Great Doctor Ling Ran

Chapter 74: Touch

Yun Yunhua's night was shrouded in halo.

9 At 9 o'clock in the evening, looking up from Yunyi's emergency building, I can't find the stars, can't see the moon, dazzling signs and advertisements, and the sound of whistle comes from below.

A few young nurses who were still young and intimidated each other across the deep corridor, picked up the equipment and turned and ran, only to slow down the pace near the operating room, covering their mouths and laughing, while watching the movements around them , Like a few animals avoiding hunting by the nurse in charge.

"Dr. Ling is still undergoing surgery." The head nurse looked at his head and said, "I really work hard."

"I have been performing surgery since the morning ..."

"Look, let's see." The third little nurse squeezed between the two, looking across the round glass in the operating room, looking at Ling Ran inside, and praised: "Dr. Ling's back looks really good."

"Because I stand up straight from day to night and practice it."

"Standing all day, my waist is so good."

"Yes, Dr. Ling said so long-lastingly." The little nurse finished her face, suddenly flushed.

They chattered and chattered, and it wasn't until the footsteps of the touring nurses rang out in the hallway that they broke up.


Ling Ran finished the operation step by step and was relieved.

四 Four operations a day and seven fingers stitched are a challenge for anyone.

Nurses, assistants and anesthesiologists are also much easier.

大 A major operation like the tang method will naturally create a sense of urgency, as if a small amount of adrenaline is constantly pumped into the heart. Many nurses and anesthesiologists have their own small habits when participating in minor surgery. For example, a little nurse who is preparing to attend a nurse may listen to English with a headset, and the anesthesiologist may be anxious to see the ball and bet.

When participating in major surgery, even if the situation is not urgent, everyone will naturally converge.

Ling Ran rubbed his neck and opened the "junior treasure chest" just received.

A gleaming book floated in the air.

"It's not a potion for energy, so I lost a bottle." This was the first thought that came out of Ling Ran's mind.

When the thoughts turn, the title page of the silver book opens automatically, with handwriting description:

Single skill book to obtain diagnostic skills-physical examination (specialization).

Ling Ran touched his cheek subconsciously, the first thing in his mind was that the parotid glands were normal ...

"Dr. Ling, leave the operating room to us, you go back to rest first." Ma Yilin said positively.

Ling Ran nodded in agreement.

Lu Wenbin slowly jumped up again, but did not know what to say.

Ling Ran took a taxi, sat in the back, and began to touch himself from head to toe.

The so-called "physical examination" refers to many operations performed by the doctor during the physical examination.

For example, touching the subject's neck by hand, such as letting the subject roll their eyes, or placing a stethoscope on the subject's chest to listen to the sound, etc., are all part of the physical examination. The stricter air force check-up medical examination can be meticulously detailed and get a lot of information.

A simple understanding is that a physical examination is a method in which the doctor judges the physical condition of the subject by means of sight, touch, sniffing, and other methods.

Physical examination is therefore one of the four major foundations of diagnostics. The other three are questioning, laboratory diagnosis and auxiliary examination.

For modern medicine, the prerequisites for diagnosing diseases are these four items.

诊断 The premise of clinical medicine is diagnosis.

After all, there are tens of thousands of diseases known and named by human beings. Whether they can be treated or not, they must be diagnosed before they can be targeted.

For thousands of diseases that humans can treat and control, there are basically standard or near-standard solutions, such as curable tuberculosis, controllable diabetes, increasingly high cure rates of thyroid cancer, and living longer and longer. AIDS, pancreatic cancer, which has little help, etc., have special diagnosis and treatment outlines. As long as the diagnosis is correct, most doctors can complete the treatment step by step.

Although the diagnosis of surgery is much easier than that of internal medicine, diagnosis is still a prerequisite for treatment.

Ling Ran's ability to continuously perform tang suture also depends on the preliminary diagnosis of other doctors.

However, as a doctor, it is necessary to slowly pick up the diagnostic technology. Even if you stay in the operating room every day, you need some simple diagnostic skills.

Ling Ran was quite satisfied with the acquisition of the "Physical Examination", especially considering that it was opened from the primary treasure chest, which is even more pleasant.

As for the level of "specialization", it is enough.

The four levels of system skills, UU reading "entry level" is almost the level of general attendance of Yunhua Hospital, which is stronger than weak chicken attendance of some top three hospitals. Directors or chief physicians are better at the fields. As for the "Master" technology, it is already top in Yunhua Hospital, that is, it is top in Changxi Province, like the master tang method, which is a systematically confirmed cloud Hua is the strongest, and it is not who can master the better tang method, but who can master the better suture method.

As for the perfect level, Ling Ran currently has the "perfect level of free-handed hemostasis", ranking 126th in the world, 13th in China, 2nd in Changxi Province, and 1st in Yunhua, which can already explain the problem.

Thinking of this, Ling Ran asked in his mind: "Systematic system, I now have the skills of" Physical Examination ", ranking geometry?"

"The level of physical examination skills you have mastered ranks No. 1128 in Yunhua City, and you can be promoted by 20 to 30 correct physical examinations." The system's answer is clear and legible.

Ling Ran uttered a tweet and asked, "Is this a task?"


"Is the accumulation of experience?" Ling Ran had counted in his heart, and touched himself from head to toe.

The taxi driver drove his car and occasionally looked into the rearview mirror, the more he felt more guilty as he drove.

看看 Looking at her face from the mirror, she was a little relieved.

At the alley of Xiagou, the taxi driver looked at the deep and poorly-lit Xiagou and said that he would not drive any further, and spared Ling Ran two yuan for the sake of preventing change.

Waiting for Ling Ran to close the door, the driver ran away as soon as he kicked the floor.

"Strange driver." Ling Ran touched the axillary lymph nodes on the right with her left hand, and slowly walked home.

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