Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 587: Law Weapon (49)

[Flame growler] appeared.

He obviously felt in the wind's eyes, and after that breath fell to the bottom, the demon **** who increased at a horrifying speed again.

That terrifying breath, even him, could not help but have a trace of awe, reason told him that he must not violate the majesty of that creature, he must escape immediately.

"Quick, leave here immediately!!"

Almost unabashedly anxious growl, [Flame growler] pulled Sicily.

Although the two are political enemies, it is his duty to protect her from returning to Zealand this time.


Sicily growled anxiously as he watched Relo, still untouched.

Zi Zi.

On the wind wall, the black phoenix claws opened a crack fiercely again, the black blood ran, and the eyes of hatred. It had disdained to talk to these humble dead people again, and it was about to break free of this wind eye and take all it can The little thing that feels the big threat belongs to decay, and then destroy the metal fortress, but see Sicily in anxious gesture, and suddenly reach out a finger, the index finger tip condenses a chaotic light ball.

this is?

It's not just Raylo, the two people around him, their eyes are completely resting on this ball of light.

call out.

The light ball flickered and suddenly appeared on the unwilling wind wall beside the black phoenix, and in its original cautious eyes, the inexplicable gaze gazed at it. After the light ball fell on the wind wall, it was Quickly merged, and gradually opened another crack.


No abnormality seems to have occurred.

Black Phoenix will naturally not wait for this kind of thing to study and wait, it struggles again, but soon, it notices an anomaly. The attraction in this mini wind eye is constantly increasing at an alarming rate. Pull it back into the wind eye constantly!

And when it looked again at the crack where the light ball melted, I saw that the natural energy in all directions seemed to be attracted by some kind of constraint, and it was constantly pouring into the interior of this mini wind eye, forming a terrible pressure inside. Vortex!

It was also at this time.

Antonio's frozen wall shadow demon, after experiencing the initial freezing and dissolution of the ice, is no longer bound by the regional conditions, and began to spread in all directions, and instinctively gathered here to the black phoenix.

"Go away!!!"

As a higher demon god, the Black Phoenix will naturally not be afraid of these things.

Under the terrible divine power, these gathered shadows quickly dissipated, but they could still feel the peep in the dark shadows, and they were almost immortal.

"Tough guy! Hey!!"

As early as in the underground world, I knew the horror of these things. I originally thought that these things have been extinct over time on the abandoned waste ground. Now, it seems that the idea is too simple. This thing seems to be pervasive and ubiquitous!

The blood of the black phoenix dripped, causing the thunderous flame egg in the Raylo space box to jump wildly, stemming from the deepest desire in the bloodline, staring at the terrible suction inside the wind eye, and constantly retreating back to the wind eye vortex Inside the black phoenix, Lei Luo looked at Sicily and said, "Come on, this is my home, I won't go anywhere."

"You are looking for your own way!!"

Sicily exclaimed: "The foundation of its faith is not in it. The Alpha Storm vortex can only trap it for a while. Don't be obsessed with it anymore, the Grand Duchy will soon become hell!"


huh huh huh huh.

Lei Luo chuckled, seeming to restore a trace of grace and calmness, calmly said: "How to leave here, just escape from one **** to another area, you will soon understand."

Sicily couldn't say anything more when he looked at the perplexed Rello. After shaking his head in pain, he resolutely turned away.

"Bring them!"

Lei Luo will entrust the last two people beside him.

Take a deep breath.

Calmly look at this eye that has not been born yet, it has been destroyed by Sicily's Alpha biological extermination weapon.

It is a pity that Antonio wishes, a natural ecological laboratory.

Although it is natural energy that is injected into the wind eye through the cracks at this moment, it is not the death storm, but the pressure vortex formed inside is still a catastrophic disaster that is difficult to survive for most creatures.

With a silent sigh, Leroy had two more items in his hand.

Thunder Phoenix Egg and a reagent.

Although the vortex in the wind eye is terrible, but as Sicily said, he also does not believe that this terrifying demon will be bound by this vortex of death!

Looking up at the sky and meditating on the equation calculation, he did his best to exert his own gravitational traction, after locking a tens of meters of synchronous orbit floating island debris at the edge of the atmosphere, slowly reducing its speed to make it faster It is no longer possible to escape the macroscopic attraction of the star screen world.

The process of summoning star meteorology requires considerable preparation time.

But the speed of the rotten Demon God Black Phoenix is ​​obviously far beyond the speed of Lei Luo's preparation.


When the black paws ripped open the wind wall again and flew out hard, this was the third time it tried to break free of this wind eye.

Unprecedented misfortune.

The empty power of the body has returned to the edge of danger. It must return to the ethnic group as soon as possible. In this way, it tells the slaves that they have completed the contract and will no longer use them as materials, thus driving them to feel at ease for themselves. To die!

In all directions, those little things fled, and the angry black phoenix saw a little anger after seeing this.

At least they did not carry out the aggression to the end, the deepest part of their hearts was still fearing themselves!

But soon, it found a heterogeneity.

"Small thing, why don't you run away, do you still want to continue to challenge my majesty!!!"

What the Black Phoenix eyes looked, it was naturally Lei Luo.

With a slight smile, Lei Luo looked at this black phoenix, who was just Michelle, and said, "Little thing? You haven't realized that you are the real little thing! One of my pets needs your blood to evolve and grow again. As a true ancient creature, can you contribute your blood to me?"

The black phoenix noticed the phoenix in Lei Luo's hand, exuding a touch of light.

"I can eat you!"


The Shield of 1024 Nights was instantly covered with cracks, and as the shield shattered instantly, Lei Luo laughed arrogantly: "桀桀桀桀, level 4 singularity!"

call out.

Twisted light and darkness, the black ball shot toward the black phoenix without going forward, and the air twisted out layers of ripples along the way, but saw the once unfavorable singularity, it was actually held by a paw that the black phoenix stretched out of thin air!

After a stalemate between the two, with the scream of the Black Phoenix, the singularity finally "boomed", the internal structure collapsed and exploded in space.

"Small things, I underestimated you! Decaying curse!"

This black phoenix's counterattack is an essential attack from the level of law that only level 5 creatures can master.

In the eyes of the laws that can be reached at the biological level, the black veins are like terrifying cancer cell infections, which have spread and eroded to Lei Luo, and are including them, absorbing his energy.


With a groan, the twisted light of Lei Luo's body dissipated.

This method has sufficient resistance to general attacks, but it is almost worthless to the attack of the decaying devil, and it is almost a waste of energy.

The dark green runes of the cloak of doom suddenly flickered and flickered, and some of the runes suddenly burst into flames, burning like flames, turning into a greasy bat, telling the history of this great civilization, Guarding the momentary tranquility under the cloak.

"what is this!"

Never touched such a treasure, Black Phoenix was incredible for a while.

"Although it's not the best time... Call of the Sun."

At this moment the sun has almost risen, the sun has crossed the horizon and is in the softest stage, and the intensity of the sun's eye is therefore at the weakest moment of the day.

But Raylo had no more options.


Suddenly, the body of the black phoenix suddenly raised his head, looking up at the dark red giant eye with a diameter of nearly 100 meters above his head gradually forming. The golden pupil absorbed the sun rays in all directions and was slowly focusing. With a humanized light of contempt , Overlooking over.

Under the overwhelming pressure, the light of destruction gathered.


The screams of horror, the terrifying heat, even penetrated its surface defense easily?

Soon, it noticed anomalies.

The power of his own law was influenced by some unknown method and became dull. This is the harmless hint state that Raylow applied on the fourth-level singularity.

But for unknown creatures, the way of attacking is unknown, and for the decaying deities who are close to the fifth-level creatures and have mastered the essence of some laws, they have found the reason from the essence. It remobilized the divine power and abandoned its defenseless state.


Seeing this, Raylow couldn't help murmuring.

If you can summon the Eye of the Sun at noon, you may be able to hit the harmless opponent with a single blow, but now the opponent has prepared for his own academics.


The black phoenix spit out a large mouth of magic clouds, spreading for thousands of kilometers, easily covering the eyes of the sun, and the intensity of the sunlight cast by the eyes of the sun suddenly weakened by half, which was no longer enough to fear.


At this moment, Rello felt a sudden pain and noticed the abnormality.

He looked down with difficulty, and a black feather was inserted into his chest, and the wound was spreading like a burning dust around the feather, and a fist-sized black hole quickly melted.

Indifferently, the black phoenix said: "It's over."

With a smirk, Lei Luo knew that this avatar had reached an irreparable end, he said softly: "Is it?"

Rumble, Rumble, Rumble!

That's a star in the sky, falling down on it!

The creatures inhabiting the underground world have almost never experienced such fear. It is the magnificence of directly facing the power of the universe celestial body. Even if the decayed phoenix is ​​now a trembling horror from biological instincts, it can only watch. That magnificent, rubbing the atmosphere, gliding with a flaming tail flame, accompanied by the air vibration between heaven and earth, the high temperature dived.

boom! ! ! ! ! !

Earth-shattering explosions, turbulent waves of mountains and oceans, sweeping everything on the surface.

The Black Phoenix curled up into a ball, as if it recalled the battle that followed the dark true demon, and was helpless in the face of another real demon's lord, Hongwei.

After a long time.

Pain and suffering, as the surroundings gradually calmed down, it finally opened its **** wings and looked back at everything around it.

The ground was smashed with a raging fire crater, hundreds of meters in diameter!

The wind behind him was incomplete.

Feeling the weak power of the body, almost weak to the limit, it was excited and said in a low voice: "Hum hum hum, I survived, I survived! I am no longer the weak me, I really have Become stronger than ever, this is the power of the true demon!"

"Cough, after all, did you get to this point..."

Ok! ?

The weak voice surprised the Black Phoenix horror, and screamed like a predator, then retreated.

But I saw only one head of Lei Luo left in the air, floating like a There was still a pale flame dripping around his neck, and a ray of decaying force continued to erode up, and it There is a glass test tube in his mouth, and an egg contaminated with his own blood is floating beside him.

Decaying divine power is eroding him, even if only one head is left!


Black Phoenix was relieved.

He was about to get rid of this guy, but he saw Lei Luo smiled indifferently, and looked up at the sky behind him.


The black phoenix glanced towards the **** meniscus that was slightly dim under the dawn sun, the cosmic celestial body exuding an eternal and unknown atmosphere.

next moment.

With a cold light, the exhausted black phoenix resisted for only a short time, and then "popped", and the body disappeared with the smooth and mirror-like evaporation of the 200-meter-deep earth in the shadow.

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