Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 628: Tears of Dawn (Part 1)

For closed spaces, it is undoubtedly the easiest and fastest way to confirm the area of ​​the space through echolocation.

Lei Luo stretched out his right index finger.


The bubble technique exploded, and the oscillating sound wave of the unique frequency spread.

One second.

Two seconds.

Three seconds.

Four seconds...

After a long time, when the faint echo that was almost imperceptible to ordinary human flesh ears was transmitted back, Lei Luo was keenly aware of the faint air turbulence as he diffused the substantive mental power on the surface of his skin.

"This is actually a huge underground cave over fifty kilometers, maybe even wider!"

This is clearly far beyond Reello's expectations.

"These wizards are quite good at hiding."

Ray Luo murmured.

At this moment, he poured into the yellow sand behind him, and the figure flashed, and Bibilisi followed, and she also looked at this vast underground banyan lake with a slightly surprised look.

Click, click, click.

But before Bibilis had time to say anything, the cracks in the crust where the yellow sand poured over their heads again heard a clicking sound. The next moment a "boom" sound, several times the previous yellow sand suddenly poured down. Almost instantly, he filled the deep pool under his feet, and the mortar quickly spread to the surroundings.

"The broken plate can no longer support the pressure on it. It won't take long before it will be completely buried here."

Bibilis looked up, observed the condition of the plate, and then analyzed.

"Who dared to break into the restricted area of ​​the Witch King Palace!!"

Before anyone arrived, an angry roar came first.

Accompanied by the "rumbling" flame explosion, the dark underground space stretched out, and several light spots flickered, flying quickly from far to near.

Leiluo and Bibilis looked sideways, and they were actually surrounded by three red-robed wizards surrounded by skeletons of skeletons burning with blazing flames. After seeing the yellow sand pouring down their heads, the color of anger almost wanted to kill them. People shred.

"Master Bibilis, do you know this red-robed wizard?"

Bibilis chuckled and shook his head: "I have never heard of a wizard who can control this lava skeleton, but these three lava skeletons are so unique and powerful that they can still clearly perceive the radiance of them tens of meters apart. Because of the high temperature, I think this red-robed wizard should also be a certain wizard king here. It's just that she is so angry because she lives in seclusion nearby. He came to investigate and question him as soon as possible."

[The Kiss of Death] Bibilis briefly analyzed it, and she has already guessed everything from the beginning to the end.

The red-robed sorcerer Lu Senhan almost used the sound squeezed from deep in his throat, gritted his teeth and said: "The sacrifice ritual that has been prepared for many years has been destroyed, you..."


The red-robed wizard's gaze, after seeing Lei Luo's figure, seemed to have discovered something, the words that came to his mouth were swallowed back alive, his pupils shrank suddenly.

Immediately, the menacing red-robed wizard, under the stunned gaze of Leilo and Bibilis, did not look back, and fled back the same way.

He is even more anxious than when he came!


Bibilis reacted after a moment of horror, and couldn't help but jokingly said: "It seems that the master is famous, he seems to be famous in the underground world, he seems to recognize you?"

Wearing an X mask and wearing the most common robe, Lei Luo's almost obvious characteristics, the possibility of the other party recognizing Lei Luo is almost negligible, I want to come to most of it has some special ability, and found that Lei Luo is hidden by the law of gravity The power of the law comes out.


At Lei Luo's feet, a bubble exploded.

With the help of the impact of the bubble explosion on the sole of the foot, Leiluo's speed was surprisingly fast, and he appeared twenty meters away in a flash, and then the bubble under the other foot exploded again, with a pop, the figure once again disappeared.

After repeating this several times, Lei Luo actually came first, and had already caught up with the fleeing red-robed wizard.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie, since your Excellency came in such a hurry, why bother to go back in such a hurry?"

Seeing this, the red-robed wizard protected by the three lava skeleton skeletons panicked and smiled: "Misunderstanding, I just misunderstood the master! I have business at home now, so I won't be here with the master."

After that, the lava flames of the three skeletons were connected to each other and twisted into one.

The speed of the red robe wizard also increased sharply, and he continued to flee forward.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie, what do you think of me here? Come and leave if you want?"

With a sneer, Lei Luo, who was moving at high speed, stretched out his right index finger, and a twisted black ball gradually formed, which was fleeting.

"Three-level singularity."

Although it was only a three-level singularity technique, it was enough to deal with this red robe wizard.


Seeing Lei Luo launching an attack, the red-robed wizard gritted his teeth, separated a lava skeleton skeleton, and rushed toward the inconspicuous black ball.

Before the skeleton arrived, he opened the building first, spit out a dark purple fireball, and smashed it at Singularity.

At the same time, the bone knife in its hand also slammed into the black ball.


The dark purple fireball was broken by the black singularity after only a slight stalemate.

As the bone knife of this lava skeleton was smashed into singularity, an astonishing scene appeared. The flames surrounding the skeleton seemed to be scattered like fairy flowers, absorbed and engulfed by black spots from all directions.

next moment.

Silent wailing, the skeleton of this skeleton was twisted, swallowed by the singularity technique, completely gone.

Seeing that the lava skeleton he had cultivated so painstakingly was so vulnerable, he was instantly defeated by this mysterious man. The red-robed wizard was so frightened that he was so scared that he was so scared that he could not afford to encounter it today. Old monster.

However, Lei Luo's pursuit speed is equally amazing.

Over the past two decades, in the process of being chased and killed by Superman, speed has long been no longer a weakness of Reilo.

It can be seen that, just a few more flashes, Lei Luo can catch up with the fugitive wizard in front.

At this time.

After several figures from further afield came here along the source of the explosion shock, they seemed to have discovered the abnormality here and recognized the identity of the fugitive wizard in front.

"Hey, isn't that the three heart-fire demons cultivated by the witch king!"

A wizard who discovered the identity of the red robe wizard took the initiative to fly.

However, the enthusiasm on its face to make friends quickly froze, and then turned away without looking back.

Just a short moment.

The mysterious gray-robed bachelor actually destroyed the three most complacent souls of the cursing old demon, and captured the deterrent old ghost on the spot in the dark world of the underground Ronghu Lake.

Such a scene, how can we not let this wizard who wants to make friends with amazement.


Lei Luo drove a huge bubble, wrapped the red-robed wizard in his confinement, and said coldly: "Where is the Great Witch King of the Sky Shadow?"

"I do not know!"

The red robe wizard had an unusually firm tone.

At this time, after he calmed down, he was even more sure that the unfathomable and terrifying power of this scholar wearing the X mask was not at all comparable to the average Witch King. Even the Sky Shadow Great Witch King was not sure.

I'm so unlucky!

Puff through.

At this moment.

A giant suddenly rushed out from the bottom of the lake and attacked Lei Luo who was caught off guard.

When Leiluo turned his head and looked around, it was a blue-grey one-eyed giant golem about three meters tall.

It's just that this one-eyed giant golem has a snake tail and six arms. It looks hideous and terrifying, but also full of violent beauty.

"Is this the golem guard Bibilis said?"

With a layer of bubbles wrapped around his fist, Lei Luo suddenly blasted a punch.

Lei Luo is indeed very confident about his strong physique at this moment, and the facts are indeed exactly as Lei Luo expected. After the powerful force was poured into the golem, the cracks suddenly spread, and then there was a "boom", and the scene fell apart on the spot. Explode.

This kind of golem is okay against ordinary third-level scholars, but for Leiluo, it seems a little out of the table.


In the mist of the explosion, another eye suddenly lit up, and a mental shock wave was violently launched.

Although the mental shock wave only caused Lei Luo's body to sway, and had little effect, it reminded Lei Luo of a powerful underground creature that had had a brief meeting for the first time.

"The beholder in Pangula Heights?"

the other side.

Seeing Leiluo raised his hand to solve the guardian golem here, he wanted to take this opportunity to try to sneak attack the red robe wizard who got away, but his face suddenly became bloodless and completely desperate.

Before Leiluo asked again, he shouted: "The Witch King Palace is in that direction, and all the black shining stones are under the unified management and distribution of the Great Witch King! Let me go, I will say anything!"


Leiluo admired this person quite a bit, which also saved himself a lot of trouble.

Just about to ask about the golem again, suddenly, aware of the danger, Lei Luo jumped sharply, and almost avoided the brilliant light.

On the other side, the cursed witch king who was imprisoned by the bubble gave a "poof", his head was penetrated by the ray of essence on the spot, exploded, the white viscous body was mixed with red blood, and he could not die anymore.

And the Jingmang who succeeded in one blow was extremely fast, but turned at an acute angle that did not conform to the dynamics, and disappeared into the darkness.

"The Holy Magic Weapon of Tears of Dawn!!"

After recognizing the identity of the gleam of light just now, Lei Luo suddenly roared: "Brother Shatuolo, haven't you shown up yet?"

"Brother Lei Luo, you have become stronger."

Void and dark, and the voice is misty.

Shadrauo's low voice seemed to reach Lei Luo's ears, like a murmur between relatives and friends.

"Go back with to hand over the tears of dawn and confess my mistake to the tutor!"

Lei Luo tried his best to find the trail of Shadra, and roared loudly.

"Ha ha ha ha, go back? After so many years, it seems that you still don't understand anything, Junior Brother, or you are willing to be deceived by the Holy See, in this cage, continue to live in this cage."

Sadra's extremely disappointed tone was like looking at a child who had failed his expectations.

Ray Luosensen shot back: "No! You don't understand anything! Even if the world of Aurora is beautiful, it does not belong to us. We were born here, we grew up here, even if this is a prison, we are also this Indigenous prisoners, it carries all our memories of growth! Respect the teacher and respect the teachings, and pass on from generation to generation. All our memories are here. Are we all in vain in this world these years!"


In the emptiness and darkness, the figure sighed: "You are willing to be the ignorant native here, you...really disappointed me."

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