backbone of Song Dynasty

The two sides strangled together, and Shen An took the Black Soldiers like an arrow, killing them all the way.

The same is true of Yeluhunki.

Both of them led their own power to press the bottom of the box.

The elite of both sides are getting closer ...

"Grenade ..."

Huang Chunbao pulled the grenade with a smile-this is the latest achievement, because it is not easy to build, so only a few are equipped. Mengshanjun is naturally the first.

Just as the two sides strangled together and slowed down, Meng Shanjun threw out the grenade.

A dark spot of black pressure flew past.

Boom Boom Boom!

In the intensive explosion, Yeluhongi touched the wound on his cheek and shouted, "This beast, he still has this hand!"

Song Jun ’s gunpowder canister needs to be ignited by fire, so as long as he is prepared, he can avoid it. However, the Mengshan Army's grenade just did not need to be ignited, just pull it.

This made Yelu Hongji suffer a big loss!

The deadliest casualties of his elite bombing were heavy, the key was that the warrior in charge of the flag was actually killed.

Daqi's eyes fell and he fell. At the critical moment, a person rushed from behind to support Daqi. Yelu Hongji looked up and nodded.

The comer turned out to be Chen Jinhe, the king of the South Courtyard who was previously disdained by him.

Chen Jinhe held the banner, then carried it up and shouted, "For Daliao!"

Yelu Hongji was moved. At this moment, he regretted the previous humiliation of Chen Jinhe and felt that the Han people were still useful.

"Your Majesty, be careful!" Chen Jinhe exclaimed suddenly, Yelu Hongji turned around and saw that the villagers raised their small crossbows, and they couldn't help but burst into death.

These villagers did not use grenades and crossbows when they rushed all the way, so the Liao army could not even think about defense.

When the crossbow arrow flew over, Yelu Hongji only felt that it was black in front of him, and it turned out that Chen Jinhe was standing in front of him.

The flag is shaking ...

"Yanguo Gong was rushed in, fighting with Yelu Hongji!"

The latest news came from the lookout. The sharpness of the strokes written by the charcoal pen showed the excitement of the sergeant.

"Go back!"

A huge anxiety made Zhao Shu's scalp numb, and panic couldn't be added.

He was afraid of failure, and he feared that Shen An would die in the front, and then the army collapsed thousands of miles ...

"Sorghum River!"

He remembered the Emperor Taizong's Northern Expedition many years ago. At the beginning, the advantage was obvious. Even if the Liao army came to aid, the Song army did not fall. Finally, because of the long battle, the soldiers were tired and the morale was low.

Today's Song Jun also has the advantage, will it be defeated?

After the defeat, hundreds of thousands of troops will trample on each other, with countless deaths and injuries. The remaining ones will either kneel down or fall in embarrassment ...

In the end, the Song Dynasty collapsed for thousands of miles and was driven to the Bianliang by the Liao Army, and the cities along the road fell one after another.

Great Song!

Zhao Shu is ill.

At this moment, his mind was full of the possibility of failure, no, it was a huge possibility.

People with anxiety and depression get sick, they will think of all the bad things, no matter whether it is indiscriminate, they will think of the worst possibility, and think that it must be developed in this way.

They will be worried, no, they are in a hurry, and the huge sense of crisis makes them feel like they are sitting on the needles, and they ca n’t wait to see the result in the next moment ... no matter how good or bad, you must tell me the result!

Zhao Shu's breathing was rapid and his cheeks were shaking.

"His Majesty……"

Wen Yanbo looked at Zhao Shu and felt something was wrong.

"His Majesty?"

Zhao Shu held the knife handle.

Zhang Banian also noticed something was wrong, he frowned at Zhao Shu.

"Your Majesty, but you feel sick?"


Zhao Shu draws his sword, and Wen Yanbo shrinks his neck subconsciously.

"Kill the enemy! Kill the enemy!"

Zhao Shu's eyes are full of madness.

"His Majesty!"

Officials are crazy!

At this critical juncture, he was crazy!

Wen Yanbo shouted: "Hold Your Majesty!"

Zhao Shu moved, he drove the war horse forward.

"His Majesty!"

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Why should the government's family be crazy at this time?

Zhang Banian looked at Wen Yanbo coldly, and Zema followed. For him, what the official family wants to do is the truth. Even if he wants to cut Wen Yanbo with a knife, he will help bind Wen Yanbo ...

"Kill the enemy!"

Officials are crazy.

Just look at his eyes, there is no trace of reason at all.

This is the judgment of Zaifu, because they knew what Zhao Shu was crazy about in the county government.

In the eyes of those soldiers, such officials were clearly invincible, so they cheered.

"Long live! Long live! Long live!"

The cheers spread to the front, and Zhe Kexing turned around and saw Zhao Shu rushing in, unable to help a black line.

But there was no choice at this moment, he could only point a sword in front and shouted, "Go forward!"

"Go forward! Go forward! Go forward!"

After a round of salvo, the musketeers snapped their bayonets and prepared to attack.

But the front wheel couldn't reach them, and the long gunmen who succumbed for a long time rushed up.


The lancers stabbed desperately, and then the knife and axe rushed up, and the knife and axe slashed in a burst.


The Liao Army is also fighting desperately.

Everyone knows that the moment of decisive battle comes, and whoever withdraws first will fail.


On the left, Shen An and Yelu Hongji ran into each other and the two fought to death, but Yelu Hongji lost.

He ran the horse, Shen An took out the crossbow and shot it with an arrow.

This arrow was originally aimed at Yeluhongi's back, but in the end, it hit the horse's **** because of the bumps on the horse's back.

The horse screamed and stood up.

A good Yelu Hongji, legs clamped to the horse belly, but did not fall.

This riding made Shen An couldn't help but praise: "It really is an old driver ..."

But the war horse suddenly came with a scallion ... and in turn fell to the ground.


The war horse was heavily pressed on Yeluhongi's body, and he couldn't help but spit out blood.

"Your Majesty." Chen Jinhe with two crossbows on his body came. He jumped off the horse and tried to get Yelu Hongji into his warhorse. Then he patted the horse's **** and shouted, "Your Majesty!

Yelu Hongji shouted tearfully: "Come back!"

At this moment he realized that the most loyal is Chen Jinhe. If he had a chance to come back again, he would definitely reuse this person.

Chen Jinhe stood there holding the banner, and Song Jun, who was galloping at it, shouted: "Here is Chen Jinhe, the king of the Southern Liaoning Academy ..."

Shen An rushed to the front and stretched out his long sword ...

The long knife flicked easily across Chen Jinhe's neck, and the head flew behind him.

The headless body still stood, and then fell slowly.

The flag also fell at the same time.

"Wan Sheng!"

No need to look around to find out, Man Shanjun was crying wildly.

"Wan Sheng!"

The cries that only came after the flag was captured.

All the people on the battlefield looked at me, regardless of the enemy.

What about the banner?

Liao Jun was at a loss.

Will be the soul of the army.

The big flag is the representative of the soul.

But what about the banner? Where did it go?

Song Jun is ecstatic.

"Wan Sheng!"

"Your Majesty rushed!"

The banner of the Liao Army's Chinese army was cut down, this is the last straw ...

"Yelhunki is dead!"

The martial arts students are shouting.

"The enemy is defeated! Defeated!"

The morale of the Song army was like a rainbow, and the six gods of the Liao army had no master, and they kept going back.

The retreat gradually evolved into a defeat.

When Zhao Shu rushed up with the people, the enemy troops had already formed a mess.

There were screams everywhere, and those Liao troops were turning around.

But this is hundreds of thousands of troops!

How do you turn around in such a dense environment?

Some people are making a U-turn, and some are maintaining their status quo, and chaos has begun.

"Kill the enemy!"

Zhao Shu hacked with a long knife, but he was sincere ...

When he saw him slashing behind a Liao army, and the long sword was taken away by the Liao army, Zhang Baian's cheek trembles, and then rushed over, and he caught the Liao army with one paw, and put the one on his back. The long knife was pulled out and returned with respect.


Zhao Shu took the long sword and looked at the defeated Liao Army in front of him, and suddenly felt that his anxiety had disappeared.

All anxiety sufferers need is a result.

For better or worse, you first give me a result.

If it is a bad result, then I continue to be anxious. If it is a good result, I am trembling sour.

Zhao Shu is sour.

"The enemy is defeated!"

He has never been so comfortable in his life, no, he has never raised his eyebrows.

"Ancestral ancestors!" He looked at the Liao Army who was desperately running ahead and muttered: "I did it! I did it!"

In the hundred years of the Song Dynasty, who did not want to lift the threat from the north? But who can?

It ’s me Zhao Shu!

At this moment, Zhao Shu is extremely proud!

"His Majesty!"

Wen Yanbo and others came after Zhao Shu turned around and saw Wen Yanbo carrying a long knife, and he couldn't help laughing ~ ~ said: "Wen Qing, is it a conquest or a conservative one?"

At this moment, conscription represents the New Deal, and conservativeness naturally represents the old party.

Wen Yanbo subconsciously said: "Naturally it's a joy to conquer!"

Take a look, the army of the Liao people in front is running away in embarrassment, and Song Jun is chasing and cutting, such a scene ... Who thought of the old party?

Wen Yanbo was at a loss.

He stood on the side of the bureaucrat, and felt that the bureaucrat was the foundation of the Song Dynasty. No matter how the Song dynasty reformed, it could not damage the interests of the bureaucrat.

But the New Deal started firmly.

The interests of the bureaucrats were damaged.

They shouted and cursed.

They said that such a big Song would collapse and die!

But now?

Now ... Now this big Song is chasing and killing the Liao Army, and the destruction of the Liao Kingdom is at hand.

So, what do you insist on Wen Yanbo still make sense?

Wen Yanbo was at a loss.

He already has the answer in his mind.

It turned out that the bureaucrats were not the backbone of Song Dynasty, nor the backbone of Song Dynasty.

The backbone of Song Dynasty is a collection of all people.

The backbone of the Song Dynasty is made up of countless people, including emperors, Zaifu, officials, people, scholars, and businessmen ... this backbone is made up of these people. When they are united, this Song will be indestructible !

Zhao Shu didn't expect Wen Yanbo to say this, and couldn't help laughing: "Does Wen Qing even know repentance?"

Wen Yanbo only thought that the thoughts in his head were all together, and one thought was breeding ...

"It turns out ... Is this great Song alive when I want the country to be at home? It turns out that it is the first husband who wants the country first."

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