Great Doctor Ling Ran

Chapter 94: Just happened

Shao Jia Guan Zi is located on the street of Yunhua's famous snack street.

The serious snack street is east-west. Every night, people move, and they can rub shoulders along the road of three cars. As a result, the streets at the north and south of the street and the end of the street gradually filled with restaurants.

The location of the Shao Family Restaurant in the north of the west is pretty good. It is about a mid-range level of consumption. It has large glass and open kitchens, and it specializes in barbecue and yak belly supper.

Dr. Zhou Zhou was familiar with Ling Ran, and shouted at the door: "Boss Shao, pick up."

"Oh, Lao Zhou is here again. I can guess this tone you heard." The shop is near the wall. The boss wiped his hands with an apron and walked out, smiling: "I haven't coming."

"I've been very busy recently." Dr. Zhou said with a smile.

Wu Lingran glanced at Dr. Zhou.

Dr. Zhou Zhou was not shy, and introduced Ling Ran, saying, "Our new colleague, Dr. Ling."

Boss Shao Shao noticed Ling Ran long ago, politely handed Ling Ran a business card, and smiled: "I am a shame to Shao Jian. Since I am a friend of Dr. Zhou, I will get a 30% discount when I come to Shao family.

"Don't listen to him, every doctor who comes from Yunyi will get a 30% discount." Dr. Zhou deliberately revealed it.

Boss Shao Shao laughed two times: "Every doctor comes, I'm 30% off now."

Ling Ran picked up the business card, but looked around with some confusion. He had not heard of a restaurant specializing in hospitality or preferential doctors before—the little doctor was busy turning into a dog, and he usually had time to come out to eat. Senior doctors have medical representatives to treat guests, where can they come to such a small restaurant.

Two words from Dr. Han Han, Dr. Zhou and Ling Ran were arranged by the Shao boss to the window, and they could see the street scene outside, which was quite bright.

Dr. Zhou Zhou ordered a meal, poured tea by himself, and sat down again. He opened his mouth and asked Ling Ran: "Boss Shao is our patient."

"What disease?"

"Everything is wrong, he went to more departments." Dr. Zhou nodded his fingers like a chat, saying, "When we started to have congenital heart disease at Yunhua Hospital, he was born with a congenital ventricular septum. Defects, the most standard congenital heart disease. When he was in elementary school, he jumped high and fell off the cushion and broke his ankle. It happened that our Yunyi Orthopedics began to promote plate internal fixation, and he was the first one to use it. Later Fighting with a person and removing a kidney is not the first kidney organ removal operation we have done independently. "

Dr. Zhou recounted: "It goes without saying that the endocrinology department is a frequent visitor. When the rheumatism and pain department was separated, he had rheumatoid arthritis. We just bought a laparoscope a few years ago, and he has appendicitis. Later, when he was involved in the heart, he went to build a stent for arteriosclerosis. We bought a T machine, and he added liver cysts and gallstones. In the first week of MRI adjustment, he found a tumor. Fortunately, Benign ... "

Qi Lingran was stunned, and said, "How can a person get so many diseases?"

"We did a big round for him. A dozen people in the 200 department studied it for an afternoon and didn't come to a conclusion. Most of his illnesses were unlucky. I just want to say that people are unlucky, drink The cold water is jammed between the teeth, and we can't take everything on me. "

Ling Ran laughed twice.

Dr. Zhou also said, "Lao Shao is a model patient of our Yunyi. Do n’t watch him get more sick than you have seen. People have a very good mentality. Just look at the illness, and then open the store. When you are sick, You need to be hospitalized, you need surgery, and when you leave the hospital, you can do business, and the health bureau seals it and slowly grinds it ... "

"Beef belly is coming." Boss Shao brought a stainless steel cylinder, and twenty or thirty bamboo sticks were inserted into the homemade thin peanut butter, revealing two curly thin belly.

Wu Lingran stared at Boss Shao involuntarily. The latter smiled unsurprisingly, and asked Dr. Zhou, "What about storytelling?"

"Just opened my head." Dr. Zhou said.

"Don't listen to Lao Zhou saying blindly, I just have bad luck, and it is easy to run into things, and my body is still fine." Boss Shao laughed heartily and said "eat slowly" before going back to the kitchen.

Ling Ran suddenly understood a little why Boss Shao discounted doctor customers. On repeat customers, doctors are much more likely. Ordinary people have heard the story of Boss Shao and are afraid to eat.

"Taste it, the tripe thief is delicious, the exclusive secret recipe of their family." Dr. Zhou grabbed two without fear.

Ling Ran hesitated for two seconds and picked it up.

I really taste delicious.

The yak belly itself is very chewy, but it has no taste. After the dilute peanut butter-based sauce is applied, the umami taste is instantly raised.

"A table with a bucket of sauce, just add the tripe after eating." Dr. Zhou then added: "The remaining sauce will be dumped. Lao Shao is very good in this regard."

Ling Ran "Oh", not too much to chat.

In fact, he was never a chat person.

Dr. Zhou Zhou said indifferently: "How do you think the rescue room is here today, and the patients with flexor tendon rupture are gone?"

"I want to try to stop bleeding with my bare hands." Ling Ran told the truth.

Dr. Zhou Zhou nodded in understanding: "Technology must be practiced, and students will be born without practice. However, I haven't watched you use it today."

"There is no suitable ~ ~ too. You don't see patients all day long. Some diseases seem to be seen every day. As a result, when you want to find it, you can't see any of them." Zhou The doctor grinned and said, "It's okay, this place in Shaojiaguanzi is very good. When I was looking for a case and couldn't find it, I just sat there, and sometimes I ran into a doctor. My case. "

"Because there are so many doctors."

"It's possible. Besides, isn't there still Boss Shao?" Dr. Zhou joked and made Boss Shao who happened to be grilling shake his head.

老 "Lao Zhou, if you open my joke again, I will not give you a discount." Boss Shao said, "Hongliu barbecue, not enough."

"It's really easy to encounter cases in your store. You remember when you came to the obstetrics and gynecology department last time and said how long have you never encountered a horizontal fetus, there was a pregnant woman with amniotic fluid on the street, and a caesarean section at the scene ..."

"That is a special case ..."

"And last time ..."

Dr. Zhou Zhou was so happy, the crowd shouted suddenly from the window.

A few people saw the situation, and saw a few people rushing with their swords, and others were chasing.

A policeman on duty at the intersection swiped out his baton and pointed at the crowd while shouting something.

At the same time, an underachievered knife man ran into the arms of the police, and when he turned and ran again, he could already see Yin Hong's blood from the chest and abdomen of the police.

Ling Lingran and Dr. Zhou face to face.

"Go to help." Three seconds later, the tension between Ling Ran and Dr. Zhou had disappeared, and he quickly rushed out of the store.

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