Great Doctor Ling Ran

Chapter 97: I have a car

"I'm looking to save people at Snack Street."

"The police and the gangster were stabbed together, which one to save first?"

"We originally wanted to have a supper and went to a nightclub. I didn't expect that the performances on the street were even more explosive than nightclubs."

看到 "See a super nice little brother."

In the circle of friends, the circle members are desperately posting love, sending pictures, videos, and selfies.

On the surface, the door of the night banquet at Oyster Gate was a tranquil place.

Tong Lingran's attention was focused on Dong Jinwu, who had just been picked up.

I saw him inserting a hand in Zang Zhao's belly, grabbing the rest of the iodophor with one hand, and falling on Dong Jinwu's body. That's it.

The meat that Boss Shao looked at was extremely painful. Iodine was cheap and I bought it myself. 20 pieces of beef tripe, the cost of raw materials will be two, eight, he bought a bottle of two pounds of iodophor can buy 100 strings of beef tripe raw materials, 100 strings of tripe sold and then buy raw materials and skewers After the string is sold, it will not take long before you can settle the cost of the last hospitalization.

Seeing nothing strange, Dr. Zhou Zhou whispered: "I suspect that the liver has been injured and the blood loss is relatively large. It is close to the shock level. The ambulance has not arrived yet."

Ling Ranguang could not hear, but still made palpation first, and passed a specialized physical examination to make a rough judgment.

Dr. Zhou Zhou did not think of pestle.

Since the beginning of training, surgeons have been constantly educated: don't believe anyone, don't believe anyone!

太多 Too many medical accidents are caused by doctors trusting the judgment of other doctors.

Ling Ran had to stop bleeding with bare hands, naturally it was impossible to take Dr. Zhou's judgment as the standard.

"Help me wash my hands." Ling Ran completed the initial diagnosis as quickly as possible, and then stretched out his free right hand, allowing Dr. Zhou to use iodine and then alcohol to disinfect himself from hand to arm.

When everything was done, Ling Ran took the kitchen knife that Dr. Zhou had just sterilized, and held the handle with one hand to face the wound with a bow.

"Suppressed." Ling Ran's voice was cold and could not hear the slightest emotion.

Dr. Zhou Zhou subconsciously suppressed people, and saw Ling Ran stab his sword, forcibly splitting the rectus abdominis muscle.

Ling Ran also couldn't care about the convenience and inconvenience when sutured. Two swipes widened the wound, lost the knife, and then stretched out his hand, saying, "Pour wine."

The remaining half of the bottle was washed and washed with blood stains on Ling Ran's hands. Before the alcohol evaporated, Ling Ran slowly inserted his right hand into Dong Jinwu's wound.

At this time, Dr. Zhou Zhou came to realize what Ling Ran was doing, because Dong Jinwu's wound was deeper, but the blade that stabbed him was narrower and thinner, so that Ling Ran's hand could not be inserted at all.

Dong Jinwu, who was dizzy with blood loss, "Ah Wah", after being briefly anesthetized with alcohol for more than ten seconds, he suddenly struggled.

Dr. Zhou Zhou shouted "Help", half of the body emptied, and he pressed down from the top down.

The men who watched the crowd stepped forward and held Dong Jinwu's shoulders and thighs.

Ling Lingran's arm moved forward a few centimeters, stopped, and began to explore.

"The liver is cracking." Ling Ran just said a word, and the blood flow that was flowing along the wound just now began to thin and thin.

Dr. Zhou Zhou sat on the scooter and looked up at Ling Ran. He was shocked.

At this moment, Ling Ran inserted his left hand in the stomach of police Zang Zhao, and his right hand in the stomach of the young man Dong Jinwu. He seemed to be stiff, but Dr. Zhou knew that what he was doing was impossible.

的 The surgeon who often goes to the operating table has the experience of stopping bleeding by hand. Sometimes the knife is crooked. What should I do if the patient's blood comes out? Finding gauze will not work, and plugging it directly with your hands is the most correct choice.

Free-handed hemostasis without a field of vision is also common. The so-called open-belt exploration is actually cutting the belly, one internal organ and one internal organ, to see where the bleeding is, but that is the most basic method. Experienced doctors often use Without turning up the internal organs completely, and seeing blood coming out from underneath, stretch your hands down and pull your fingers twice to find the bleeding point. Of course, there are occasions when you can't find it, so it's not too late to look up again.

However, Ling Ran's technique is obviously more than one of the better than Dr. Zhou's well-known technique to stop bleeding by hand.

Thinking of Ling Ran's "family origins", and then looking at Boss Shao not far away, Dr. Zhou's mind suddenly erupted into a thought: I don't know what happened to the patient at the Xiagou Clinic

"Where's the ambulance?" Ling Ran opened her hands, and a patient on the side was quite tired.

There are many people, and they ran to the front of the scooter in a happy mood, patted left and patted right.

Dr. Zhou Zhou pulled out his mobile phone and called to urge. After a while, he said, "The whole street is operated by the road. Ambulances are not easy to come in, but they are coming soon."

Dr. Ji Zhou hesitated, and said, "Let's get a car and go to the hospital by ourselves."

He said, Dr. Zhou's gaze fell on the face of Boss Xue, a big belly in black and a starry moon, and said, "Boss Xue, use your car?"

"I drive a sports car." Boss patted his stomach and was very happy that he could show off: "Audi tt, two people can't lie in the back row."

Boss Xue said tossing Bodhizi, his eyes swept around.

"Is Boss Shao's car in?" Dr. Zhou knew Shao Jian.

Boss Xun Shao silently put away his empty iodine flask, and took two bottles from the old Luzhou cellar when he was unprepared, and said, "Santana borrowed it. Corolla did not pick up the goods."

"You said that you are also a boss, at least buy a Wuling." Dr. Zhou is exhausted today, he does n’t say a lot of sweat, he has nowhere to talk about his nervousness, he can only complain, and then he says to everyone: Is there a car? Can I take three people and take the patient to the hospital first? I ’m afraid I will be too late to wait.

Ling Ran is perfect to stop the bleeding with his bare hands, that is, it can delay the blood loss rate, and the necessary treatment is still indispensable.

No one around Dr Ying Zhou said.

Dr. Zhou Zhou shouted again, and still, several people turned away.

Dr. Wu Zhou smiled bitterly: "If you can't, just push the scooter out and welcome the ambulance. At least you can get there early. I didn't expect that there were so many people who didn't even want to help. What kind of world is he?"

Ling Ran said "En", half-knelt up, and coughed, and said, "Everyone, we now need to send the two injured people to Yunhua Hospital for treatment as soon as possible. If we arrive one minute earlier, we can have more hope. Hope A friend with a car will help. We will bear the cost of cleaning the car. "

He made 100 cases of tang suture last month, and the average operation cost was as much as four or five hundred yuan. As time is spent on surgery, the cost is almost nothing. When it comes to money, Ling Ran Consciously rich in oil ~ ~ Sangua and Jujube cleaning the car, really did not put it in his heart.

There was a sound of taking pictures around me. At this time, a girl boldly said, "I can lend you my car."

Ling Ran promised immediately.

But without waiting for him to speak, another little aunt shouted, "My car is parked in front of me, and I can go now."

"My suv, the back row is spacious and tall, just for you!" This is another little aunt.

"Mine is Mercedes-Benz G." An old aunt stood up and took out a girl with a shy face in her hand, and said, "My daughter sends you, the back row can be laid down, and four people are fine . "

With great deterrent power, the old aunt grabbed a few seconds of precious time, pointed in one direction, and let people push the scooter forward.

A few moments later, several people were loaded into the back of the founder's big g, with the shy girl gently stepping on the throttle, slowly out of the night market, and then ran all the way to the hospital.

Wu Lingran took a sigh of relief and smiled at Dr. Zhou: "The world is still good."

He is simply trying to feed Dr. Zhou's enlightenment to him today.

Dr. Zhou Zhou laughed twice

The young boy Dong Jinwu didn't know if he was awake, or was awakened by a rushing car, opened his eyes and looked around, and asked, "Where am I?"

"We are going to the hospital." Dr. Zhou explained carefully: "It will be okay at the hospital."

Dong Jinwu smiled hard and said, "I know, I said, it's okay to stab a knife, just slap two swords."

Dr. Zhou's face suddenly became dark.

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