Great Doctor Ling Ran

Chapter 38: Out-of-hospital consultation

Provincial Hospital is a large comprehensive third-level hospital parallel to Yunhua Hospital.

In a little internal terms, they are actually provincial third-level hospitals.

The hospital has a siphon effect.

Everyone wants to go to the best hospital, and leaders are no exception.

Therefore, the provincial-level high-level hospitals will receive the maximum level of support from the provincial health finance, the municipal-level high-level third-level hospitals will receive the maximum level of municipal health financial support, and the county-level third-level hospitals will receive the maximum level of county health financial support. If the county has a tertiary hospital ...

In this atmosphere, the Matthew effect is particularly evident in hospitals. The stronger the stronger, the weaker the weaker. The better the hospital, the more advanced equipment will be available, and the better the doctor will be.

中 Among the 1,300 tertiary first-class hospitals in the country, there are only 44 affiliated hospitals steadily higher than the provincial and Yunhua hospitals, such as Xiehe, Xiangya, West China, Zhongshan, Fudan, and so on.

In this regard, Huo Congjun, the head of the emergency department of Yunhua Hospital, and Qi Zhenhai, the chief physician of the emergency department of the provincial hospital, are the best in the medical profession of Changxi Province.

In particular, both of them are good at burns, and they have more "communications" with each other.

However, formal out-of-hospital consultation procedures are complicated, that is, special public incidents such as factory explosions, or cadre health care tasks can be more easily facilitated.

Qi Qizhenhai was very concerned about this opportunity. After checking the room in the morning, he only had one operation, and he changed his equipment and went straight to Yunhua Hospital.

He was rated as the Chief Physician at the age of 40, which is young and promising.

He also deliberately dressed himself young. When old-school doctors beat the world in white coats all year round, as long as he left the hospital, he would wear a shirt and trousers.

The only thing I can worry about is that the wrinkles on his face are increasing day by day, and his neglected body is obviously getting a little better. If he doesn't pay attention, he will lift his belly up. If he wears a white coat like the director of a department, he can cover it up, but Qi Zhenhai is not willing to do that.

I was too old-fashioned to highlight his young and promising side.

Now, the most annoying Qi Zhenhai is the director of the department.

The hospital is not like a government agency, and the promotion channel is very narrow. Unless the director of the department is promoted to vice president, or transferred or removed, he will sit in the position of director of the department until his retirement.

Some department directors even became vice presidents, unwilling to leave the position of department directors, so that the young and promising department directors had been doing it for 20 years, and the doctors under pressure were out of breath.

Qi Qihai could not wait for the director of the emergency department to abdicate, and actively promoted the establishment of a burn center. He wanted to become an independent boss.

This extra hard work also deepened his wrinkles so much that when he saw Huo Congjun, he could not see that the two were 10 years apart.

"When I was thinking about doing a case discussion, I received a consultation call from your cloud doctor. I also brought the case received by our hospital and looked at it together." Qi Zhenhai said that it was assigned to the provincial medical case.

The bombing of the factory was a tragedy for the injured workers and the lost factory. For Zihai Zhenhai, it was a rare opportunity. If you can prove your status in burns, it will be easy to set up a burn center.

"If there is still time at the end of the consultation, you can discuss it in private." Huo Congjun didn't mean to be polite.

看看 Look at it together? I'm afraid I want to show off.

Qiu Huo glanced at Qi Zhenhai from the corner of his military eyes, and said, "I will see if I want to show his face for a while."

"Go in, it's almost time." Huo Congjun didn't have the interest of chatting, just greeted and returned to the conference room.

At this time, the little doctors in the department were sitting with chairs around, leaving the large conference table in the middle.

Wu Huo selected the far corner facing the door from the army and sat down with the golden sword.

The other two chief physicians and four deputy directors sat on each side, and the atmosphere of the 怏怏 large department of seven experts was immediately displayed.

Qi Qizhenhai didn't mind it, he just found a middle chair to sit down, and let the accompanying resident doctor put the medical case in front of himself, and asked with a smile: "Did Director Liu of the Army General Academy not come yet?"

"The patient over there is in a certain condition and is already on the road." Dr. Du was in charge and explained.

Qi Qizhenhai smiled and said, "Wait a minute, this factory bombing case is quite serious. The three trials will be held."

Huo Congjun didn't say a word, other doctors didn't speak well, and the atmosphere was awkward for a while.

Qi Qi Zhenhai didn't care about pulling the clothes, she would cover her belly that was not elegant, and wait quietly.

Hospitals like Jinyun or the provincial government do not like out-of-hospital consultations, so the environment for consultations has always been bad.

In contrast, out-of-hospital consultations initiated by the county-level third-level hospitals, because of the status gap, have the meaning of asking for help and showing weakness, and it is more interesting.

Of course, the county-level third-level hospitals are too lazy to conduct out-of-hospital consultations through regular channels. Everyone contacts privately to invite foreign aid. Anyway, they have to give money, and the procedure is a little easier and easier.

"Oh, sorry, late, late." The sound of opening the door disturbed the air in the office.

Entering was an old doctor with a square face, with an old-fashioned stethoscope on his chest, decorated like a pocket watch.

Huo Huo stood up and greeted him, asking: Director Liu, the patient is done? "

"Declared dead." Director Liu's expression remained unchanged.

Ling Ling Ran sat in a small corner and turned to look at Director Liu.

It is normal to have a dead person at the University Hospital. Few modern people end their lives at home quietly and peacefully. They always pass through the hospital ’s barrier before giving up completely.

However, Director Liu's understatement is still rare.

Among the doctors sitting in a circle with their backs on their desks, the expressions of the attendants were the most peaceful, and the young resident doctors looked different. Some of them were accustomed to Director Liu's words, and some were senior resident doctors' words. I used to carelessly, that was the primary resident doctor who had just finished training, and others, they didn't even care about the conversation in the conference room.

"Everyone is here, let's start." Huo Congjun sat back to his position and opened the medical case.

After many years of improvement, the consultation system has procedures.

Especially the out-of-hospital consultation is meticulous similar to university military training. Its importance is also equivalent to university military training-it is extremely troublesome, it seems useful and useless, but the superior often likes to check this work.

Dr. Du Du got up, turned on the projector, and read the PPT.

Wu Huo turned the chair from the army, his eyes narrowed, and he listened as if he was sleeping, but he did not care about the eyes of others.

Qi Qizhenhai was agitated, his eyes were round and round, and he kept thinking in his heart.

Director Liu's routine business, his eyes seem to be walking away from seeing and seeing, and he doesn't care about one-third of an acre of things.

"This is the case. The burn area of ​​the two critically ill patients is relatively large. UU reads but it is basically under control. What you need to pay attention to now is not to repeat it." Huo Congjun was more like a doctor's advice to the doctors under his hand .

This attitude has set the tone for today's out-of-hospital consultations.

Qi Qi Zhenhai can't help but feel a little disappointed. If there is no serious illness, how can he play it?

"Patients with 80% burn area still can't be taken lightly." Director Liu paused and said, "Someone will follow at all times. I suggest you allocate staff."

"Dr. Du has been assigned to take charge of this case ..." Huo Congjun.

"It's too old to follow." Director Liu said politely: "Burned patients, the complications are all the time. 80% of the burn area, heart failure, renal failure, shock toxemia, anything can happen. , Find a younger attendant, it is best not to change people, on duty for a month to see if you can save both of them. "

The 爆炸 factory explosion is the focus of the city's attention. The direction of consideration should be cautious and comprehensive, but the cost is second.

Huo Huo marched for two seconds and nodded, "Okay, we'll arrange it later."

Huo Congjun and Qi Zhenhai, who were present at the scene, were both emergency specialists, and both had good achievements in burns, but in specific and insignificant places, they were not comparable to Director Liu who had been involved in burn surgery for many years.

Director Liu himself was very indifferent, saying: "There are more dead people under my hands, and there are more ideas. Today, I found that pulmonary embolism was too late, and he should prescribe heparin directly regardless of good or bad ... forget it, no I said it, I'll leave it until the death discussion. Well, Lao Huo, then I'll go back?

"Don't introduce it, it's not easy to come here, let's talk about a medical case." Huo Congjun coughed, and saw Dr. Du pick up the remote control, and released a video.

It is a video of Ling Ran inserting one hand into the patient's abdomen.

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