Zhao Shu did not eat dinner.

Heard the news to check, but could not persuade.

"Hidden dirt and dirt!" Zhao Shu called for a drink and tried to get drunk.

"The concubine will accompany you for a few drinks." Gao Taotao felt that this scene was very warm, and the couple was more heart-warming.

The usual couple Zhao Shu is wine tasting.

Wine tasting is leisurely, and it is interesting to watch my wife drink and incidentally.

And today he wanted to drink heavily, so he frequently toasted.

"I drink mine."

Zhao Shu knew that his wine was good, but Gao Taotao felt that as a wife, he should do his duty to appease the husband, so he followed his toast ...

An inner waiter felt that it was dangerous to go down like this, so he coughed and said, "Sage, this wine is so powerful!"

The hands of the high torrential toasting cup didn't move, and the fierce light flashed in Feiyan's eyes. She walked over, reached over the shoulder of the paternity assistant, "out to talk."

When she came back, she looked at the contented look.

Zhaojun asked in a low voice: "What's wrong with you?"

Feiyan said lightly: "He wants to sumo with me ...... Now he is stripped and crying outside, just like a woman."


Gao Taotao fell down.

Zhao Shu's eyes are more tender, "helping to go back, it is ready to hang out the soup for her to drink."


Feiyan and Zhaojun lifted Gao Tao out easily, and saw a neatly-dressed woman standing there wiping tears.

"You are doing sin." Zhao Jun said: "Look at his grievance, saying that he will never depend on you in the future."

"Turn me off!" Feiyan said proudly: "I will die if I come back next time."

Nai Shi saw Fei Yan come out, trembling, and avoided.

Feiyan was disappointed in his eyes, and said, "Is this a drunk deliberately?"

Zhaojun nodded, "No official family can be trusted."

Gao Taotao was drunk, and Zhao Shu was bound to be moved, feeling that she was dying her life to accompany her husband.

Nai Shi persuaded her to drink less, isn't this eye medicine?

It was only later that the utter utter utterly messed up, and the sin was aggravated.

Zhao Shu drank into the early morning, but he was still not drunk. There was no way to take a nap, and then go to the up.

Zasuke's spirits were not good, and he looked heavy.

"Your Majesty, the cave was cleared last night, and more than 300 people were arrested, and more than 800 people were arrested."

"Got it." Zhao Shu looked at Zaifu and suddenly asked, "Why haven't you cleaned the dirt in the Wuyou Cave for many years?"

Zasuke looked at each other, but could not answer.


Worry-free hole has long been the problem of Bianliang. Everyone has thought about getting rid of those desperate people, but who will do it?

Bao Zheng started, but unfortunately no results.

Imperial City Secretary reportedly also started, and no results.

Han Qi felt embarrassed, so he went to work and said, "Your Majesty, in the past Kaifeng House also went to catch it, but I couldn't find those desperate ..."

"Why can the Mengshan Army be able to?" Zhao Shu didn't sleep all night, and after drinking a lot of wine, he had a bad temper.

This one……

Han Qi wants to lie, but feels like this is not his own, "That's different from the Mengshan Army. Your Majesty, the Mongshan Army and the Army are different. They are best at this kind of fighting."

"Excuse me!" Zhao Shu seems to be unwilling to give Zaifu a face today, "The Imperial City Division is also good at this kind of search and fight, why is it useless?"

Faced with such a thorough investigation of the official family, Han Qi wanted to die, "The official family, that is the Imperial City Department, and the officials dare not put their beaks."

The Imperial City Division is the emperor's slave, and we can't interfere with Zaifu!

Zhao Shu nodded, "Call Zhang eight years."

Zhang was also asleep for eight nights, and when he came, he was asked to slap his head and cover his face.

"After last night, do you think that the secret spy of the Imperial City Division may be comparable to that of the soldiers of the Mengshan Army?"

This question made Zhang Banian complacent, and he was very entangled: "Officials, I am afraid I can't."


Zhao Shu opened his mouth and spewed out alcohol, wishing he could throw a hidden weapon in his hand.

He groped for a while, and Chen Zhongheng quickly coughed up.

Zhao Shu touched the jade pendant, or the kind of the best.

The last time he threw a jade pendant, he was picked up by Shen An's shameless man.

Zhao Shu loosened his jade pendant, but he became more and more angry. He pointedly said: "The Imperial City Department spends countless money and food every year, but the cost of the Manshan Army is ordinary. Why can't it be compared?"

Zhang knelt down for eight years, "I am incompetent."

What can he say?

Mongshan Army is the establishment of the township army, the township army is the lowest, naturally there is no money. The Imperial City Division is directly funded by Zhao Shu, fat and oil.

One is short and poor, and the other is Gao Fushuai, but now Gao Fushuai was slapped hard by Duan Qiongqi, and those with swollen nose and blue face could not lose their temper.

Suffocated Zhang Ba Nian lowered his head.

"Incompetence and incompetence, only know how to say incompetence, what's the solution?" Zhao Shu asked: "How can there be a way to learn the practice of the Mengshan Army?"

Zhang's eight-year-old face has always been black, but now it is red.

"Chen ... can't."

The practice of Mengshanjun is very secretive. The set that he can see outsiders disdain to learn, but the core content can not be learned.


Zhao Shu pondered: "Let Shen An come."

Shen An came later, and was curious when he saw Zhang Baian's gray face standing there.

Is this a mistake?

So he raised his eyebrows as an encouragement.

Ke Zhangnian was scolded because of him. When he raised his eyebrows, his heart was even more fierce.

"How did Mengshan Army practice?"

The emperor shameless, no one in the world can match.

Shen An was stunned and said frankly: "It's the details."

"Just this one?"

Zhao Shu didn't believe it, Zhang Zhangnian didn't believe it either.

Shen An smiled and said: "Starting from actual combat, adding details, and practicing hard, is what the Mengshan Army looks like today. If you don't believe it, please ask Han to go outside and see."

Three from the big one can know?

The secret agent of the Imperial City Division is good. How can the practice method be compared with that of future generations?

Shen An only used some means to distinguish the soldiers who were trained by the villagers, let Zhang Baian lose his face today, and moved Zhao Shu to heart.

And his party went outside the city, just as the soldiers were training.

There are various instruments on the school ground and various obstacles simulated.

Rural soldiers draped all over and ran between obstacles. They climbed the wooden shelf, and after jumping down, they were wading again ...

The spirit of a person can't help but rejuvenate.

Zhao Shu asked: "Is this practice useful?"

"Of course it works." Shen An said lightly: "Last night I used it in Wuyou Cave. There are a lot of ravines in there, and some areas still have water, just like here."

Zhao Shu looked at Zhang Banian.

In the eighth year of Zhang ’s visit to Wuyou Cave, he saw the training site of the Mengshan Army at the moment, and could n’t help but take a deep breath.

He couldn't think of why a person can be so smart, and get out of these actual combat environments, so the effect of training is naturally more effective.

Zhao Shu nodded approvingly and asked, "Why didn't the Imperial City Division?"

"Chen ... dumb." Zhang Banian felt stupid.

Shen An stood up against the wind and watched her coat flutter.

Zeng Gongliang couldn't help but praise: "It really is a famous general."

Shen An beckoned, Huang Chun ran over and saluted.

"Let the brothers perform a lurking and searching exercise, and show them to the officials and your friends."


Huang Chun stopped the drill and took the villagers back to prepare.

"Liberate and seek, is this to hide?"

Zhao Shu thinks this is a brand new field, and is very interested to observe.

"Yes." Shen An is ready to give some insights to these buns.

Later he took the gentleman to the woods on the side.

"They are already lurking."

Shen An turned around and said: "If the official family and your princes are interested, you can go ahead and find out once to see if you can find someone."

Nodded by Zhao Shu, Han Qi said confidently: "Before the child was naughty, the old man could find him out every time, trivial matter."

Shen An smiled and took them in.

"So try it."

In the autumn woods, the grass is yellow and there are many fallen leaves.

Junchen strolled between them, feeling that this is the autumn tour.

Han Qi recited while groping.

"... Those who abandoned me can not stay yesterday, and those who mess with my heart are so troubled today. Long winds send Qiuyan to thousands of miles, which can be a tall building ..."

Old Han is very skinny, and Zeng Gongliang is not bad. While looking for someone, he talks to Bao Zheng about how good this grass is, and the poor people are counting on it in winter.

This is a layman's word, but it is enough for the old to have this heart.

Shen An leaned against a tree to doze.

Didn't sleep for a night and made him a little sleepy. When he was about to make up, he was caught in the palace.

Zhang was unable to enter in eight years, so he looked outside.

It was all trees and weeds and some weeds at a glance.

No one!

The wind blew, and the weeds stooped down, but it was still not found.

What about people?

Ouyang Xiu turned around and asked, "What about people? Could it be a coax?"

Zhao Shu was not found either. He turned around slowly and found nothing.

"No one here!"

He firmly believes that Shen An is making trouble.

"wake him up!"

Shen Xiang, who was sleeping peacefully, was a little dissatisfied after being awakened by Zhang Baian. He touched the corner of his mouth.

"What about people? Where is this person?"

Zeng Gongliang turned around and shook his head and smiled.

Shen An resisted the urge to yawn and said, "Brothers, come out."

"Where?" Han Qi spread his hands, and at this moment, a black shadow suddenly appeared on his left side.

"Ah!" Suddenly encountered such a thing, the first reaction was to avoid, Han Qi is no exception ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ He shouted back, but hit Zeng Gongliang. Zeng Gongliang was like being hit by a high-speed Mercedes-Benz carriage, and flew out with a puff.

He remembered that there was a big tree in the back. The old arm and the old leg hit it. Isn't that a stone hit with an egg?

The old husband is okay!

Then he was caught and a hug came.

Zeng Gongliang slowly opened his eyes and saw a face painted with various colors.

He struggled down and smiled: "It really is amazing."

He felt like this, but he was dumbfounded when he looked slowly.

In this forest, more than twenty people were drilled.

"Where did they hide just now?"

Zeng Gongliang remembered that he had walked over the edge of the stump just now, and he took a closer look. I really didn't find anyone!

But there is now a village soldier standing there.

Xiangbing was dressed in khaki clothes and his face was covered with paint. Zeng Gongliang looked down and asked, "Can I hide again?"

Shen An nodded undetectably.

Country soldiers lay down on the spot and closed their eyes.

Zeng Gongliang looked carefully and smiled: "I can see."

"You take a few steps back."

He stepped back according to his words, then shook his head and said, "It's blurred."

"If you come in without knowing, you might find it?" Shen An wanted to go home to sleep, but when she thought about her two sons, one big and one small, she couldn't help but have a headache.

Zeng Gongliang shook his head and said solemnly: "Officials, Shen An's skills ... No one can match Song!"


The fourth one is sent, and there is the leader of the addition.


Push book: Back to the Ming Dynasty to become a faint monarch. It's on the shelf.

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