Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 406: 2 times real body

The grimace on the back of the giant beetle also looked to the sky Haoyue.

The moon, which was supposed to be a pale **** moon, in both eyes, was constantly brightening, like the sun in the night!

This seems to be a very large coverage attack.

Covering the incredible range of the layer, the surrounding temperature is rising sharply.

At this moment, Lei Luo finally reacted, a deep shock in his eyes, and watched all this happen.

This attack mode is actually the ultimate academic in his own fantasy!

Using a huge mirror to refract the sun rays in the center of the universe, expose the baking ground, destroy the temple beliefs, and defeat the so-called creator miracles.

And now!

The moon in the sky is only rotated by some angles, so that it can use some of its physical attributes to refract the sunlight and cover it to this side.

"This is the powerful power that Superstars have? The goal is yourself? Impossible! With the power of the Wind Spirit Clan, how could it be possible for those Superbody Stars ... wait, is it the essence of stars !?"

As a derivative, Raylo certainly knows the goals of those superstars.

the other side,

The giant beetle exasperated: "Damn, I'm going to hide below!"

It said to Rello: "It is the attack of those **** invaders, there is no natural law shelter, and long-term exposure to this ray will affect our health."

After that, it bounced and dived towards the ground, trying to return to the protective layer of natural law.


Lei Luo did not know what the probability of encountering such a powerful creature here, but at this moment, under the special sun light, although it did not have any discomfort for a while, even the originally weak flame of the surface had received some supplementary increase, but He didn't want to take risks.

"what happened?"

"As you can see, although I have unparalleled strength, it is very inconvenient to move. If you are willing to help me leave here, I am willing to pay some price!"

"Sorry, I have accepted the call and have my own mission to complete, I can't help you anymore!"

After that, the giant beetle bounced again and disappeared completely.

time flies.

The sun roasted by exposure and baking lasted for a year!

According to Lei Luo's estimate, the area covered by the attack has at least the range of the Principality's land, which means that Lei Luo's real body has barely crossed the distance of the Principality's land for one year.

The cosmic sun rays contain many harmful properties.

The natural laws of the surface of the star screen world, although it filters out some harmful attributes of the sun rays, they cannot cover up the physical attributes of the sun rays themselves, that is, the temperature brought about by them.

As an evolutionary scholar, Lei Luo clearly knows the fragility of creatures.

Every time the climate increases by 1c, there will be an average of 300 species of extinction each year, and this degree of sunlight refraction, the surface temperature has increased by at least 15c!

Fortunately, below this is the furnace desert.

If it is a land of stars, the consequences are unimaginable.

The speed of the real body of Lei Luo's star was too slow. It took a full year to barely cross the territory of the Principality and escape from the sun of the superstar.

Such a speed ...

If you want to return to the sky above the star screen, I am afraid that there will be at least ten years.

After this year of cultivation, the Xingzheng body has initially recovered, the three-phase rat has successfully reproduced, and the natural law of Lei Luoxing has been initially bred. Like the tree of truth, the second real body can be initially separated from the body.

"Xiao Bai, I'm going back first. If the time is right, the war between the dark world and the Holy See should have officially begun, and the cataclysm of the night has not yet been ascertained. I can't worry about Lola.


Xiaobai looked at Lei Luo and said: "Depending on your second real body weakness now? Below is the Furnace Desert Storm of Death!"

Rello didn't care.

"Insulation clothes can protect me from the death storm, as long as there is no problem with the progress of the real body, as the natural laws continue to improve, my second real body is getting stronger and stronger. In ten years, even the second real body The advent state should also be sufficient to reach the previous level of power. "

After half an hour's time.

Alpha death storm covered, a small figure fell to the ground in the vast furnace desert between the night and star curtain.


Gravel splashed.

After a while, he slowly stood up, it was Lei Luo.

During the death storm, the wide bureaucratic uniforms transformed by the power of insulation kept undulating ripples to protect the inside of Raylo from harm.

He narrowed his eyes and discerned the direction. It took him a while to confirm his position coordinates.

"Hopefully the war has not spread to the Principality."


Under the gravel evading the death storm, a Voldemort suddenly attacked.

This fierce beast covered with heavy scale armor is far from being comparable to that of the Warcraft of the Star Screen. The fangs of the fangs occupy almost half of the body length, which is terrible!

But fortunately, this fierce beast's power level is only equivalent to a first-class creature, even with the current power of Reiluo.

Untouched, Lei Luo's left pupil of the sun flickered.

This murderous creature in the air ~ ~ The body seems to have infinite gravity, and the gravel is wrapped in all directions, and in the blink of an eye it becomes a sand ball, floating in the air.

Click, click!

The monster mouth continually opened and closed, slamming towards Lei Luo.

"I am not afraid of me?"

The cruel eyes of the scholar dissecting the specimen did not affect the murderous creature at all, it was still struggling.

"Unfortunately, there is really no research value."

Shaking his head, he held "Mithril Sealed Dust" in his left hand, and as Rello's right hand gently flipped open, the twisted rune covered the sand ball, and the struggling creatures gradually calmed down.

He looked down at his right hand.

"At this stage, although the power of the second real body is only barely reaching the level of biological level, fortunately, it can continue to provide energy support through the real body, and as the natural laws of the real body of the star continue to improve, the power of this real body is also Will get stronger and stronger. "

He buckled the book lightly and retracted it to the junior college uniform.

After a moment.


As Raleigh's figure gradually disappeared into the depths of the death storm, the sand ball floating in the air broke apart, exposing the mummy-like dried body inside.


at the same time.

Listener zz1387262, responsible for monitoring the coordinates of Raylo's derived spells, reported the latest situation of Raylo to the Chief Executive.

"The target has returned to the energy cage, and no suitable chaser has been found yet!"

"Got it, keep monitoring and report at any time."

With the Chief Executive's account, everything returned to calm again, leaving only the low murmur of zz1387262.

"It actually persisted under stellar ray deterrent attack for a year before returning to the energy prison to hide. What kind of monster is this?

The emotional sigh lasted only for a moment, and he was again engaged in boring and boring monitoring work.

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