Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 573: Law Weapon (35)

Huh, Huh, Huh ...

A violent gasp, the heart is almost exploding, this is not just the fatigue after vigorous exercise, but also the overwhelming fear!

Nuoqiu was just an ordinary soldier.

Since the Grand Duchy launched a self-defense counterattack, he signed up immediately and joined the great war, hoping to gain infinite glory under the great Grand victory.

The overwhelming monster did not crush his faith.

The cruel death did not make him flinch.

However, the strangeness that began to happen over the past two days made it difficult for him to maintain the peace he once was.


a few minutes ago.

The roar of the distant sky, the sky under the illuminating bombs, and several magic objects passing through the magic cloud flashed from time to time, fighting fiercely with the elite sky knights, the ground troops can still enjoy the temporary calm for the time being.

This is the edge of the battlefield.

Compared with the battlefield in the center of fierce fighting, the soldiers on the edge are relatively idle. At least when no large-scale monsters are found, the soldiers stationed on the ground here can also have some leisure time of their own. Pray or accomplish some personal things.

Vertigo briefly.

Nuoqiu felt his own body, and once again appeared weak in a trance.

Since the radiation weapon exploded that day, physical discomfort began to appear gradually.

At first it was just some rashes and insomnia, and now he is gradually showing symptoms of anemia and dizziness. He is determined that once he has enough military power, he must go to the tower to find a magician consultant there.


This kind of weakness is more than yourself!

Especially those soldiers who survived the frontline of the radiation weapon explosion, I heard that some people's situation is more serious, and even reached the point of hematuria.

Fear has begun to spread among the bottom soldiers.

But what reminded Ruoqiu was that the noble magician advisor in this team seemed to be worried about another matter these two days.

This is an old nobleman who is probably over one hundred years old.

It may be too old, so that his gray beard looks so dry, the concave eyes under the cloak look like dead fish eyes, and the wand made of unknown plants in his hand becomes his cane. The two soldiers meditated under the protection of the two soldiers.

His eyes looked like a depleted kerosene lamp, looking into the distance.

Generally speaking.

Every two-hundred-person team will be equipped with a magician consultant. These noble magicians often have some insight and wisdom that ordinary people can't reach, helping soldiers to solve doubts.

Recently, there have been frequent rumors of ‘haunting’ and the people are uneasy. The soldiers have reported this situation to the squadron ’s magician advisor, but they have never been able to get an answer.

Nuoqiu didn't quite believe in the so-called ghost talk.

In the tragic war killing, he has n’t prayed for a long time. The atheism of the Grand Academy of Natural Sciences has also become the belief of many people, making these people the earliest people who dare to pursue freedom, and even gradually developed into egoism Activists.

Nuoqiu is one of them!

He only believed in himself.

Goo, goo, goo ...

"Captain, I'm going to make it easier!"

The captain is a burly man. He usually has a good relationship with Nuoqiu. He used to be a believer in the goddess of wisdom. In recent years, he was gradually influenced by the customs of the Principality and gradually gave up his faith.

He looked over, and there was a scary scar in the corner of his eyes. After seeing Nuoqiu, a smile appeared on his face.

"Don't run away, solve it quickly. It hasn't been cleaned here yet. Be careful not to become a bone devil's snack."


The gastrointestinal tumbling, intermittent pain, pulled him from his thoughts to reality.

After a short trot, he came to this more remote and dark **** and squatted down to solve his problems.

The excretion was very smooth, and his depressed mood, which was full of worry, was slightly better, but the intermittent pain in the abdomen did not stop.

During the war, Nuoqiu will never take it lightly.

He noticed not far away, a figure who was constantly looking for something.

After observing for a while, Nuoqiu confirmed that the other person was indeed a figure, slightly relaxed, and the right hand holding the handle slightly relaxed.

The figure seemed a bit anxious, rummaging through the distance, moving the dead bodies that had already begun to rot.

"Hey, what are you looking for, there are only corpses here."

The black robe figure did not speak, only anxious gasps.

Noticing that something was wrong, Nuoqiu lifted his pants, held the knife handle again, and stared at the approaching figure. When something went wrong, he would attack immediately.


Suddenly, he shot.

The alertness of the war prevented him from dragging on the mud, and the long sword of the demon hunt was submerged into the phantom body. This is the high-level magic guide props he exchanged for military power. Under the magic master, even the top monsters can cause considerable damage.

Nuo Qiu said with a smile: "Hum, since you don't like to talk, don't say it!"

At this time, a terrifying and weird scene appeared.

The figure raised his head, and the robe was empty under the robe. There was only a black thread of tobacco. He wept: "I, I, I am looking for my face, do you see my face, oh oh ... … "

The voice was somber and slow, like the decaying swamp bubbles in the dry wood graveyard.

Sen Leng's coolness instantly spread from the heel to the back, a goose bump appeared, and Nuoqiu's hand was shaking, because in his gaze, this unknown terrorist creature, the black smoke was constantly changing, and it gradually emerged itself. Facial features silhouette.

He tried hard to pull out the Demon Hunting Blade, but instead an amazing attraction came from the opponent's body, drawing the War Blade into its body a little.

"Ooooooo, why don't you give me your face, okay ..."

what! ! ! !

A short, rapid cry of despair aroused the alert of nearby soldiers.

When two soldiers in heavy armor came to investigate, Nuoqiu, who had recovered as usual, smiled and said: "I didn't know what to eat in these two days, maybe I didn't have a good rest, just diarrhea, I'm really embarrassed."

"It's so loud to pull a stomach, you have a baby!"


After searching casually nearby, the two found nothing strange, snorted uncomfortably, and gradually went away.

In the dark, Nuoqiu, who smiled, smiled, and his face was gradually cold.

He looked at his body first, very curious, and then seemed to notice something strange. After frowning for a moment, he noticed the excrement just now.

A large amount of blood was mixed in the excrement, and if you look closely, it is a piece of mucous membrane that has been visceral!

"This skin case seems to be contaminated with an unknown substance. Even without me, these contaminants are destroying his vitality, and these things seem to have a great impact on me. It is seriously hindering my End of mind control, ha ... "

Mumbling to himself, he yawned wearily.

"This is not good news."

A trance, when Nuoqiu woke up again, had appeared in a wilderness.

He looked around in amazement and stood there for a while without turning back.

What just happened?

I feel like I am asleep!

It seems like a trance, from ... that unrelated ghost! !

He remembered something. He was shocked with cold sweat, looked around in horror, but his shoulder was suddenly slapped. He instinctively pulled out the blade of the demon hunt, but heard a surprised laugh from the side.

"Hey, Nuoqiu, wouldn't you be a ghost, look at your bear!"

The ghost here refers to something weird and evil in the Holy Book of Light, which is similar to the deceiving demons.


It was Nuojiu's friend Blond Jack, who was relieved, and Nuoqiu concealed: "You just hit the ghost, I don't care what the ghost is!"

"Hahahaha, what are you doing standing here coldly? The captain said that we must rush to the lookout tower five kilometers away in half an hourglass, where it is suffering ..."

boom! !

Between the two people talking ~ ~ is abrupt, far away from the far horizon, accompanied by a deafening explosion, the horizon is like a newborn sun in the morning, and bursts of red light.

Everyone who witnessed this scene couldn't help but stop.

"what happened?"

There is the direction of Moon Bay, where the legendary Grand Duchy leads to the underground cave of the underground world.


Then, when the second explosion sonic wave, separated by hundreds of kilometers, spread like a thunder, and even made some weak monsters in the sky dizzy, and some fell, and people returned to reality.

"The weapon of law."

I don't know who it is, word by word, murmured.

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