Great Doctor Ling Ran

Chapter 256: Close belly

Ling Ran originally had three perfect skills, namely, hemostasis with bare hands, replantation of severed fingers and suture of Achilles tendon.

Today, the suffixes of all three skills have become light purple "legendary".

Calm as Ling Ran, can not help but a little excited.

The legendary level is very legendary. After trying the perfect level of freehand hemostasis for many times, Ling Ran is naturally full of expectations for a more powerful legendary level. He thought to himself that using the perfect level of freehand to stop bleeding will help Under the operation field, accurately determine the bleeding point in the abdominal cavity, then the legendary free-handed hemostasis will certainly be able to expand the range even larger.

Ling Ran thought, while stepping on the sterile pot, took out the sterilized towel, wiped his hands, and meditated in front of the mirror in the bathroom: System, who is the strongest person in the world to stop bleeding by hand? "

"Adam Love Davis," the system answered.

Ling Ran's expression froze, and asked, "How many ranks does the free-hand hemostatic technique I have mastered now?"

"Second." The system still answered simply.

Ling Ran gave a double beep, and threw away the towel that she had wiped, and went to the rescue room.

Thanks to the efforts of the head nurse and teacher, the children who sang the national anthem three times have stopped, all just staring at the direction of the hospital bed.

The head nurse's gentle and considerate children are arranged on empty beds so that they can take a break so as not to be too tired. The performance of the head nurse is completely opposite to that of the little doctors.

Ling Ran stepped in, just when the music stopped.

The sound of the opening of the door let the children look at Ling Ran.

Jiang Li's family is no exception.

Ling Ran just raised his hand to enter the rescue room, asked for the surgical gown and gloves to put on again, and didn't look at the others.

He is not a person who is good at dealing with patients' families. Even with the direct instruction of Huo Congjun, Ling Ran still lacks sufficient coping ability.

Even when facing a group of children with gauze on their heads and bandages in their hands, Ling Ran nodded reluctantly, and then turned his attention back to Jiang Li during the operation.

"Give me a place." Ling Ran didn't climb any further, just now he had a bad relationship, but now it's unnecessary.

Dr. Zhou gave up Ling Ran without hesitation.

Ling Ran put his hands together, stood at Dr. Zhou's position, looked at the monitor for a few seconds, and then said, "Check the bleeding point."

At this moment, several people were looking for bleeding points, and he was not alone.

Huo Congjun couldn't care less about him, and first urged the blood bank to send blood. It was obviously not enough to collect it by himself.

He then ordered a cleansing of the abdominal cavity and began to consider whether further examinations were needed.

Ling Ran fumbled clockwise slowly.

The legendary free-handed hemostasis will not make his fingers more sensitive, but Ling Ran became confident. It's as if Baibu shot the willow, and in the sacrificial room, there is the perception that he shot or missed it.

The archer does not need to know the angle at which the arrow tip should rise upwards, nor does it need to know the parabolic formula or the law of kinetic energy.

God archer just need to raise his hand subconsciously, release his finger, and shoot out.

Ling Ran didn't even think about where the biggest bleeding point was. The size of the bleeding point could only be estimated at most, but if he wasn't sure, Ling Ran proceeded to find the tissue that might bleed.

I don't know if my thinking has changed, only half a minute, Ling Ran found a small bleeding point.

"Line 7" Ling Ran didn't pursue the thin thread any more, and turned the bleeding position outward, and his hands were sewn up.

Huo Congjun looked relieved, and then became tense again.

Because the indicators on the monitor have not changed at all.

"The amount of bleeding is still high," the anesthesiologist said worriedly.

Ling Ran said "En" and continued groping in the patient.

This time, Ling Ran couldn't find a small bleeding point.

The doctors present were extremely anxious, but Ling Ran's mind gradually formed his ideas. With the legendary free-handed ability to stop bleeding, the exposed part, since there is no bleeding point, then you should consider the appropriate and have not searched. Somewhere, like ... under the organ.

Especially under the injured organ.

"I touch the liver." Ling Ran's hand slid directly into the liver.

Zhao Leyi, who was looking for the blood spot next to him, raised his eyebrows, and some disapproved of Ling Ran's approach.

In his opinion, the bleeding point has not yet been found. It may be because the bleeding point is hidden deeper, such as in a corner, or hidden by a group of tissues.

It is impossible for him, like Ling Ran, to be so certain that there is no bleeding point in the exposed part.

Ling Ran didn't need to explain more. This was originally a multi-person operation.

Examine the organ on the right, and Ling Ran continued to inspect the left.

When he tried to touch the left liver, Zhao Lei couldn't help it: "Just sutured for liver, you don't need to move."

"It's hard to say." Ling Ran disagreed with Zhao Leyi's judgment.

"At least determine the other parts first," Zhao Leyi said.

"The other parts didn't bleed." Ling Ran also searched it all.

Zhao Leyi was dissatisfied: "Find it again, you can move here without it."

"No need." Ling Ran's understanding was completely different from Zhao Leyi's.

"Wait a minute ..." Zhao Leyi called Ling Ran again and looked at Director Huo, saying: "Director, the left liver has just been sutured ..."

"I heard it." Huo Congjun didn't need Zhao to repeat willingly, gritted his teeth, and said to Ling Ran, "Be careful."

This is the default consent.

Ling Ran said "En", gently lifting the left liver.

A stream of blood flowed out.

The monitor cried out without hesitation.

The doctor present suddenly realized that it was the oppressor who had left and the blood loss accelerated. ~ However, there is still sufficient blood source available. Once the bleeding point is found, the problem is simple.

The expressions of the doctors relaxed, but the family and others outside were extremely nervous.

The beep of the monitor is, to ordinary people, like a reminder.

The hasty voice, even the doctor who works in the operating room all year round, may not be able to hear it, let alone the patient's family.

Police's fiancée Wang Yi, who was already crying, had no tears, but now two lines of tears shed, but her voice was dumb and speechless.

Jiang Li's mother, Chen Fang, could not stand up, clutching the chair in her hands, her knuckles were white.

A group of children didn't understand what was going on, and stared blankly at the adults around them.

"I'm here to sew." Ling Ran pressed the wound with his hands, not too lightly, and didn't seek to stop the blood loss completely, but to reduce blood flow and protect the surrounding tissues.

Reaching for a suture, Ling Ran calmed himself and hooked up.

His **** stitching is now also perfect.

One stitch, two stitches ... three stitches, four stitches ...

Ling Ran did it intermittently, and the hissing monitor quieted down.

Huo Congjun shouted a "blood bag" again, and his tone sank. He murmured in his mouth, "Yes, yes ..."

The bleeding basically stopped, even if this life is retained.

Huo Congjun looked back at the patient's family and others who did not know what had happened, hesitated, and did not speak.

However, facing Ling Ran, Huo Congjun nodded gently.

"Check again, rinse the abdominal cavity, and close the abdomen if there is no problem." Speaking of closing the abdomen, Huo Congjun relaxed easily.

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