The latest website: More and more monsters are attached.

Unable to bear the pressure, the evil eye king had to slowly say: "It's a magic egg."

Magic egg?

In the doubts of everyone, the evil eye king slowly explained.

"In this surface world, I stumbled upon a mutated Thunder Phoenix. Knowing that the true origin of the decaying **** is the Phoenix, and the power of the Phoenix is ​​the power of Nirvana. Every time Nirvana is a crisis, It is also a chance to regenerate talents. If the decaying **** can learn the blood of this mutated Thunder Phoenix, even if it only enhances a trace of the divine origin, if he completes another Nirvana rebirth, the divine power he possessed then ... hum!

The evil eye king sneered.

It seems that I want to take this opportunity to make my ethnic branch better able to approach the decaying god.

Immediately afterwards, he sighed again with anger.

"After I tried my best to catch it, it took too much damage and risked Nirvana as a phoenix egg. Fortunately, Nirvana succeeded. I was surprised to take advantage of this opportunity to lose money and plate it into the lava body talent, Sending a close family member to send it to the hands of the decaying god, but he was unexpectedly killed by a wandering human guardian on the way! "

Wow ...

Hearing the evil demons of Lei Cha about the causes and consequences, the demons were in an uproar.

This evil eye king, at the expense of the decayed god, at any cost, actually took advantage of this mutant Thunder Phoenix Nirvana reconstruction, the source of the loss was plated into the lava talent, in order to win a chance of the decayed god, and then for the ethnic group Won great chance.


Since the matter is related to the great demon **** above, and among the many demon gods, the famous decaying demon god, the devil handsome here are no longer greedy, no matter how powerful they are behind them, they dare not dare to think again.

"It turns out that the devil has lost its source for this matter. No wonder this small human town is about to convene a large army to siege. Hahaha, since this matter is related to the great decaying god, we respond to the devil's call!"

"Hahahaha, exactly, exactly!"

The demons turned around and met again.

Rello from the audience was surprised.

Mutated Thunder Phoenix, isn't it the first time you arrived at Redridge Ridge, together with Beyond Juggernaut, the abdomen magic pet mount?

Phoenix bloodline creatures are extremely rare, not to mention Thunder's attributes.

Although Rello did not dare to say that this was the only one in this world, in the land of the star curtain, there would never be a second one.

Because Lei Luo had some feelings with it, it was not easy to read her blood, and she did not have the heart to collect it as a specimen when she left the star curtain, but released it.

did not expect.

It actually returned to Dubite Province.

After the underground monster was born and invaded, it was captured by the thunderbolt evil eye demon king.

According to what the devil said, it has been seriously injured at the moment, and after the success of Nirvana, it turned into a magic egg?

If so.

This matter, this magic egg, no matter how you want to fight!

Rello secretly made up his mind that if he could enter the town and give himself some time to communicate the ontology and bring back some of the power of the ontology, even if it was a hard hit, he was still sure enough.

What's more, these monsters simply couldn't recognize their face.

Thinking like this, Lei Luo sinks his mind and continues to wait for the opportunity here silently.

At the same time, Rello couldn't help but wonder, what secrets are there in this town!

"it is good!"

Lei Cha evil eye demon Shuang Lang said: "You are assured that although the guardian magic circle of this human town is powerful, I have followed the decaying **** for the underground world for many years. There are also many rebels in the underground world that have similar powers. With the coping method, you only need to listen to my command at that time, and within ten days, you will inevitably break through this human town! "


But then again.

These monsters uttered their words, and they were pure Dubite dialects, which made Reiluo really puzzled.

Could it be that during the reproduction of these monsters, the underground world has been influenced by the power of certain higher monster laws and can rely on devouring other creatures to gain some evolution?

If this is the case.

Most likely, it should be the dark devil who has not yet been born!

Reminiscent of the human face spider seems to have similar abilities, and has become a close-serving upper class under the dark real devil under the ground, plus the dark world's Shatuola has been deep into the ground, and Sicily's guesses about the underground world's monster migration and the just rebel Speech.

The biggest possibility is.

The true god-level forces of the underground world disagree on whether to return to the surface, and then internal divisions

This dark true demon, has been successfully fooled by the dark world and the human face spider!

"20 radiation weapons, that is, 200 grams of astral essence, this war ... hehe hehe hey!"

While Lei Luo sneered secretly here.


Under the direction of Lei Cha evil eye king, a group of evil eyes flew out of the nest. These evil eyes were entangled with several disheveled human young girls. Stone table dinner plate.


"woo woo woo woo……"

These human girls, after seeing the brutal forms of the demons and the unsuspecting bloodthirsty and greedy eyes, screamed and continued to struggle, but they even more stimulated these monsters and made them more excited Start to rush to eat.

The bloodthirsty carnival scene is like a nightmare hell.

It was with Raylo's heart and mind that when he saw such a scene, there was a hint of coldness at the moment.

On the stone table at Lei Luo, a blonde young girl was also assigned. Her clothes were not wrapped, her skin could be blown, and she looked slightly sensual.

After seeing Lei Luo's grisly human face, she screamed on the stone table, struggling, crying like a tearful man.

Rello would never eat humans like those monsters.

"Well, if you don't mind, I ..."

It's that fat monster pushed by fat again!

After cruelly eating the human in front of him, it kept licking the blood stains on his mouth and saw that Lei Luo didn't mean to eat, and caught his attention again.


Lei Luo opened his jaws to reveal the dense fine teeth in his mouth, and three pairs of spider legs made a gesture of demonstrative claws and dancing, which suddenly made the big meaty monster curl up and look quite harmless.

"Hee hee, since you have no appetite, why not change it?"

The monster wearing a girl's skin around Lei Luo also did not eat the curled girl in front of him. He wanted to exchange with Lei Luo when he was very interested in the girl in front of Lei Luo.

Lei Luo three compound eyes, gave her a light look.

"No change."

In thought, the other party seems to understand something.

"Oh? It seems that your Excellency is also a funny person. Unlike those vulgar guys, we will be able to socialize in the future. This is my mark."

She threw a scarlet tentacle to Rello.

After a slight glance, Rayloe understood the meaning of the other party, and at the same time not only sighed inwardly.

The bloodline information of these advanced monsters is too strong. With such a little bloodline remaining, the range of communication that can be performed is far more than the black crystal ball of the most advanced guardian of mankind.

In other words, as long as these monsters are willing, they can easily exchange information across distances, which is far beyond the scholars' ability.


Lei Luo has some similar strength to the development of the essence of the astral body, even stronger than that, so that he can cross the distance of the star screen and communicate with the real body of the body.

"If you will give her to me, I will accompany you tonight, how?"

At the moment, there was only one empty skin on the seat next to the monster, and the girl who had just been on the stone table dinner plate at the moment made a flirtatious provocative gesture. .

"No need, I still prefer real."

Rello stretched out a spider leg ~ ~ put the frightened desperate girl in her arms with a gravitational ripple, and only the softest and tenderest fluff here can guarantee that she will not be hurt.

Quite disappointed.

Changed a monster in the girl's skin, and returned to his seat again, no longer ignoring Lei Luo, took out the mirror and admired it again.

"Don't be afraid, I won't eat you."

The spider's claws touched her hair like a kitten, and Rello said softly.

The girl curled up in a ball and kept crying.

For her, these days are like hell.

After seeing the enthusiasm of the demons on the high platform, the Lei Cha evil eye king also noticed that Lei Luo, who had not eaten the girl, was a little surprised, and then he looked clear.

It seems that the rumor of the low status of the male human face spider in the family should be true.

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