Granting You Deep Feelings, May You Treasure It

Chapter 106: Unintentional petting

However, the tears in Subei's eyes flowed more intensely, her hands tightly grasping Hua Jinan's clothes.

Heart, painful!

She had never imagined that the person who helped and warmed him one day would be such a man.

Finally, Subei's mood calmed down.

She left Hua Jinan's embrace, turned around and wiped her tears.

Hua Jinan's warm eyes have been falling on her faintly, but he was not moving forward or speaking, so he kept looking at her.

Subei took a deep breath and slowly turned around. Although she was smiling as hard as she could, there were no more tears in her eyes, but her eye sockets were already red.

Hua Jin's eyebrows tightened, "They are all red-eyed rabbits. You are crying and regenerate a little rabbit."

Subei burst into laughter, and the atmosphere suddenly became relaxed.

Hua Jinan took her hand, "Let's go, eat something. What do you want to eat?"

Subei followed him into the car, "Didn't you say you want to take me home?"

The man smiled slightly, "You make me upset by crying, don't the crying children stop crying when they see their mother when they come home?"

Subei couldn't help laughing again, letting go of his hand and wiping the remaining tears on his face, "Do you think I am a child?"

Hua Jin An hehe laughed and said, "How old do you think you are!"

"I am an adult!" Subei said.

After getting in the car, Hua Jinan put a blanket on her lap, "What do you want to eat?"

His unintentional gentle behavior was so natural, as if Subei was really his lover.

Subei's mood has completely calmed down at this time. She looked at Hua Jinan and said, "I'm really sorry, I made you laugh today because I cried and laughed again."

Hua Jinan's lips twitched, pulling out a gentle smile, "Who can you be in front of me if you don't relax in front of me?"

He covered Subei's hands behind him, "It doesn't matter, I will cry in my arms when I want to cry in the future."

The man paused, "However, no one dares to make you cry again with me."

He gently shook Subei's hand, then let go.

Subei's heart warmed, if a man said something like this in your ear, anyone would be moved.

Subei is no exception. Her impression of Hua Jinan has changed a lot from when she first met.

Whether it started today or has changed before, she couldn't figure out.

Subei secretly thought, if she had met Hua Jinan earlier than Zuo Xiao, she thought, she might fall in love with him.

It's just that she is no longer the little girl who had pure love in her mind.

Her heart was tightly wrapped in the fortress she had built, and she was not allowed to be tempted by any man.

Seeing that she was silent, Hua Jinan asked her softly, "I was surprised when I met you at the provincial government that day. At that time, I had concerns in my heart. I was afraid that my presence would embarrass you, so I let Achen get out of the car. "

Hua Jinan explained.

Su Bei's heart moved, did he think she was angry?

The woman looked out the window and whispered, "The chaos in the house in the year my father was involved was a fatal blow to our family. Especially me!"

She paused, resisting her sadness and continued, "Dad being wronged is more uncomfortable than letting me die. We have looked for countless times over the years, and those people are either ignored or perfunctory, and no one is in charge."

She raised her head and looked at Hua Jinan, "If it weren't for you, I'm afraid we still have nowhere to find each other."

A grateful smile filled the misty eyes, "How can I blame you? Actually, what I want to say is, thank you!"

Hua Jinan breathed a sigh of relief. He reached out and rubbed her long hair, spoiling her with gestures, "Fool, never need to say thank you to me!"

Before Subei felt embarrassed, he withdrew his hand again.

Su Bei stared at him, "Besides this, what other things have you done that I don't know?"

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