Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 440: Pangu Lagu

"Get away from me!"

The giant tortoise roared, slapped it, and slapped towards the little one.

The physique of thousands of kilometers, the strong force seems to be connected with the earth.

The giant claw has not fallen yet, shrouded by the shadow of the sky and the sun, opening the real body of the ancient Hydra, he felt the endless pressure.

It is as if facing the oppression of the entire Pangula Highlands!

The ancient eight-headed snake transformed by Antonio is naturally not just a simple copy of the body structure of ancient creatures based on the magic material and energy.

As a pioneer of evolutionary scholars, he followed the scholar's research philosophy, through his personal knowledge and wisdom, based on the ancient biological body structure as a blueprint basis, to carry out the blessing of knowledge and wisdom, making scholars call existence above natural evolution.

in this way.

With a low roar, this ancient octopus's body surface gleamed with a strange crystal.

This layer of crystalline material seems to have some similarities to the structure of the 1024 Night Guardian of Rello.

But in comparison, it seems to be more mysterious. Obviously, Antonio spied on the evolutionary power of a powerful creature and built it with magic material.

Immediately after that, Antonio threw out the snake's tail and strove hard against the sunshade claws above his head.


Unbelievably amazing power, from the body surface of the real snake tail, it instantly invaded into the core bone made of black jade gold, and extended along the core bone to eight heads, Antonio at the junction of the eight real bodies of the giant snake. Snorted.

"This guy ... is worthy of the existence beyond the upper gods."

next moment.

With a bang, the ancient eight-headed snake was swept away by the giant turtle like a ball.

Relatively comparing this horrible volume of the ancient **** Pangu Laguo, Antonio who opened the real body said that it was a ball, it is not an exaggeration!

Rumble ...

Draw a few kilometers of gully on the ground.

But fortunately, the real body still maintains a good basic structure. Realizing that he is not an opponent of this terrorist creature at all, Antonio did not hesitate to use this force to escape outside the thunderstorm area.


The giant Pangu Lagu also froze for a moment.

The tenacity of this little thing exceeded its expectations.

Especially the evolutionary strength of its physique, although it is still far from its opponent, but it is unlikely that he wants to crush it with strength alone.

In other words, it already has the qualification to escape from its own hands.

In this way, although this guy is not as old as the ancient Hydra Emperor and the like, but among the ancient Baqi Serpents, he has already been regarded as the best.

For this existence, the giant tortoise did n’t want to offend too much, but it felt the intruder's breath on the tiny worm rescued by the other party, and the instinct to complete its self-mission, made it attack uncontrollably again.

It opened its huge mouth of nearly 100 meters!

Deep in the deep black throat, a near-substantial thunder light suddenly burst out. Although Lei Luo is only two or three meters in diameter, it is not worth mentioning the evil volume of the giant turtle itself, but for other creatures, It is already an incredible force.

"this is……"

The Antonio inside the law really felt bad.

call out!

Like an indestructible sword, the continuous thunder and arc rushed straight to the sky, and after splitting the vortex and thunder cloud in the sky, he slashed to Antonio on the ground.

And this is exactly the amazing scene that Raylow communicated when he woke up.

In the face of such an attack, even Antonio, who turned on his true state, felt his own powerlessness, and at the same time, the infinite greed and desire deep in his heart almost roared.

Obtaining its corpse specimen will inevitably bring the evolutionary academic research field into a new field!

The intelligence of Corleone's little guy makes some sense.

Relying on faith to become a god, the final result is probably only to condense yourself into a low-level catastrophic weapon. Compared with the body of the **** of belief, the biological specimen of the **** of world mission is probably the real way out for evolutionary scholars!

The eight-headed serpent greeted the thunder beam, ejected eight different energy attacks, and greeted the thunder arc.

Wind, fire, earth, water, ice, thunder, darkness, light.

The eight beams of energy are combined into one, especially the two skulls with the bursting light and the shadow of corrosion in the center, which are obviously more powerful than the other skulls!

But even so ...

Compared to the thundering arc that cut the sky, it was almost destructive, but it was a bit of a scorpion.

"The power of the Hydra Emperor is in the highly poisonous law that symbolizes weakness and death. Its debilitating properties can be almost infinitely superimposed, and even a congenital **** can be debilitated to a lower level creature. ? "


Seemingly seeing something, the giant tortoise's pupil looked slightly, and looked at the distant hillside behind Antonio, a small hill that was originally insignificant, and was also a creature under the power of his own destruction beam.

Similarly, even Antonio, who was shrouded in crisis, seemed to perceive this unknown power, and really had eight pairs of snake eyes staring hard.

this is……

A tiny human!

It is Lei Luo who has just completed a communication with the real body of the star!

It's just different from usual.

At this moment, Lei Luo has just finished contacting with the real body of the astral body. This essence avatar still carries some projection power, as if the real body of the astral body has reached the sky above the star curtain, and the power of the projection power is constantly coming. level!

Although this force can only be maintained for an extremely short period of time, it will continue to fade away, but even during this extremely short period of time, it is enough to make these two transcendental creatures in a state of fierce fighting look on their side.


Antonio recognized the genius scholar at a glance.

His birth shines like the sun, and the catastrophic weapons he has studied have completely created a new era, which has made the era of natural laws, evolutionary connotations, and practical technology created by scholars and those two people 800 years ago. Shengsheng raised an era!

But at this moment, he could perceive that the amazing power contained in Lei Luo seemed to be summoned from another place.

"This seems to be ... the power of sacrifice?"

This genius scholar was actually a sacrifice of an unknown god?

This is ridiculous!

How can natural science truths be compatible with theological beliefs! !

But unlike Antonio.

The huge vertical pupils of the ancient **** Pangu Lagu seemed to see something completely different.

Even when Lei Luo ended the contact with the body, there was only a moment, it still secretly peeped into a huge creature similar to itself through the power projected from the distant time and space.

It exudes endless heat, huge and heavy.

Although it is still very young and young, the mission it carries seems to be more noble than itself.

The lofty mission means that the other party has stronger potential, is more in line with the natural laws of the world's roots, and is closer to the existence of an ideal savior!

Thinking of this, Pangula giant tortoise suddenly closed his mouth and ended his divine attack, otherwise his attack would probably involve the projection of this innocent innate god.

But even so, some of Thunder's remaining power is still devastating!

Antonio, who wanted to retreat to avoid the attack, suddenly recognized the purpose of this trip after recognizing Rello.

If you let him die in front of you in this way, it is not just Corleone who can't justify it. The kings and the fellows of the Glencoe Academy are also difficult to explain!

Thinking of this, Antonio forcibly stopped.

"It's all right, take a peel here."

He murmured to himself, this eight-headed serpent looked up and hysterically sprayed the essence energy in the body, blocking most of the thunder beam power for Reynolds.

Even the thunder beam that Pangu Lagu has stopped, is still not what Antonio can resist. In the gaze of Rello, who has just woke up, the horror beam is slashing towards the octopus in front of him.


The original first reaction of Lei Luo was to try his best to escape from the giant tortoise's thunder. The eight-headed snake that was transformed by Antonio was concerned about him. Although he could not confirm the identity of the other party, he still had the heart A little speculation, staring at the other side of this horrible beam of thunder will cover it, and Lei Luo roared, and stopped.

Ok! ?

Antonio clearly didn't expect that Raylo would be like this.

The pupil of the sun in the left eye rotates frantically, which is the law power of the physical properties of Rallo. With the flaming flame ignited around Rallo, the high temperature and high heat instantly activate the physics of the first gold-plated magic guide substance that Rello holds The nature of the law is that the soil rises and floats at any time within tens of square meters in all directions.

The face was gritty, and Lei Luo's sleeves fluttered.

"Gravitational magnetic field!"

Click, click, click, click!

The huge earth and stone cube completed four folds in a short time in front of Rello, and the volume was instantly concentrated to one-sixteenth, turning into a black solid substance with an astonishing degree of hardness, forming an absolute defense above the head.

Perceiving the power controlled by Lei Luo, the ancient eight-headed snake with a body of nearly 100 meters stared at this solid material that collapsed and compressed by the gravitational magnetic field, revealing the color of surprise and expectation.

Maybe you can save yourself a skin?

Zi ...

But as a light blue shimmer gleamed from the center of this solid material, Antonio instantly turned from expectation to disappointment. After his eyes were empty, the eight heads made a posture of solidarity.

"Even if the four-level gravity law collapses and compresses matter, it can't resist it?"

The fierce face of Lei Luo, after the pupil of the sun in the left eye recovered, was replaced by the pupil of the moon in the right eye.

The power of the natural laws of the astral body!

"The Technique of Siphoning!"

Facing this last remnant beam of thunder, Lei Luo used the sky above his head to communicate with the power of natural law. The last remaining communication channel used the body to display the siphon technique, rather than relying on super stars and the star screen world all the time. Astrology siphons power.

Rumble, Rumble, Rumble ...

Thunderlight enveloped Lei Luo, together with the bottoms of several peaks and valleys thousands of kilometers behind him, submerged and split a long canyon.

"Huh, Huh, Huh ..."

The thunder gradually dissipated at first glance, and with a slight gasp, the diffuse dust calmed down and looked out. Except for the land within a few tens of meters behind Lei Luo ’s body, the rest of the land was still intact, and the other was absorbed by the siphon technique Everywhere seemed to be cut off by a sharp blade.

Embarrassed, Lei Luo fell to the ground with one hand, barely looking up at the towering giant in the distance.

"who are you?"

Being watched by such horrible creatures, this is undoubtedly the strongest creature in the star screen world that Raylow has seen!

It is like a giant mountain in the distance, with a terrifying physique that stretches to the end of vision.

Rello took a deep breath.

"My name, Lei Luoxing."

This is not that Lei Luo communicates in human language, but introduces himself with the trace of his own real body law attribute and the nature of the law divine personality.

The giant tortoise nodded silently, glanced at the other side of the ancient eight-headed snake that had emerged from the ground and stood beside Lei Luo.


Antonio in the real body, staring at Rello, who was still unmoved despite the embarrassment, looked at the gully left on the ground by the power of Pangu Lagu, and clenched his wand, his eyelids jumped wildly.

He had just left Pangu Lagu, the **** of thunder beam attack, leaving a snakeskin avatar.

"Educated guy."

Realizing the unusual relationship between the two, the giant tortoise stared at the upright and slowly said: "My name, the ancient **** Pangu Lagu."

The self-introduction of the giant tortoise is also not a language or mental power, but a trace of the nature of the law, or the breath of the divine attribute.

In Raylo's feelings.

He seemed to see an ancient phoenix in the eyes of the vast star-screen wind.

This is its ... mission?

Do not.

This is not a simple eye.

In the deeper experience of Lei Luo, the opponent he saw was not a wind eye with a thick wind wall, but a wind eye with a large buffer area, which means that the mission of the other side is not just Pan Gu In the highlands, its buffer area even covers parts of the European Empire, the Principality, the thorn forest, the Hengduan Mountains, and the Death Marsh.

Is this the foundation of the existence of many aliens enslaved by the ancient Guran civilization?

It turned out that there is such a secret in the land of the star curtain.

"Rello, I'm Antonio. Although the existence behind you seems to have something to do with it, this guy is not a normal existence. Let's leave here as soon as possible."

Antonio in the real body murmured lowly and communicated to Lei Luo in a spiritual connection.

Sure enough it was him!


Lei Luo responded in a low voice, while watching the giant tortoise, along with the ancient Hydra that was transformed by Antonio, slowly retreated to the distance until he completely left the Thundercloud area.

At this time, Lei Luo noticed that, due to the aftermath of the ancient giant Pangu Lagu, he inadvertently enveloped the vast area behind him, and the ground was cracked by a deep trench with a depth of more than 30 meters.

The Garu tribe stationed at the edge of the thunderstorm is actually in the ancient giant thunder beam.

"what happened?"

Noting that Rello stopped a bit, Antonio asked.

"Nothing ~ ~ It seems that there is no plan to go down and help the remaining Garu tribe. Relo's voice is cold, and as Antonio continues to fly away.


After a long time.

Antonio finally let out a sigh of relief and glanced deeply at Lei Luo, and said in a low voice: "This guy doesn't even want the light **** to easily provoke, it seems that the existence behind you is not easy."


Raylow frowned, not knowing how to explain it.

Antonio did not question Raylo because of this, which is also the essential difference between scholars and clergy. There is no so-called heresy between scholars.

Scholars are undoubtedly more inclusive and respect the evolutionary mysteries of every explorer.

"Come on, let me look at your curse first. Corleone says you have a specimen of a different world creature? Well, also, Your Majesty asked me to take you back as soon as possible."

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