Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 593: Remains of Glory (Part 1)

Hum whoo...

The mad sand of the death storm is like a ridiculous laughter in the depths of nightmares, which makes people unable to help but produce the deepest uneasiness and inexplicable trembling from the heart.

Even if the visibility is less than one meter, the outside world seen through the energy hood is dim between heaven and earth, but the soldiers still need to be stationed to deal with the dangers that may occur at any time.

As for the danger?

It is everywhere in the desert of death.

"After another half hourglass, it will be dark."

The voice was low, and the airship helmsman sipped his tea and murmured low.


The first officer wiped his dry eyes and walked down from the look-out mirror to replace the second officer.

The observing mirror is a newest magic product purchased by the Vladimir Heavy Machinery Factory from the Academy of Distant Wind and Ophthalmology, which can increase the visibility of the balloon airship in the death storm by more than ten times. Therefore, once this product was launched, it attracted The attention of the Radik Academy of Sciences, even if it is expensive, is still installed on every heavy balloon airship.

The Academy of Sciences, which invented the Storm Watch, has also changed from the initial insignificant position, almost uncommon, to Vladik, who specially opened a balloon airship flight, which has become increasingly important.

One of the rules of the airship.

Unless the critical period, the first and second mates will almost never reveal to others what they have observed, their expressions will always be so calm, as if nothing has happened.


After confirming the time, buckle up the pocket watch cover, the first officer said: "I'll go and inform the captain."

Night is coming, a serious topic!

In the era of radiant wasteland, even in major wind and eye schools, the night is also a very dangerous time, not to mention that these balloon airships that left the shelter of the wind and eye schools and drove in death storms are incomplete statistics. More than 90% of the accidents Airships happen at night.

Therefore, in response to this crisis, the captains of balloon airships of major wind and eye academies have established a series of strict rules after long-term research, and each crew member must strictly abide by them.

After a moment.

Rumbling rumbling.

As the airship bellows made a heavy buzz, the balloon airship, which was originally flying at a relatively safe height of 1,000 meters above the ground, began to land slowly, and as the height was lower, the death storm mad sand gradually began to weaken. Visibility to the naked eye reaches about ten meters.

However, it was accompanied by the fact that the sand particles became dense.

Jingle bells.

Finally, with the frequent ripples of the energy protection cover, everyone in the death storm saw the ground. With the sound of "long", as the solar energy reactor hanged by the balloon airship first landed on the ground, this ship has been driving for half a day. The balloon airship also slowly landed on the ground.

"Everyone listens!"

On the deck, the captain warned the crowd for the second time.

"At night, when the balloon airship will turn off all energy and power, everyone must strictly abide by the relevant rules and regulations, and must learn to use the wettest vocal cords in the **** to lower the sound shell to the sound of mosquitoes, or it is better to let themselves Become dumb! All those who talk about dreams and snore, it is best for me to open my eyes overnight and hold my mouth, otherwise I don’t mind tearing off your mouth, even peeing you better squat me On the ground! In short, there must be silence, quietness, and stillness of all sounds! It is dangerous outside. If someone wants to go out to death, I will not stop, but if I dare to bring the danger back..."

The warnings that follow are only for the Protestants.

In the death storm, if there is no power of the Arcane scholars, even if there are only a few steps, it will be a crisis of nine deaths.


The crew ate some simple dry food that they carried with them. As the sky gradually dimmed, the captain finally patrolled a circle of decks. After confirming that no one was there, the low vibration in the cabin, the noise of the energy power cabin gradually subsided, and the airship suddenly became quiet. Quietly, only the death storm mad sand outside.

Everyone was silent, and the darkness was full of depression.

Only the heartbeat, breathing, and dry food in the mouth was slowly chewing in the cabin.

Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding......

With the closure of energy power, the protective cover outside the balloon airship also weakened and disappeared.

Suddenly, the dense metal collision sound came from outside the metal wall. It was the amazing speed of fragments carried by the death storm, hitting the special metal outer wall of the airship, as if it could tear the outer metal wall at any time.


I don't know who it was, but murmured with a mosquito.

Immediately, in the large room, there was only the sound of metal clanging outside.

It can be imagined what kind of horror the flesh and blood faced with this intensive impact!

Of course not everyone sleeps in the cabin like this.

The black-faced shadow and Master Evil, both of them have to come out. According to Xiao Kang’s instructions, they are responsible for completely embedding the half-covered solar reactor in the fine sand to prevent the impact and erosion of the death storm overnight. The delicate structure inside the instrument caused damage and waited for the next day before digging out.

Facing this big metal guy with a length of more than 20 meters and more than one hundred tons, even for the two, it is a difficult task.

"You're in charge of that, I'm in charge of this, I will contact you as soon as possible."


Soon, the two set a mission in the death storm and disappeared into each other's vision.


The two people who were busy burying the solar energy reactor in the desert would not be aware of it. Just a few tens of meters away, a figure suddenly fell from the sky to the desert, and at a speed visible to the naked eye, slowly Sink into the yellow sand.

And this man is Lei Luo!

The **** full moon covered by Kuangsha, like a nightmare's eyes, exudes a strong and unknown atmosphere, peering into the earth.

By comparison.

The other dark red celestial body, who also gazed at the earth, hardly noticed. Its gaze gazed towards the ground where Lei Luo had just dived.

In the yellow sand, the pressure underneath is increasing, but Raylo continues to explore downward despite the pressure.

"According to the coordinates, before the end of the radiant waste soil, here is indeed the ruins of the city of Gran God. Although God City is not a big city, the end of the radiant waste soil is only ten years old, and it is impossible that it has already passed away... "


Suddenly, Lei Luo, who was buried in the deep sand, noticed something strange in his spirit.

Using the super-body dive, Lei Luo approached a building covered in yellow sand at a depth of 50 meters.

It can be seen that the energy prohibition without the support of energy power was once a large-scale building. After recalling it, Lei Luo judged that it was a scholar's private laboratory.

In this way, Lei Luo violently rushed into the building.

The spiritual power is all over the body surface, and the ultra-integrated Lei Luo is naturally not blocked by this building that has lost its energy prohibition and protection. With a bang, he easily entered the old building where the table was sealed for more than 20 years. internal.

what! ?

With a whisper, the empty space, Lei Luo looked around, the interior space of this building was surprisingly huge.

This is far beyond Raylo's expectations.

After all, the motivation of Lei Luo's dive was just to find some sealed memories, and never thought there were other unexpected discoveries.

Rustling rustling...

The breakthrough hole that kept pouring into Huangsha behind him was sealed.

In the hands of Lei Luo, there was another spar lamp. With a weak light source, Lei Luo looked at this empty architectural mural and some remaining decorations. According to preliminary judgment, it is indeed a scholar's laboratory. .

However, the yellow sand at the foot is also telling Rello that the building has not been intact and sealed in the ground for two decades.

After a little searching, Rello found a broken spot in this building.

This yellow sand was eroded into the damaged area, and several crushed bone fragments were particularly conspicuous.

"Adult body sandworms."

He murmured, but Rello didn't care.

Since the loss of Aurora’s phoenix shelter, the land of the star curtain has been transformed into an endless desert. The sandworms gradually spreading in the furnace desert have almost become the most common dangerous creatures in the desert. The adult sandworms grow from 5 meters to The range of 15 meters is a huge threat to ordinary scholars, but it is not important for Lei Luo and worth mentioning.

He squatted down and carefully distinguished the human bones that had been crushed by an astonishing weight.

Obviously The owners of these skeletons are the sandworms that suffered after death, otherwise their treatment should be to become the feces of the sandworms, rather than being crushed into fragments by the sandworms.

With Rayloe's right index fingertip, a daunting, gravitational academic precision control, a ray of smoke-like white gas floated from these skeletons.

Raylow savored the information in this plume of gas.

"Behind the glory that the heart insists on, it is despair and fear, there is a trace of regret, and a persistent obsession..."

Lei Luo has read so much information from this corpse that has been dead for more than 20 years, which is beyond the imagination of ordinary scholars!

He saw a huge underground secret space.

In the secret space, the tall figure who chose to completely cover this place in history, everyone was buried in despair.


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